Author of Epodes and Odes
About the Author
Image credit: Horace, as imagined by Anton von Werner
Works by Horace
Horace: Satires, Epistles and Ars Poetica (Loeb Classical Library, No. 194) (English and Latin Edition) (1929) 660 copies, 8 reviews
Aristotle's Poetics, Demetrius on Style, and Other Classical Writings on Criticism [Everyman's library No. 901] (1943) 42 copies
Horace: Satires and Epistles/Persius : Satires (Penguin Classics) (English and Latin Edition) (1973) 28 copies
Oden I-III 18 copies
Epistlar och sista dikter 16 copies
Libellus: Selections from Horace, Martial, Ovid and Catullus (Cambridge Latin Texts) (1978) 14 copies
Horace Fully Parsed Word by Word: Books I and II of Horace Odes Grammatically Analyzed and Literally Translated (Horace… (2003) 8 copies
Rolfe's Satires and Epistles of Horace/Q. Horati Flacci Sermones et Epistulae (College Latin Series) (1901) 8 copies
Carminum libri III. Epodon liber. Carmen saeculare — Author — 5 copies
Les poësies d'Horace 5 copies
Quintus Horatius Flaccus ad lectiones probatiores diligenter emendatus, et interpunctione nova saepius illustratus 5 copies, 1 review
Ad Pyrrham 5 copies
Odi ed epodi 5 copies
Q. Horatii Flacci epistolae ad Pisones, et Augustum with an English commentary and notes: to which are added critical… 5 copies, 1 review
Satire. Testo latino a fronte 4 copies
Carminum librum quintum 4 copies
Sermons on living subjects 4 copies
The new life 4 copies
Horaz 3 copies
Classical Literary Criticism 3 copies
Christopher Smart's Verse Translation of Horace's Odes: Text and Introduction (ELS Monograph Series, No. 17) (1979) 3 copies
Horace Odes: IV 3 copies
Horati carminum libri IV 3 copies
Q. Horatii Flacci Carminum, liber I 3 copies
The carmen seculare of Horace 2 copies
Horace Odes II 2 copies
The Mentor book of religious verse 2 copies
Q. Horatius Flaccus : Briefe 2 copies
The complete Horace : odes, epodes, satires, epistles : based on by Bennett and Rolfe (2014) 2 copies
Odes: Book II 2 copies
jeugdwerk 2 copies
Epistulae 2 copies
Carmina Latīna — Author — 2 copies
The Christ of God 2 copies
Carmina 2 copies
Versek 2 copies
The Works of Q. Horatius Flaccus 2 copies
Arte poetica 2 copies
Life & Odes (Theodore Martin) 2 copies
Odes (Geuem??) P. McC. London 1822 2 copies
Odes with Life and Notes 2 copies
Odes: Book IV 2 copies
Oeuvres d'Horace en latin et en françois, avec des remarques critiques et historiques, vol. 1 2 copies
Q. Horati Flacci Carmina Sapphica 2 copies
I Carmi 2 copies
Horaz. Texte 2 copies
Jeugdwerk 2 copies
Our Southern Highlanders: A Narrative of Adventure in the Southern Appalachians and a Study of Life Among the… (2020) 2 copies
Bloemlezing 2 copies
Sermones et epistulae 2 copies
Gedichte 2 copies
Le liriche 2 copies
Romaj Odoj 2 copies
Le epistole 2 copies
Odi ed epodi 2 copies
A Commentary on Horace: Odes Book I 2 copies
Opera. Ed. Stephanus Borzsák 2 copies
Epodos. Odas (El libro de bolsillo - Bibliotecas temáticas - Biblioteca de clásicos de Grecia y Roma) (Spanish… (2005) 2 copies
Satire 2 copies
Horace. Odes IV. [ Q. Horatii Flacci Carminum Liber IV. ] (Elementary Classics) (1914) — Author — 2 copies
Des Q. Horatius Flaccus sämmtliche Werke : für den Schulgebrauch erklärt Teil 2 Bd. 2 Satiren und… 2 copies
Epistolas 1 copy
Arte poética y otros poemas 1 copy
Oeuvres d'Horace en latin et en françois, avec des remarques critiques et historiques, vol. 10 1 copy
Oeuvres d'Horace en latin et en françois, avec des remarques critiques et historiques, vol. 7 1 copy
Oeuvres d'Horace en latin et en françois, avec des remarques critiques et historiques, vol. 9 1 copy
Sermo et lyra 1 copy
Over de dichtkunst 1 copy
Q. Horati Flacci Carmina 1 copy
Horatii Flacci Carmina 1 copy
Horazens Briefe aus dem Lateinischen übersetzt und mit historischen Einleitungen und andern nöthigen… (1801) 1 copy
