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Joe Ducie

Author of The Rig

16 Works 238 Members 21 Reviews


Works by Joe Ducie


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This book took me forever to finish. I really liked the premise of the story, but had a really hard time reading the meat of it.
Jennaray7 | 9 other reviews | Nov 22, 2024 |
The Rig is actually an oil drilling platform that has been turned into a prison for incorrigible teens. Will Drake, who has made a career out of escaping from the most inescapable prisons in the world, has been assigned to The Rig. Almost immediately, Will runs afoul of several inmates and some of the guards as well. His cellmate, Tristan, has already been on The Rig for more than a year. Will learns early on that the electronic tracker on his wrist is going to make escape from this prison tricky; not to mention the fact that The Rig is surrounded by the Arctic Ocean and is miles away from land. However, if there is one thing that Will has learned, it is that no place is inescapable.
This book was a very interesting story reminiscent of the Lockdown series, but with a supernatural twist that shows up about half way through the book. The main characters are not unique or unusual in any way, but they are likable enough to make them people to root for. Overall, a fun adventure that can be enjoyed at any age.
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ftbooklover | 9 other reviews | Oct 12, 2021 |
After having escaped from a few juvie prisons, 15-year old Will Drake is sent to maximum security version on a remote oil rig. Will narrowly escapes a confrontation with the prison bully, and is assigned the worst possible job, mucking the pipes. However, he defends his cellmate, who in turn helps Will remove his tracking device so Will can work on his escape plan as well as discover what the privately-owned prison operator is really doing in its remote location. I liked the backstories of the characters, but found Will's character very uneven. 3.5 stars.… (more)
skipstern | 9 other reviews | Jul 11, 2021 |
A good collection of 16 stories with some anti-heroes. As usual when I read an anthology, there are a few stories I don't care for, but the better ones outnumbered the bad in this collection. Several of them I wouldn't mind seeing in a novel possibly, as the story would just grip my attention.
Ralphd00d | May 4, 2021 |


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