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Church of England

Author of The Book of Common Prayer

685+ Works 6,696 Members 28 Reviews 3 Favorited

About the Author

Image credit: Nave, Caterbury Cathedral. Image by Jim Bowen / Flickr.


Works by Church of England

The Book of Common Prayer (1552) 369 copies, 2 reviews
The Alternative Service Book 1980 (1980) — Author — 280 copies, 2 reviews
The Book of Common Prayer [CofE 1979] (2000) 203 copies, 1 review
The Book of Common Prayer: 1662 Version (1662) 182 copies, 3 reviews
Hymns Ancient and Modern Revised (1950) 157 copies, 1 review
Patterns for Worship (1989) 47 copies
The Mystery of Salvation (1996) 43 copies
An English Prayer Book (1994) 34 copies
We Believe in God (1987) 29 copies, 1 review
Funeral (2000) 28 copies
Church and the Bomb (1982) 24 copies
The Book of Common Prayer (1998) 24 copies
Eucharistic Presidency (1997) 16 copies
Book of Homilies (2008) 16 copies
Anglican hymn book (1965) 16 copies
Ageing (1990) 13 copies
The Shorter Prayer Book (1947) 7 copies
The Revised Catechism (1996) 6 copies
Sunday Service Book (1988) 6 copies
Resourcing Archbishops (2002) 5 copies
Modern liturgical texts (1968) 4 copies
From Power to Partnership (1991) 4 copies
Setting the Agenda (1999) 3 copies
The Thirty-Nine Articles (2012) 3 copies
Work and the Future (GS) (1979) 3 copies
Articles of Religion (2018) 3 copies
Church Services 3 copies
Common Prayer 2 copies
Common Prayer Hymns A&M (1920) 2 copies
Making Unity More Visible (2002) 2 copies
The Revised Catechism (1996) 2 copies
Christmas Carols (1959) 1 copy
Happy Birthday Anyway! (1995) 1 copy
CEBS song book (1972) 1 copy
Pre-conceived Ideas (1996) 1 copy
The Anglican Ordinal (2010) 1 copy
Funeral services (1975) 1 copy
The Anglican Missal (2014) 1 copy

Associated Works


Anglican (436) Anglican worship (27) Anglicanism (128) Bible (29) Book of Common Prayer (241) Christian (87) Christianity (394) church (52) Church of England (251) CL (33) CofE (42) Common Worship (78) coronation (35) Devotional (37) Episcopal (102) Episcopal Church (101) Episcopalian (31) Folio Society (33) Hymnal (58) Hymns (74) lectionary (74) Liturgical Books (28) Liturgy (973) Ministry (34) music (79) non-fiction (107) office (26) prayer (328) prayer book (222) prayers (35) Psalms (31) reference (76) religion (633) religious (32) Sacraments (28) spirituality (45) Theology (148) to-read (27) Worship (193) z (60)

Common Knowledge

Other names
Church of England,
Country (for map)




Basically an essential companion if you want to understand how the Reformation turned out in England. More compact and weighs less than the Bible!
datrappert | Oct 28, 2022 |
This is a sensible edition of the texts of The Book of Common Prayer that were edited in 1549, 1559, and 1662. It's far better as a reference work than a commentary. More on that later.

The Good: The quality of this volume is what you would expect from Oxford, but at a more reasonable price— attractively bound and printed. The texts themselves are accurate and the editorial choices made by Cummings are considered. Cummings wisely refuses to fall into the trap of reproducing original spellings of the texts (there are numerous variants in early Modern English), but hews closely to the original punctuation.

The Bad: The Propers for the Day (the Collects, Epistles, and Gospels) are not included. This appears to have been a compromise to prevent the book from getting too unwieldy. A far worse gaffe is the Introduction. Cummings' theology presents several serious problems. One is that he is trapped in the modern conundrum of thinking that Protestant is the opposite of Catholic. Another is the notion that 'the Prayer Book was written in “the ordinary language of its time”', a rather severe error. The concept of the Reformation as a return to primitive Christianity, and the corresponding claim to the patristic *consensus fidelium*, is foreign to him.

I wanted badly to give this book five stars when I obtained a copy, but it was not to be. I feel that this would be especially valuable for non-Anglicans who probably do not have the three included BCP texts as separate volumes, and are better read on the Reformation sources. It is less valuable to serious Anglicans who may have the English Prayer Book Society's edition of 1549 and 1552 in one volume, and John Booty's scholarly edition of 1559. If you have those books, you won't need this. Otherwise, I recommend it.
… (more)
wyclif | Sep 22, 2021 |
1662. What else need be said? Although published a century on, this is basically the work of Thomas Cranmer. A triumph of the English language, and deserves to be read even by those who don't believe, purely as a work of literature.
JacobKirckman | 2 other reviews | Nov 9, 2020 |
Edition statements and dates confusing and contradictory
ME_Dictionary | 2 other reviews | Mar 20, 2020 |


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