Papa Francesco
Author of Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel
About the Author
Pope Francis invites us to communicate the Lord's merciful love to the whole world: "We too are given the gift of the 'tongue of the Gospel and the 'fire' of the Holy Spirit, so that as we proclaim the risen Jesus, alive and present among us, we may warm our hearts and the hearts of peoples, show more bringing them closer to him, the way, the truth, and the life." show less
Image credit: Photo by Agência Brasil.
Works by Papa Francesco
On Heaven and Earth: Pope Francis on Faith, Family, and the Church in the Twenty-First Century (2010) 302 copies, 6 reviews
Dear Pope Francis: The Pope Answers Letters from Children Around the World (2013) 208 copies, 7 reviews
Pope Francis: Conversations with Jorge Bergoglio: His Life in His Own Words (2010) 180 copies, 1 review
Misericordiae Vultus: Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy (2015) 93 copies, 1 review
The Holy Year of Mercy: A Faith-Sharing Guide With Reflections by Pope Francis (2015) 50 copies, 1 review
The Joy of Discipleship: Reflections from Pope Francis on Walking with Christ (2016) — Author — 31 copies
Patris Corde: On the 150th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church (2020) 30 copies, 1 review
Misericordia et Misera: At the Conclusion of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy (2016) 21 copies, 1 review
My Door Is Always Open: A Conversation on Faith, Hope and the Church in a Time of Change (2014) 21 copies, 1 review
With the Smell of the Sheep: The Pope Speaks to Priests, Bishops, and Other Shepherds (2017) 17 copies
Papa Francesco. Il nuovo papa si racconta. Conversazione con Sergio Rubin e Francesca Ambrogetti (2013) 16 copies
In Your Eyes I See My Words: Homilies and Speeches from Buenos Aires, Volume 1: 1999–2004 (2019) 12 copies, 1 review
The People Wish to See Jesus: Reflections for Those Who Teach (The Pope Francis Resource Library) (2014) 11 copies
Desiderio desideravi: lettera apostolica sulla formazione liturgica del popolo di Dio (2022) 10 copies
Don't Be Afraid to Say Yes to God!: Pope Francis Speaks to Young People with reflections by Fr. Mike Schmitz (2018) 10 copies
Reflections on the Sunday Gospel: How to More Fully Live Out Your Relationship with God (2022) 9 copies, 2 reviews
Pope Francis Speaks to the United States and Cuba: Speeches, Homilies, and Interviews (2015) 9 copies
A Stranger and You Welcomed Me: A Call to Mercy and Solidarity With Migrants and Refugees (2018) — Author — 7 copies
Strong in the Face of Tribulation. Words During the Coronavirus Pandemic: The Church in Communion: a Sure Support in… (2020) 7 copies
Veritatis Gaudium: On Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (2017) — Author — 5 copies, 1 review
Candor Lucis aeternae. Lettera apostolica in occasione del VII centenario della morte di Dante Alighieri (2021) — Author — 5 copies
In Your Eyes I See My Words: Homilies and Speeches from Buenos Aires, Volume 3: 2009-2013 (2020) 5 copies
Nosotros como ciudadanos, nosotros como pueblo : hacia un Bicentenario en justicia y solidaridad 2010-2016 (2013) 4 copies
Sobre el cel i la terra: Les opinions del papa Francesc (Divulgació) (Catalan Edition) (2013) 4 copies, 1 review
Omelie del Mattino 4 copies
I Ask You, Be Shepherds: Reflections on Pastoral Ministry (The Pope Francis Resource Library) (2015) 4 copies
The Apostolic Constitution "Preach the Gospel" (Praedicate Evangelium): With an Appraisal of Francis's Reform of… (2022) 4 copies
Insegnamenti di Francesco. — Author — 3 copies
In Your Eyes I See My Words: Homilies and Speeches from Buenos Aires, Volume 2: 2005-2008 (2020) 3 copies
Queridas familias: Claves y propuestas para vivir en familia (Papa Francisco) (Spanish Edition) (2016) 3 copies
La felicidad en esta vida: Cómo el amor de Dios nos sostiene, nos levanta y nos guía (Obras diversas) (2018) 3 copies
I giovani, la fede e il discernimento vocazionale. Documento preparatorio e questionario allegato (2017) 2 copies
Os atos dos apóstolos 2 copies
Pope Francis on Eucharist: 100 Daily Meditations for Adoration, Prayer, and Reflection (2023) 2 copies
Concilium : revista internacional de teología : el pecado se perdona, la corrupción no puede ser perdonada (2014) 2 copies
Tell the Prisoners I Pray for Them: Meditations in English and Spanish (English and Spanish Edition) (2018) 2 copies
Sognare l'Europa: Saggi di Lucio Caracciolo e Andrea Riccardi (Italian Edition) (2017) 2 copies, 1 review
The heart of the good shepherd and the heart of a priest : reflections by Pope Francis (2017) 2 copies
