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About the Author

Robert J. Davis, PH.D., is an award-winning health journalist whose work has appeared on CNN, PBS, WebMD, and in The Wall Street Journal. The president of Everwell, he hosts its myth-busting "Healthy Skeptic" videos, viewed by millions each month. Brad Kolowich, Jr. is a certified personal trainer show more whose celebrity-packed client list includes actors, athletes, and TV personalities. He has been featured in fitness magazines and recognized as one of the "Best Bodies of Atlanta." show less

Works by Robert J. Davis


Common Knowledge




This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
This book did a good job at breaking down the different diet culture lies and explaining why they are lies. It would be great for someone who doesn’t mind reading a textbook. It just wasn’t my cup of tea
Willispahela | 11 other reviews | Feb 23, 2023 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
It is extremely confusing in today's world how to lose weight. I'm positive that most dieters feel the same way. There are countless books, all countering what the other books say to eat or do. Supersized Lies highlights many different diets claiming weight loss and discusses the pros and cons of each diet. There are common myths explored to see if they are fact or fiction. I can tell there is a lot of research gone into this book. However, I'll be honest and say that this book is a difficult read. The person reading this book is trying to find a no-nonsense way to lose weight. Finally. But this book feels more like a discussion of the pros and cons of dieting different methods and focusing on common sense to break through the lies out there. In the end I didn't learn anything new to help me achieve my goals. For example the book states that the eating pattern best for our health is a plant-based diet and goes on to describe poultry and fish to be part of that diet. That's not a plant-based diet if there's meat involved. So I don't feel like I got much help from the book. However, I do appreciate the common sense approach to break through fad diets that come and go and can sometimes be seriously harmful.… (more)
Haws_Academy | 11 other reviews | Apr 4, 2022 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
Supersized Lies by Robert J. Davis
The only reason I don't give the book 5 stars because the book didn't give me the magical solution to weight loss. I purchased a while back a years membership to an online program to lose weight. Most of what they presented was information on what works and doesn't work for multiple approaches to weight loss. Robert J. Davis does the same at a cheaper price while making the information a little more accessible. It is a common sense book explaining the pros and cons for many of the approached to weight loss used today with researched and anecdotal evidence At the end giving practical do's and don'ts for each chapter.
It is well written and easy to follow. So if you are interested in getting an up to date overview of dieting today, I highly recommend the book.
… (more)
twolfe360 | 11 other reviews | Nov 23, 2021 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
Supersized Lies by Robert J. Davis was well written in everyday language. He carefully explains why most diets don't work. I just wish there was more that did work. The best advice he gives is to eat a healthy diet without a lot of processed foods and to exercise for the health benefits, not to lose weight. All his assertions are well documented with the backup research.
Antares1 | 11 other reviews | Nov 15, 2021 |



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