Oeuvres d'Horace en latin et en françois, avec des remarques critiques et historiques, vol. 6 1 copy
Odes Book One 1 copy
Obras II 1 copy
Odas 1 copy
Horācija Izmeklētas odas = Horatii Flacci Delecta carmina : trijās daļās — Author — 1 copy
Horātija Dzejas 1 copy
Собрание сочинений 1 copy
Die Oden des Qu. Horatius Flaccus im Versmaß des Urtextes übersetzt von Adolf Bacmeister. (1900) 1 copy
Odas selectas 1 copy
Poésies d'Horace 1 copy
Horaci : cinc odes 1 copy
El segundo epodo de Horacio 1 copy
Odas - Epodos 1 copy
XL Odas Selectas 1 copy
Horace : édition classique 1 copy
Sátiras ; Os Faustos 1 copy
Odas Libro II 1 copy
Satires 1 copy
Lucrecio 1 copy
Odes et épodes 1 copy
Избранная лирика 1 copy
Le Odi 1 copy
Le odi. Volume 1 1 copy
ODEN 1-3 1 copy
Carminum: Liber II 1 copy
Die Oden des Horaz 1 copy
Orazio: satire 1 copy
Aspetti di vita: antologia modulare di autori latini per il triennio della scuola media superiore (2006) 1 copy
Q. Horatii Flacci Opera 1 copy
The Works of Q. Horatius Flaccus, with a biographical memoir, by ... Henry Thompson ... Illustrated with engravings… (1854) 1 copy
Horazens Oden 1 copy
Quinti Horatii Flacci opera 1 copy
Le epistole 1 copy
Tutte le opere 1 copy
I carmi 1 copy
ODI, Libro Secondo, 1 copy
ODI, Libro Primo, 1 copy
Werke [aus d. Lat.] 1 copy
Römische Satiren 1 copy
A Leuconoe e altre poesie 1 copy
Le satire e Le epistole 1 copy
Satire / Epistole 1 copy
Romae vates: antologia delle opere oraziane: Odi, Epodi, Satire, Epistole/ a cura di Luigi Annibaletto (2005) 1 copy
Ausgewählte Gedichte 1 copy
Oden 1-3 1 copy
L'arte poetica 1 copy
La lirica di Orazio 1 copy
I diletteuoli Sermoni, altrimenti Satire, e le morali Epistole di Horatio, illustre poeta lirico, insieme con la… 1 copy, 1 review
Satiren und Episteln 1 copy
Valitud oodid 1 copy
Opere (antologia) 1 copy
Horace (2 volume set) 1 copy
Poetik og kritik 1 copy
Horats' Satirer og Breve 1 copy
Carmi 1 copy
Le liriche. Vol. II 1 copy
Horatius : Text 1 copy
Poemata 1 copy
Odi scelte 1 copy
Odes d'Horace, traduites en vers françois. Avec des notes, par M. Chabanon de Maugris. Livre 3-e 1 copy
Horatius noster antologia 1 copy
Wybór pieśni 1 copy
Horatius I 1 copy
Oden und Epoden. Übersetzt von Christian Friedrich Karl Herzlieb und Johann Peter Uz. Eingeleitet und überarbeitet… (1980) 1 copy
Horats' Oder 1 copy
Odes et Satyres, traduites en français.--[Essais sur quelques odes d'Horace ( par J. Duhamel)] 1 copy
Wickham's Horace (2 vols.) 1 copy
Carmen Saeculare 1 copy
Q. Horatius Flaccus, Briefe 1 copy
The third book of Horace's Odes, edited with translation and running commentary by Gordon Williams 1 copy
Horace for English readers: being a translation of the poems of Quinius Horatius Flaccus into English prose by E. C.… (2010) 1 copy
Tome 1 : Odes et épodes. Texte et traduction. Texte établi et traduit par François Villeneuve. 1954. Broché. Non… (1970) 1 copy
Quinti Horati Flacci opera omni (v.1): the works of Horace with a commentary by E. C. Wickham (1891) 1 copy
Hoartius Delphini 1 copy
Horatius Delphini 1 copy
Horati Carminum: Liber I 1 copy
Epitres 1 copy
Q. Horatii Carminum 1 copy
Pseudacron Scholia in Horatium Vetustiora, vol. II: Scholia in Sermones Epistulas Artemque Poeticam (Bibliotheca… (1998) 1 copy
Third Book of Horace's Odes 1 copy
Odes et Epodes, Tome I 1 copy
Oeuvres complètes d'Horace, de Juvénal, de Perse, de Sulpicia, de Turnus, de Catulle, de Properce,… 1 copy
Oeuvres complètes , Odes et épodes , tome I , 1 , bilingue (texte et traduction en regard) - Texte… (1931) 1 copy
Satire, odes, épîtres 1 copy
The Works of Horace, vol. I 1 copy
Q. Horatii Flacci Opera a Mauricio Hauptio recognita. Editio quinta ab Iohanne Vahleno curata 1 copy
The complete Odes and Epodes 1 copy
Horace For Modern Readers 1 copy
Odes, Epodes, and Satires 1 copy
The Temple classics 1 copy
Q. Horatius Flaccus Ad nuperam Richardi Bentleii editionem accurate expressus. Notas addidit Thomas Bentleius 1 copy, 1 review
