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22 Works 562 Members 9 Reviews

About the Author

Michael Downey has taught theology and spirituality at universities and seminaries in North America and abroad. Schooled in the spirituality of Jean Vanier and I'Arche, his abiding concern for the wounded and marginalized has led him to serve those most in need through conferences and retreats show more throughout the world. He is author of Altogether Gift: A Trinitarian Spirituality. show less

Works by Michael Downey

Altogether Gift: A Trinitarian Spirituality (2000) 110 copies, 1 review
Trappist: Living in the Land of Desire (1997) 59 copies, 2 reviews
Introduction to Law Firm Practice (2010) 6 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge



This book opens up for us the world of Jean Vanier and his communities for mentally handicapped people.
PendleHillLibrary | Nov 3, 2023 |
from cover

My Song Is of Mercy is a collection of the writings of Matthew Kelty. Mostly sermons preached during the 70s, 80s, and 90s at the Abbey of Gethsemani, this volume also includes a revised edition of his popular Flute Solo. Readers who loved his reflections while living as a solitary in Papua New Guinea (Flute Solo) will heartily welcome this collection.

Covering a vast array of topics-from monastic architecture to the rising cost of a small cup of coffee at McDonald's-Fr. Matthew's words evoke a recognition of God's abundant mercy encompassing the life of each and every person. All who are interested in the spiritual life, the life of prayer, will find wisdom for the journey in these words of a monk who has listened long and lovingly to the beating of the heart of God.

Matthew Kelty, OCSO, has been a monk of the Abbey of Gethsemani, Trappist, KY, since 1960. A novice of Thomas Merton's from 1960-62, Fr. Matthew is also author of Sermons in a Monastery (Cistercian Publications, 1983).

Michael Downey is Associate Professor of Theology at Bellarmine College in Louisville, KY, and editor of the award-winning The New Dictionary of Catholic Spiritually (LIturgical Press/Glazier, 1993).


Editor's Introduction
Note from the author
Part I Flute Solo
Flute Solo
Olive Garden
Piedmont Interlude
Solstitial Ring
Sea Route
Papua New Guina
One Way
The Monastic Influence
Teh Destroying Angel
The Virgin
The Company
Primal Water
Easter Sunrise
Part II Talks and Sermons
1 If I had my life to live over
2 Blessing fields
3 Dreams and visions and voices
4 Knock your socks off Christianity
5 The hiddne groukng of love
6 No poison this mercy
7 Of word and symbol
8 Saint Benedict's day
9 Funeral for Father Peter
10 Two men went up to the temple to pray
11 Expectations overturned
12 Week of prayer for Chiritian unity
13 Sts. Robert, Alberic, Stephen
14 Lazarus raised
15 On dom James
16 Peter's Confession
17 All souls
18 Houses and homes
19 Losers get prizes, too
20 L vierge enceinte
21 For Eric
22 Mother's day
23 The monastery sings a song
24 Sts. Peter and Paul
25 Feeding the multitude
26 Brother Charles' golden jubilee
27 The book of hours
28 The great day
29 Thanksgiving Day
30 Immaculate conception
31 Dreaming
32 Bad press, good news
33 Everything I have is yours
34 For Charlie
35 Grace
36 Abundant Mercy
37 Evil's return
38 Gratefulness
39 Immaculate conception B.V.M.
40 Elitist entitlement
41 Being n relation
42 Mockery
43 Ascension Thursday
44 About half my life
45 O angels and bears
46 A monk's view of ascetism
47 All hallows
48 Times
49 Premonition
50 The pansy sermon
51 In heaven, all will be Catholic
52 The sacred brought to speech
53 Priests and people
54 Veterans day
55 Christmas eve
56 Be not ashamed
57 Beatitude
58 Remembering the Monk Lavrans
59 Just one thing after another
60 John the Baptist
61 Chasms
62 Interdependence
63 Back in the saddle
64 Abbot Timothy
65 Annunciation
66 The 36th day
67 How we do need love
68 Nobody mentioned rosary
69 Christmas midnight mass
… (more)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
This poetic book on the Trinity offers reflections on the inter-personal dimensions of God and spells out the implications for spiritual life. While recent studies on the Trinity converge on the profoundly relational character of the mystery, less attention has been given to the way in which language of the Trinity speaks to the deepest desires of the human heart, the region of wound and wisdom wherein we long for loving communion with God and others.

Michael Downey shows us that the doctrine of the Trinity is a grammar by which Christians speak of the ineffable mystery of God's constant, eternal giving as gift. By accepting this gift we participate in the divine life.… (more)
StFrancisofAssisi | Jul 11, 2019 |
In every age, in each culture, Christians must be prepared to explain the reason for their hope (1 Peter 3: 15). We live in a profoundly disruptive and disorienting age. On every street, behind every other door, lives someone who is deeply disheartened if not actually despairing. This may be brought on by the awareness of massive and meaningless death, the randomness of violence, the onset of early illness, the loss of a loved one or a job or a sense of meaning and value. For our times, there may be nothing more important than hope. Yet hope of the deepest kind seems hard to come by. This session will focus on hope as an openness to possibility that can only come as a gift.… (more)
jolib | Jul 11, 2018 |

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