Sigmund Freud (1856–1939)
Author of Civilization and Its Discontents (The Standard Edition) (Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud)
About the Author
Sigmund Freud was the founder of psychoanalysis, simultaneously a theory of personality, a therapy, and an intellectual movement. He was born into a middle-class Jewish family in Freiburg, Moravia, now part of Czechoslovakia, but then a city in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. At the age of 4, he moved show more to Vienna, where he spent nearly his entire life. In 1873 he entered the medical school at the University of Vienna and spent the following eight years pursuing a wide range of studies, including philosophy, in addition to the medical curriculum. After graduating, he worked in several clinics and went to Paris to study under Jean-Martin Charcot, a neurologist who used hypnosis to treat the symptoms of hysteria. When Freud returned to Vienna and set up practice as a clinical neurologist, he found orthodox therapies for nervous disorders ineffective for most of his patients, so he began to use a modified version of the hypnosis he had learned under Charcot. Gradually, however, he discovered that it was not necessary to put patients into a deep trance; rather, he would merely encourage them to talk freely, saying whatever came to mind without self-censorship, in order to bring unconscious material to the surface, where it could be analyzed. He found that this method of free association very often evoked memories of traumatic events in childhood, usually having to do with sex. This discovery led him, at first, to assume that most of his patients had actually been seduced as children by adult relatives and that this was the cause of their neuroses; later, however, he changed his mind and concluded that his patients' memories of childhood seduction were fantasies born of their childhood sexual desires for adults. (This reversal is a matter of some controversy today.) Out of this clinical material he constructed a theory of psychosexual development through oral, anal, phallic and genital stages. Freud considered his patients' dreams and his own to be "the royal road to the unconscious." In The Interpretation of Dreams (1900), perhaps his most brilliant book, he theorized that dreams are heavily disguised expressions of deep-seated wishes and fears and can give great insight into personality. These investigations led him to his theory of a three-part structure of personality: the id (unconscious biological drives, especially for sex), the superego (the conscience, guided by moral principles), and the ego (the mediator between the id and superego, guided by reality). Freud's last years were plagued by severe illness and the rise of Nazism, which regarded psychoanalysis as a "Jewish pollution." Through the intervention of the British and U.S. governments, he was allowed to emigrate in 1938 to England, where he died 15 months later, widely honored for his original thinking. His theories have had a profound impact on psychology, anthropology, art, and literature, as well as on the thinking of millions of ordinary people about their own lives. Freud's daughter Anna Freud was the founder of the Hampstead Child Therapy Clinic in London, where her specialty was applying psychoanalysis to children. Her major work was The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense (1936). (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: Wikipedia (From Life Magazine)
Works by Sigmund Freud
Civilization and Its Discontents (The Standard Edition) (Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud) (1953) 5,861 copies, 47 reviews
Totem and Taboo (The Standard Edition) (Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud) (2001) 249 copies
On Creativity and the Unconscious: The Psychology of Art, Literature, Love, and Religion (Harper Perennial Modern… (1983) 134 copies, 1 review
Thomas Woodrow Wilson, twenty-eighth President of the United States; a psychological study (1966) 123 copies
Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis/On The History Of The Psycho-Analytic Movement (1966) 119 copies, 3 reviews
The origins of psycho-analysis; letters to Wilhelm Fliess, drafts and notes, 1887-1902 (1950) 117 copies
The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Vol. 21: The Future of an Illusion, Civilization and its Discontents… (2001) 84 copies
Origins of Religion: " Totem and Taboo " and " Moses and Monotheism " (The Penguin Freud Library) (1985) 83 copies, 1 review
The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud (1976) 83 copies, 1 review
The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Vol. 18: Beyond the Pleasure Principal, Group Psychology and Other… (2001) 81 copies
The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud: " A Case of Hysteria " , " Three Essays on Sexual (1975) 68 copies
Abstracts of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (1973) 65 copies
The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Vol 4: The Interpretation of Dreams Pt.1 (2001) 63 copies
The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Vol. 3: Early Psycho-Analytic Publications (1893–1899) (2000) 62 copies
The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud: Two Case Histories ("Little Hans" and "The Rat Man") v. 10 (2001) 56 copies
The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud - Volume 16: " Introductory Lectures on Psycho-analysis, Part 3 " (2001) 56 copies
Complete Psychological Works Of Sigmund Freud, The Vol 5: "The Interpretation of Dreams", Pt.2 and "On Dreams" Vol 5 (2001) 56 copies
The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Vol. 14: On the History of the Psycho-Analytic Movement, Papers on… (2001) 53 copies
The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Vol. 12: The Case of Schreber, Papers on Technique, and other works (2001) 51 copies
