Picture of author.

Sarah Diemer

Author of The Dark Wife

81+ Works 897 Members 59 Reviews 2 Favorited

About the Author

Disambiguation Notice:

Bridget Essex formerly wrote under the names Elora Bishop and S.E./Sarah Diemer.


Works by Sarah Diemer

The Dark Wife (2011) 292 copies, 11 reviews
The Witch Sea (2012) 72 copies, 8 reviews
A Knight to Remember (2014) 47 copies, 2 reviews
Twixt (2013) — Author — 39 copies, 2 reviews
Love Devours: Tales of Monstrous Adoration (2012) 21 copies, 1 review
Sugar Moon (2011) 14 copies, 1 review
Wolf Town (2014) 14 copies, 1 review
Hallow's Eve (2011) 14 copies, 1 review
Forever and a Knight (2015) 13 copies, 1 review
Cage the Darlings (2011) 12 copies, 1 review
Far 12 copies
The Protector (2014) 11 copies
Date Knight (2015) 10 copies, 1 review
A Wolf for the Holidays (2014) 10 copies, 1 review
Once Upon a Hallow's Eve (2011) 9 copies, 1 review
A Dark and Stormy Knight (2017) 9 copies
Ragged 8 copies
Raised by Wolves (2016) 8 copies, 1 review
Under Her Spell (2017) 8 copies
Alpha (2017) 8 copies
Just One Knight (2017) 7 copies
One Solstice Night (2011) 7 copies, 1 review
Big, Bad Wolf (2016) 6 copies, 1 review
The Longing (2017) 6 copies, 1 review
The Guardian Angel (2015) 6 copies, 1 review
Wolf Queen (2015) 6 copies, 1 review
The Bone Girl 6 copies
The Bodyguard (2018) 5 copies
Dark Angel (2014) 5 copies
Myth, Magic and Glitter (2013) 5 copies
Falling for Summer (2015) 5 copies, 1 review
Wolf Heart (2015) 4 copies, 1 review
Holly and the Winter Queen 4 copies, 1 review
The Forever Star 4 copies, 1 review
One Imbolc Gloaming (2013) 4 copies, 1 review
Protect Her (2018) 4 copies, 1 review
A Wolf for Valentine's Day (2015) 4 copies, 1 review
One Ostara Sunrise (2013) 4 copies, 1 review
Beauty and the Wolf (2017) 4 copies, 1 review
Hot Blooded (2019) 4 copies
Cry Wolf (2017) 3 copies
Seek 3 copies, 1 review
Don't Say Goodbye (2014) 3 copies
We Grow Accustomed to the Dark 3 copies, 1 review
Eternal Thief (2014) 3 copies
The Benevolence Tales, Volume 1 (2013) 3 copies, 1 review
Wolf Pack (2016) 2 copies
The Wolf Diaries (2018) 2 copies
The Halloween Party (2014) 2 copies
Thief of Hearts (2017) 2 copies
Memory (2019) 2 copies
Eternal Dance 2 copies
Rose Witch 2 copies
The Christmas Wolf (2015) 2 copies, 1 review
Howl for the Holidays (2016) 2 copies
Holiday Wolf Pack (2017) 2 copies
Moth 1 copy
Wild 1 copy
Wild Hearts 1 copy

Associated Works


(20) 2012 (6) 3-2-f-fantasy (7) 4-rep-lgbt (7) anthology (8) books read 2012 (14) ebook (56) f/f (14) fairy tales (10) fantasy (114) fiction (32) goodreads (7) goodreads import (17) Greek mythology (6) HD (11) Kindle (29) lesbian (38) lesbian fiction (28) lgbt (54) LGBTQ (21) LGBTQIA (24) not-for-me (8) NR (19) own (7) paranormal (8) queer (15) read (7) read in 2014 (7) rejected-per-reviews (66) retelling (8) reviewed (10) romance (56) series (9) shifters (6) short stories (10) to-read (293) we need diverse books (7) werewolves (11) YA (8) young adult (26)

Common Knowledge

Other names
Diemer, S.E.
Bishop, Elora
Essex, Bridget
Heart, Lucy
Vivien, Natalie (wife)
Disambiguation notice
Bridget Essex formerly wrote under the names Elora Bishop and S.E./Sarah Diemer.