Go Forth: Toward a Community of Missionary Disciples (American Society of Missiology Series) (2019) 2 copies
L'Alegria de l'Amor. 2 copies
La joia de l'Evangeli. 2 copies
Omelie del mattino 11: 5 dicembre 2017 - 19 giugno 2018 prefazione del card. Luis Antonio Tagle (2018) 2 copies
Anointed and sent : reflections of gratitude and praise for the priesthood (2020) — Author — 2 copies
Il mio breviario 2 copies
Política, justicia y caridad: El Papa Francisco habla a los políticos (dBolsillo) (Spanish Edition) (2017) 2 copies
Commenti ai Vangeli 2 copies
Id y haced discípulos a todos los pueblos: Discursos e intervenciones Jornada Mundial de la Juventud. JMJ Río 2013 (2013) 2 copies
Contemplazione e servizio. Omelie del mattino nella Cappella della «Domus Sanctae Marthae» (2019) 2 copies
Omelie del mattino nella cappella della Domus Sanctae Marthae, 7: 10 dicembre 2015 - 31 maggio 2016 (2016) 2 copies
Gaudete et Exsultate 1 copy
Pai Nosso 1 copy
A Paz é o Caminho — Author — 1 copy
Testigo de la Alegría 1 copy
Louvado Sejas 1 copy
Walking with Families : Pope Francis and the Art of Accompaniment : Life, Marriage & Family Sunday 1 copy
La festa della tenerezza 1 copy
La tessitura del mondo. Dialogo a più voci con i grandi protagonisti della cultura sul racconto come via di salvezza (2022) 1 copy
eu creio nos cremos 1 copy
Il cielo e la terra. Il pensiero di papa Francesco sulla famiglia, la fede e la missione della Chiesa nel XXI secolo (2014) 1 copy
Jesus ist unsere Freude 1 copy
Lieber Papst Franziskus ...: Der Papst antwortet auf Briefe von Kindern aus aller Welt (2016) 1 copy
Os ruego en nombre de Dios 1 copy
Padre nostro 1 copy
Name of God is Mercy 1 copy
Il Dio che ci nutre 1 copy
The Holy Year of Mercy 1 copy
Dio nella città 1 copy
Fedeltà 1 copy
Pazienza — Author — 1 copy
Najljepše priče iz Evanđelja 1 copy
Perdono 1 copy
Name of God is Mercy, The 1 copy
Álmodjunk együtt. Út egy jobb jövő felé. Ferenc pápa és Austen Ivereigh beszélgetései alapján (2020) 1 copy
Tema Pühaduse Paavst Franciscuse apostelliku visiidi kõned Eestis = The speeches on the occasion of the… (2018) 1 copy
Gioia 1 copy
Omelie del mattino nella cappella della Domus Sanctae Marthae10: 1° giugno 2017 - 24 novembre 2017 1 copy
Desiderio desideravi. Carta apostòlica sobre la formació litúrgica del poble de Déu: Carta… (2022) 1 copy
Ti racconto la speranza: Le più belle pagine sull'Avvento e il Natale (Italian Edition) (2020) 1 copy
In Him Alone is Our Hope 1 copy
Anch'io sono del sud — Author — 1 copy
La famiglia genera il mondo 1 copy
Bunson, Matthew 1 copy
Tutti insieme ce la faremo 1 copy
Life after the pandemic 1 copy
Laudate Deum, Alaben a Dios 1 copy
Oração Um Diálogo com Deus 1 copy
La speranza dei poveri non sarà mai delusa (Sal 9,19). Messaggio per la celebrazione della 3a Giornata mondiale… (2019) 1 copy
Lo sguardo semplice e profondo dell'amore. 365 pensieri sull'amore, la famiglia, la fede (2014) 1 copy
SÃO JOSÉ 1 copy
A Esperança Cristã 1 copy
El Papa Francisco y la Primera Comunión : el encuentro con Jesús, la verdadera alegría (2014) 1 copy
Un mese con Maria Madre della Misericordia. Trenta piccole meditazioni e un «quaderno» per la meditazione… (2016) 1 copy
Papa Francisco: a Família 1 copy
Papa Francisco: a Igreja 1 copy
Os Mandamentos 1 copy
Píldoras para el alma: Sus mejores tuits. Selección de juan Vicente Boo (Fuera de colección) (2017) 1 copy
Eu creio, nós cremos: Uma reflexão inédita sobre as raízes de nossa fé (Espiritualidade) (Portuguese Edition) (2021) 1 copy
Papa Francisco aos Jovens. Pronunciamentos da Jornada de Cracóvia - Coleção Catequese do Papa (2016) 1 copy
Los sacramentos y los dones del Espíritu: Las catequesis del Papa (Raíces de la fe) (Spanish Edition) (2014) 1 copy
Placuit Deo / Mensaje del santo padre Francisco para la XXXIII jornada mundial de la juventud 1 copy
Pope Francis Talks to Couples: Wisdom on Marriage and Family; Excerpted from Amoris Laetitia, The Joy of Love (2016) 1 copy
Soy yo, no tengáis miedo: Sobre los refugiados y los inmigrantes (Bolsillo) (Spanish Edition) (2019) 1 copy
Che la pace sia con te 1 copy
Selon St Luc 1 copy
Tu sei speciale! 1 copy
La force dans l'épreuve 1 copy
Francesco Racconta Francesco: Il Santo Di Assisi Nelle Parole del Papa (Italian Edition) (2016) 1 copy
Oltre la tempesta 1 copy
Fraternità, fondamento e via per la pace : messaggio del santo padre Francesco per la celebrazione della giornata… — Author — 1 copy
«Questo povero grida e il Signore lo ascolta» II giornata mondiale dei poveri 18 novembre 2018. Sussidio… (2018) — Author — 1 copy
Incontro d'amore con Dio 1 copy
Pensieri dal cuore 1 copy
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the Celebration of the World Day of Peace, 1 January 2018 — Author — 1 copy
