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20+ Works 1,787 Members 3 Reviews

About the Author

Donald B. DeYoung is a scientist, author, and chairman of the science and mathematics department at Grace College in Winona Lake, Indiana. He is the author of several books on science and the Bible and speaks on creation, detailing how the intricacies of nature are a powerful testimony to the show more Creator's care for mankind. Don serves as president of the Creation Research Society, a worldwide group of scientists who promote biblical creation. show less
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Works by Donald B. DeYoung

Associated Works

The Expanse of Heaven: Where Creation & Astronomy Intersect (2017) — Foreword, some editions — 19 copies


Common Knowledge




In Dinosaurs and Creation: Question and Answers author Donald B. De Young shows that “evolution is not the only explanation for the existence and death of dinosaurs. He uses a question-and-answer format, supplemented by tables and figures, to offer the creationist explanation.” Some of the fifty questions asked include what happened to dinosaurs?, what sounds did dinosaurs make?, why were dinosaurs so large?, and why aren’t human or modern animal fossils found with dinosaur fossils? This is found on the library shelves under the number 213/DEY.… (more)
salem.colorado | 1 other review | Aug 7, 2022 |
There many different audiences who would benefit from reading this book: Young Earth Creationists who are interested in scientific facts with which to bolster their faith and ability to defend God's Word. Those of a technical mind with an interest in geology, especially geology from a catastrophic viewpoint (Noah's Flood). And finally, anyone who believes the Earth has been PROVEN to be billions of years old by radiometric dating. Can radiometric dating be trusted on rocks when we don't know the age of the rock beforehand?

This book is the summary of 8 years of work by the group called Radioisotopes And The age of the Earth (RATE). Just one example involves Andesite samples from New Zealand known to be 25-50 years old. Radioisotope dates come back anywhere between 270,000 years for Potassium-Argon to 3.9 BILLION years for Lead-Lead dating.

Other topics covered are Carbon-14, Radiohalos, Fission tracks, Helium retention in zirzons, theories of nuclear decay, and a statistical survey of the Genesis creation account revealing whether it was written as historical, or poetry.
… (more)
BubbaCoop | Mar 20, 2008 |
It is refreshing to read thoughts from an author who believes that God spoke the world into existence by the word of His power, and that in six literal 24 hour days.
1 vote
yangguy | 1 other review | Jun 19, 2007 |

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