This is a light-hearted, cheerful and romantic story. The plot and worldbuilding are stronger than the characterization. There is not a whole lot of depth, especially since both books are told from the first person perspective of Holly– other characters some across a little flat and underdeveloped. But the stories themselves are very enjoyable. If you at all like: lesbians and queer women, witches– both wiccan and fantastical, dogs, swords, magic, unicorns, or lady knights, you will be into these books… (more)
mfred333 | 1 other review | Sep 1, 2024 |
Bella is a waitress in a small town diner, run by the town bully and allover bad guy. In comes mysterious and hot-as-hell Mel Grim, the new lady in town who just bought an old property for her and her family to live on. Bella ends up working for Grim, and is bound and determined to figure out her sexy, wolfy secrets.

The falling-in-love plotline is kind of weak. Grim’s secret isn’t much of one, so drawing it out for the length of the novel kind of brings down the relationship building. There is a lot of sexual tension, but not a lot of sexy action, until the last quarter of the book– it’s a bit of a slow burn and I was getting a little frustrated waiting for the characters to get over themselves and get together already… (more)
mfred333 | Sep 1, 2024 |
I’ve always loved mythology. Growing up, I did a lot of research about Egyptian myths, but as time passed I became increasingly familiar with Greek mythology. I’m very proficient in Greek mythology and can carry a conversation about this stuff with anybody really. I know quite a few of the myths and details, and can name quite a few of the gods both major and minor.

I was on the hunt for a few indie books about a year ago, and was pleasantly surprised when I stumbled upon this book in a list of recommendations. It was described as ‘myth retelling’, which we’d talked about a lot in my University classes in third year. So, naturally, I bought it.

And then proceeded to read it in literally a day.

Let’s give a bit of background: the original myth of Persephone and Hades says that Persephone was stolen by Hades and forced to the Underworld. After negotiations with Olympus and a marriage to the Lord of the Underworld, Persephone agreed to spend six months with her husband in the Underworld, and another six on Earth with her family. The story explains why we have winter – Persephone is the Goddess of Spring, so with her down in the Underworld, the world freezes over into winter. When she returns, spring blooms again. She is the illustrious and kind Queen of the Underworld, and Diemer’s novel is told completely through her point of view.

Oh, and Hades is a woman.

That’s right, the ‘lord’ of the Underworld is actually a very beautiful woman, and Persephone isn’t stolen away, rather she willingly goes to escape a fate she thinks is worse than death – having to live alongside Zeus on Olympus.

Why is this terrible? I’m glad you asked.

There’s a very common joke with people who know Greek mythology that everything that happens is all Zeus’s fault. In this novel, this is taken to a whole new level. In common Greek myths, Zeus is the King of the Gods, who does whatever (and whoever) he pleases. He’s fathered demigods and monsters alike, and he, as said in the novel, takes whatever he wants coz he’s the ruler. Persephone hates him, for something he did that wronged her terribly in the past. And because of this, she refuses to even be anywhere near him. Zeus in this narrative is described as what he probably would have been – an arrogant selfish man, hellbent on getting his way at every turn. He spreads lies about other gods to make them less favourable; he forces himself on Demeter and then tries to do the same with her daughter (who is also his daughter); at a point, he even tries to orchestrate Hades’s murder.

Persephone runs away from all this, and nobody can blame her really. And she does it all to find her own happiness and make her own destiny.

Who knew that that meant that she’d end up running into the arms of a woman?

As far as myth retellings go, I think this book is spot on. It keeps to the original myths very well, with some changes towards the end that I’m sure are justified for the sake of the story. Persephone is a wonderful narrator, who is full of emotion and who leads you through the story gently, rather than with the boring tone some first person narratives tend to take. And the romance, while a slow burn (and I fucking hate slow burns) is a very satisfying one, even though it got a little cheesy towards the end. But hey, we all need some cheese in our lives sometimes!

Final rating: 4.5/5. A must read for fans of Greek mythology and LGBT literature alike.
… (more)
viiemzee | 10 other reviews | Feb 20, 2023 |
I'm moving this one to presently reading as a sneak peak of the Prologue and the First Chapter came out earlier this week as a wonderful, amazing gift from herself. I'm so intrigued and curious to see where this goes. All the girls, and different characters, how people interact, and the gorgeous, silky flow of the words.

And how soon it will be when I will have the whole of it in my hands to devour whole!


Finished it and I love it so, so, so, much. My favorite quote is "I'm not afraid of being afraid" between Persephone and Hermes, which remind me so much of September and Ly's conversation in The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making ("Be careful with me, I'm fragile," Ly Said, and September, Replied, "It's alrught. I'm not.")

I devoured this book so quickly once it was finally in my hands. I smiled at how simple and right it felt all the choice Persephone made that changed everything, and cried at her scene/choice in the Elysian Fields. I can't wait to see everything else Sarah writes.
… (more)
wanderlustlover | 10 other reviews | Dec 27, 2022 |



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