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the Celebration of the Fiftieth World Day of Peace 1 January 2017 ;… — Author — 1 copy
Message de Sa Sainteté le Pape François Pour la Célébration de la Journée Mondiale de la Paix — Author — 1 copy
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis For the Celebration of the World Day of Peace ( 1 January2016 ) — Author — 1 copy
Siate forti nella tenerezza. Parole di coraggio e speranza per un anno da vivere insieme (2014) 1 copy
"Si è fatto povero per arricchirci con la sua povertà" (cfr 2 Cor 8,9). Messaggio per la Quaresima 2014 — Author — 1 copy
Un temps pour changer 1 copy
Praedicate evangelium. Costituzione apostolica sulla curia romana e il suo servizio alla chiesa nel mondo (2022) — Author — 1 copy
Associated Works
Not Just Good, but Beautiful: The Complementary Relationship between Man and Woman (2015) — Contributor — 45 copies
El Papa Francisco — Associated Name — 1 copy
Common Knowledge
- Legal name
- Bergoglio, Jorge Mario
- Other names
- BERGOGLIO, Jorge Mario
Francisco, Papa
Pope Francis, - Birthdate
- 1936-12-17
- Gender
- male
- Nationality
- Argentina
Vatican City - Birthplace
- Flores, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Places of residence
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
Domus Sanctae Marthae, Vatican City - Education
- University of Alcalá de Henares, Spain
Society of Jesus
Colegio of San José, San Migues, Buenos Aires
Diocesan Seminary of Villa Devoto, Argentina
Wilfrid Barón de los Santos Ángeles, Salesians of Don Bosco, Ramos Mejía, Buenos Aires
Escuela Nacional de Educación Técnica N° 27 Hipólito Yrigoyen - Occupations
- Pope/Bishop of Rome (2013)
Archbishop of Buenos Aires
Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires
Titular Bishop of Auca
Chemical Technician
Bouncer (show all 8)
Cardinal-Priest of San Roberto Bellarmino - Relationships
- Pope Benedict XVI (predecessor|2005-2013)
- Organizations
- Roman Catholic Church
Society of Jesus - Short biography
- Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; Spanish: Francisco; born Jorge Mario Bergoglio;[b] 17 December 1936) is the 266th Pope.
Francis (2024-25) in Catholic Tradition (Yesterday 12:08am)
Silent Francis in Christianity (Sunday 11:45pm)
Francis (2023) in Catholic Tradition (January 2024)
Laudato Si' follow up in Catholic Tradition (September 2023)
Francis (2022 - part 2) in Catholic Tradition (December 2022)
Amoris Laetitia in Catholic Tradition (September 2022)
Francis (2022) in Catholic Tradition (July 2022)
Fratelli Tutti in Catholic Tradition (July 2022)
Francis (2021) in Catholic Tradition (January 2022)
Francis, part 11 (2020) in Catholic Tradition (January 2021)
Pope Francis' message for World Day of Peace 2020 in Catholic Tradition (January 2020)
Francis, part 10 (2019) in Catholic Tradition (January 2020)
Francis, part 9 (2018) in Catholic Tradition (January 2019)
Francis, part 8 (2017) in Catholic Tradition (February 2018)
Francis, part 7 (2016) in Catholic Tradition (January 2017)
Laudato Si': Chapter 1 in Catholic Tradition (December 2016)
Francis' book, The Name of God is Mercy in Catholic Tradition (February 2016)
"Lumen Fidei", Pope Francis' First Encyclical in Catholic Tradition (November 2013)
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Associated Authors
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- Popularity
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- Rating
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- Languages
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- Favorited
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In this collection of messages and homilies, Pope Francis shows us that he is the Priests Pope as well. He understands who a priest is called to be: a man of mercy, a joyful and faithful minister, a shepherd who has the smell of the sheep, with a heart centered in Christ and the sacraments above all.
Through these messages, Pope Francis offers wisdom and encouragement to all priests. He knows the demands they face and how tired and discouraged they can become. Priests need mercy as much as anyone else and so he encourages them to open themselves up to God's mercy and then energetically spread the message of mercy with joy, hope, and authenticity.
May mercy guide our steps, inspire our reforms, and enlighten our decisions. May it be the basis of all our efforts. May it teach us when to move forward and when to step back. May it also enable us to understand the littleness of all that we do in God's greater plan of salvation and his majestic and mysterious working.… (more)