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Eric de Chassey

Author of Bridget Riley

36+ Works 112 Members 4 Reviews

About the Author

Works by Eric de Chassey

Bridget Riley (2019) 16 copies, 1 review
Bridget Riley : Paintings 1963-2015 (2016) — Author — 8 copies
Images en lutte (2018) 3 copies
Minimal to the Max (2003) 3 copies

Associated Works

Plant Drawings (2002) — Contributor — 17 copies
Bridget Riley : Learning from Seurat (2015) — Contributor — 9 copies, 2 reviews
La mine en procès - Fouquières-lès-Lens, 1970 (2023) — Collaboration; Collaboration — 2 copies


Common Knowledge



Si la constitution des collections muséales et l'histoire de l'art des XXe et XXIe siècles ont mis en valeur la figure de l'invention et de l'originalité, la répétition y est également un mode de création majeur, quoique généralement laissé dans l'ombre. Nombre d'artistes, et non des moindres, procèdent en effet essentiellement par accumulation, redoublement ou recommencement.Cet ouvrage, accompagnant l'exposition "La Répétition", propose une traversée inédite de la collection du Cnetre Pompidou, à travers 50 oeuvres choisies par Eric de Chassey, commissaire invité… (more)
petervanbeveren | Jun 1, 2023 |
The exhibition at the Hayward Gallery was a really great retrospective with lots of fantastic work spanning decades. Her paintings are miracles. This book is lovely and well produced, and a nice reminder of it. The essays are interesting though some of them do cover similar ground but I always learn something reading about Bridget Riley's work and methods.
AlisonSakai | Apr 13, 2021 |
Europunk: The Visual Culture Of Punk In Europe catalogues the extraordinary exhibition of artwork under the same name, inspired by European punk rock between 1976 and 1980. Hosted at Villa Medici, the French Academy in Rome, the critically acclaimed exhibition beautifully showcased the innovative energy of this artistic revolution. This catalogue preserves this energy in style with a vibrant array of visual material from the exhibition including fanzines, posters, clothes, paintings, objects, record covers and flyers.
The book focuses on the visual culture of Punk in Europe in the second half of the 1970s and the simultaneous appearance of an alternative way of creating and using images in England and France. This fascinating story is told through the work of legendary graphic designers, illustrators, and agitators such as Jamie Reid, Malcolm McLaren and Bazooka, a team consisting of Olivia Clavel, Kiki Picasso, Loulou Picasso, Ti-5 Dur and Bernard Vidal.
Guiding you along this journey is the curator, Eric de Chassey, director of the French Academy in Rome, and Fabrice Stroun, Director of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Geneva alongside contributors Jon Savage – author of England’s Dreaming, and Jerry Goossens – Dutch journalist.
… (more)
petervanbeveren | Mar 31, 2019 |

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