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About the Author

Bo Forbes, PsyD, Is a clinical psychologist and yoga teacher whose background includes training in biopsychology behavioral medicine, and stress management. She is the founder of Integrative Yoga Therapeutics, a system that specializes in the therapeutic application of yoga for anxiety, insomnia, show more depression, immune disorders, chronic pain, and physical injuries. Forbes conducts teacher trainings and workshops internationally and writes frequently for magazines such as Yoga Journal, Body + Soul, and the International Journal of Yoga Therapy For more information. Visit www.boforbes.com. show less
Image credit: Bo Forbes

Works by Bo Forbes


Common Knowledge



I'm lucky because I actually get to take yoga classes from this teacher - so I was curious about her book. The execution is a little awkward with some repetition and a few odd bits, but the techniques and information that she imparts are very interesting and helpful. She integrates insight meditation with breath and restorative yoga, with the intent of getting the mind and body on board with healing anxiety and depression. I haven't yet attempted the yoga part outside of class, but the breathing is great for calming anxiety. She is an active trainer of yoga teachers, so I hope the adoption of her techniques will expand into yoga land.… (more)
cindywho | 1 other review | May 27, 2019 |
Bo Forbes, a longtime therapist and also a yoga practitioner, struggled with the disconnect she saw between the physical and emotional therapy worlds. Often, she says, “we can feel, rather than think, the emotional experiences that heal us.” Instead of just talking through emotional patterns, she began introducing breathwork and restorative yoga poses into her clients’ therapy plans.

This was a time before the emotionally healing benefits of yoga truly took hold in Western society, and Forbes was amazed by the transformation she saw in her patients. Rather than repeating the same mental “stories” over and over in therapy sessions, her patients began to address—and overcome—their negative emotional patterns by physically incorporating emotional balance.

Restorative yoga is based on the idea that the mind and the body speak to each other more often when we think. It combines the physical motions of yoga with the mental workout of meditation, thereby embodying the emotional healing process.

Forbes presents the medical explanations for why yoga has such an astounding effect on our health, and she introduces five ways to transform one’s emotional patterns: calming the nervous system; regulating the breath; connecting with direct experience; quieting the mind; and changing the narratives you tell yourself that reflect your self-concept and world view.

She then outlines the differences between those who suffer anxiety, depression, or some blend of both. According to the kind of anxiety-depression afflicting you—and this can change as your emotional patterns change—Forbes then recommends restorative poses that will help calm or reinvigorate your nervous system.

I truly enjoyed this book. It illuminates the often murky world of emotional imbalance, while also offering simple, no-equipment-required solutions. This review could’ve been a lot longer; I underlined and bookmarked countless passages. I would recommend this to anyone interested in a medicine-free way to ease stress and develop healthy emotional patterns.

For a full review, visit Melody & Words!
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melodyaw | 1 other review | Mar 29, 2011 |



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