Author picture

R.A. Dick (1898–1979)

Author of The Ghost and Mrs. Muir

9+ Works 616 Members 30 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Works by R.A. Dick

The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1945) 407 copies, 26 reviews
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir [1947 film] (1947) — Author — 182 copies, 3 reviews
The Devil and Mrs. Devine (1974) 16 copies, 1 review
Bruiloftsmars 4 copies
Vozes na casa 3 copies
Unpainted portrait (1954) 1 copy

Associated Works

Number 14 Joy Street (1936) — Contributor; Illustrator — 2 copies


Common Knowledge



One of the few times I can say the movie (with Gene Tierney and Rex Harrison) is really better than the book. Still, a quick read, but the writing didn't age well. Seems rushed and stilted.

Oddly, I didn't know there was also a sitcom (1968) based on the story, too. It's available on YouTube. I watched the pilot, just out of curiosity. I'm surprised it made it two seasons.
JamesMikealHill | 25 other reviews | Jan 3, 2025 |
3.75/5 I adored the movie as a teenager. The dialogue of the saucy sea captain was a delight to read, as was the relationship that develops between Mrs. Muir and her captain ghost. The movie followed the book fairly well, and I totally applaud the movie for leaving out the dreaded son, Cyril. A quick read at
crabbyabbe | 25 other reviews | Oct 18, 2024 |
In a land far, far away, there was once a young girl who saw a delightful movie with Rex Harrison and Gene Tierney, that stole her heart and peeked her imagination and set some fairly unrealistic ideas of what love is or at least can be. While browsing library shelves this week, what should that young girl, turned older lady, come across but the book from which that lovely movie sprang. Couldn’t resist.

It is a lovely little book, more a novella than a novel. It was exactly the break I needed, having just read several mammoth and weighty books. It was serendipity and oddly enough, I could spot every point at which the movie differed from the book (and I last saw that movie over 35 years ago). At moments like these I wish I had the ability to stream movies so that I could run out somewhere and find this one. Still, the sweetness of the book, coupled with the memories that keep playing in my mind, are entirely sufficient to make this a very pleasant interlude. Off I go to the next book that must be read...but, I do thank the spirits of the library for plopping this one, unsought, into my hands.
… (more)
mattorsara | 25 other reviews | Aug 11, 2022 |
It's been years since I saw the movie so my memories of it are a bit hazy. However, I do find the novel to be really good. I especially love the idea that narrow-minded people that don't care about others can't hear the captain's voice. They are shut off spiritually.

I've wanted to read the books for years and I'm glad to say that the book was just as good as I hoped it to be. Now I want to re-watch the movie! I recommend this book warmly.
MaraBlaise | 25 other reviews | Jul 23, 2022 |



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