Fifteen Odes of Horace — Author — 1 copy
Six Odes 1 copy
Souvenirs d'un artiste 1 copy
Select odes / [appx.] 1 copy
Odes : book three 1 copy
EQ. Horatii Flacci Sermonum et Epistularum Librie. Satiren und Episteln des Horaz. Mit Anmerkungen von Lucian Mueller,… (1891) 1 copy
Q. Horatius Flaccus.vol. 1-3 1 copy
Oeuvres complètes tome 1 1 copy
Les Carmina / Odes et Épodes 1 copy
Quinti Horatii Flacci opera .... illustravit Ludovicus Desprez ... in usum serenissimi Delphini 1 copy
Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Accedunt nunc Danielis Heinsii De satyra Horatiana libri duo. Cum ejusdem in omnia poëtae… 1 copy, 1 review
Horace; his life, friendships and philosophy as told by himself in unrhymed metrical translation 1 copy
Complete 1 copy
Odes e Epodos 1 copy
Horace Odes Book One 1 copy
The Complete Works of Horace 1 copy
Horace, Complete 1 copy
horace the odes and epodes 1 copy
The Eclogues and Georgics 1 copy
Horace, translated by Philip Francis, D.D. and revised by H.I. Pie, Esq. Poet Laureat to his Majesty 1 copy
Carminum, Liber I 1 copy
The Satyres of Horace 1 copy
Horácio — Poesia Completa 1 copy
Na Pele do Urso 1 copy
Cuentos de Horacio Quiroga 1 copy
La pérdida de la razón 1 copy
The Odes of Horace, Book II 1 copy
Odes, Carminum Libri IV 1 copy
Epistolae ad Pisones 1 copy
The Odes of Horace rendered into English, with other verses and translations, by Francis Law Latham (1910) 1 copy
The third book of Horace's Odes. Edited with translation and running commentary by Gordon Williams 1 copy
Satires et épitres 1 copy
Horace's Art of Poetry Translated. Inscribed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Halifax. by William Popple, Esq (2018) 1 copy
The Odes of Horace, Book II 1 copy
Horati carmina viginti 1 copy
Satires & Epistles of Horace 1 copy
OEuvres d'Horace - texte latin publiées avec une étude biographique et littéraire, une notice… (1965) 1 copy
Oeuvres complètes d'Horace traduites en vers par P. Daru - sixième édition corrigée - 2 tomes (1823) 1 copy
Odes. Book II 1 copy
Three odes of Horace 1 copy
Fifteen odes of Horace 1 copy
Another Look 1 copy
Associated Works
Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama (1995) — Contributor, some editions — 958 copies, 7 reviews
World Poetry: An Anthology of Verse from Antiquity to Our Time (1998) — Contributor — 468 copies, 1 review
Poems Bewitched and Haunted (Everyman's Library Pocket Poets Series) (2005) — Contributor — 201 copies
Games of Venus: An Anthology of Greek and Roman Erotic Verse from Sappho to Ovid (The New Ancient World) (1991) — Contributor — 50 copies
Oogst der tijden : keur uit de werken van schrijvers en dichters aller volken en eeuwen (1940) — Contributor — 10 copies
Latijnse lyriek : een keuze van vertalingen uit Catullus, Horatius, Tibullus en Propertius (1949) — Contributor — 5 copies
Latijnse geschiedschrijvers : bloemlezing uit de werken van Sallustius, Caesar, Livius en Tacitus (1952) — Contributor — 5 copies
Ode to Boy: An Anthology of Same-Sex Attraction in Literature, Volume One: From Antiquity Through the Eighteenth… (2014) — Contributor — 3 copies
Römische Satiren : Ennius, Lucilius, Varro, Horaz, Persius, Juvenal, Seneca, Petronius (1962) — Contributor — 3 copies
Translations from Horace, Juvenal and Montaigne : with 2 imaginary conversations — Contributor — 2 copies
Common Knowledge
- Legal name
- Horatius Flaccus, Quintus
- Other names
- Horace
Horaz - Birthdate
- 65-12-08 BCE
- Date of death
- 8-11-27 BCE
- Gender
- male
- Nationality
- Roman Empire
- Country (for map)
- Italy
- Birthplace
- Venusia, Apulia, Roman Empire
- Place of death
- Rome, Roman Empire
- Agent
- Maecenas
Shakespeare-Owned Book Found? in The Globe: Shakespeare, his Contemporaries, and Context (May 2021)
Horace in Ancient History (August 2010)
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