The Complete Psychological Works Of Sigmund Freud, Vol 9: Jensen's "Gradiva" and Other Works (2001) 50 copies
The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud: " The Ego and the Id " and Other Works v. 19 (2001) 50 copies
The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Vol. 23: Moses and Monotheism and Other Works (1937–1939) (2001) 49 copies
Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud [Paperback] [Sep 15, 2001] Sigmund Freud (The Complete Psychological… (2001) 47 copies
The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud: " New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-analysis " and Other Works Vol… (2001) 44 copies
The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud: " An Infantile Neurosis " and Other Works Vol 17 (2001) 44 copies
The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud: Indexes and Bibliographies v. 24 (2001) 39 copies
The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud: " Introductory Letters on Psycho-analysis " (Parts 1 and II) Vol 15 (2001) 38 copies
Historical and Expository Works on Psychoanalysis (Penguin Freud Library) (1986) 34 copies, 1 review
The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud: " An Autobiographical Study " , " Inhibitions " , " Symptoms and… (2001) 33 copies
Psicologia das Massas e Análise do Eu e Outros Textos. 1920-1923 (Em Portuguese do Brasil) (2011) 31 copies
Estudos Sobre a Histeria. 1893-1895 - Volume 2. Coleção Obras Completas (Em Portuguese do Brasil) (2006) 30 copies
Sigmund Freud - Obras Completas Vol. 8. O Delírio e os Sonhos na Gradiva, Análise da Fobia de um Garoto de Cinco Anos… (1989) 28 copies
Freud - A interpretacao dos sonhos 1900 - Obras completas volume 4 (Em Portugues do Brasil) (1978) 28 copies
Opere di Sigmund Freud, vol. 1: Studi sull'isteria e altri scritti (1886‒1895) (1980) 26 copies, 1 review
Opmerkingen over een geval van dwangneurose ['De Rattenman'] ; Oorspronkelijke notities betreffende de 'Rattenman' (1909) 23 copies
Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewußten / Der Humor: (Werke im Taschenbuch). (Psychologie) (1992) 22 copies
Opere di Sigmund Freud, vol. 8: Introduzione alla psicoanalisi e altri scritti (1915-1917) (1976) 22 copies
Opere di Sigmund Freud, vol. 11: L'uomo Mosè e la religione monoteistica e altri scritti (1930-1938) (1979) 21 copies
Opere di Sigmund Freud, vol. 10: Inibizione, sintomo e angoscia e altri scritti (1924-1929) (1985) 20 copies
Sigmund Freud Obras Completas: 1927-31: El Porvenir de una Ilusion, el Malestar en la Cultura y Otras Obras (Spanish… (2001) 18 copies
Freud. 1926-1929. Inibição, Sintoma E Angustia, O Futuro De Uma Ilusão E Outros Textos (Em Portuguese do Brasil) (2014) 18 copies
Freud. 1916-1917. Conferências Introdutórias À Psicanálise (Em Portuguese do Brasil) (2014) 18 copies
Obras Completas - Tomo XVII de La Historia de Una Neurosis Infantil (Spanish Edition) (2007) 16 copies
Freud. O Chiste e Sua Relação com o Inconsciente - Volume 7 (Em Portuguese do Brasil) (2017) 16 copies
Obras Completas - Tomo XIV Contribucion a la Historia del Movimiento (Spanish Edition) (2007) 15 copies
Obras Completas. Volumen 19: El yo y el ello, y otras obras (1923-1925) (Obras Completas de Sigmund Freud) (Spanish… (2000) 14 copies
De 'culturele' seksuele moraal en de moderne nervositeit ; Actuele beschouwingen over oorlog en dood ; Vergankelijkheid… (1941) 14 copies
The Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Sándor Ferenczi, Volume 1: 1908-1914 (Freud, Sigmund//Correspondence of… (1992) 13 copies
Der Moses des Michelangelo: Schriften über Kunst und Künstler (Sigmund Freud, Werke im Taschenbuch) (1977) 13 copies
Obras Completas - Tomo VII Fragmentos de Analisis de Un Caso de Histeria (Spanish Edition) (2007) 13 copies
Freud Obras Completas Volume 19 Moises e o Monoteismo Compendio de Psicanalise e Outros Textos (Em Portugues do Brasil) (2018) 13 copies
Obras Completas: Conferencias de Introduccion al Psicoanalisis 1915-1916 (Partes I y II) (Spanish Edition) (2007) 12 copies
Sigmund Freud Collected Works: The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, The Theory of Sexuality, Beyond the Pleasure… (2010) 12 copies
De schrijver en het fantaseren ; Een jeugdherinnering van Leonardo da Vinci ; Het motief van de drie kistjes : Een… (1908) 12 copies
O Infamiliar Das Unheimliche – Edicao comemorativa bilingue 1919-2019 - Seguido de O homem da areia de E. T. A.… (2019) 10 copies
De psychoanalytische methode van Freud ; Over psychotherapie ; Over 'wilde' psychoanalyse ; Het hanteren van… (1992) 10 copies
Formuleringen over de twee principes van het psychisch gebeuren ; Ter introductie van het narcisme ; Rouw en… (1985) 8 copies
Opere di Sigmund Freud, vol. 4: Tre saggi sulla teoria sessuale e altri scritti (1900‒1905) (2013) 8 copies
Enkele opmerkingen over het begrip onbewuste in de psychoanalyse ; Driften en hun lotgevallen ; De verdringing ; Het… (1986) 8 copies
A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud: A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud (2017) 8 copies
A psycho-analytic dialogue: the letters of Sigmund Freud and Karl Abraham, 1907-1926 (1966) 8 copies
Over de etiologie van de hysterie drie verhandelingen over de theorie van de seksualiteit (1985) 8 copies
Oeuvres complètes - psychanalyse : volume 11, 1911-1913, Totem et Tabou, Rêves dans le folklore, Formulation sur les… (2005) 8 copies
Edição Standard Brasileira das Obras Psicológicas Completas de Sigmund Freud (Portuguese Edition) (2009) 8 copies
El pensamiento vivo de Freud 7 copies
Duas Historias Clinicas O Pequeno Hans E O Homem Dos Ratos (Em Portuguese do Brasil) (2006) 7 copies
Cultura, Sociedade, Religião O Mal-Estar na cultura e outros escritos (Portuguese Edition) (2020) 7 copies
Over driftomzettingen, in het bijzonder van de anale erotiek een kind wordt geslagen ! Over enkele neurotische… (1985) 7 copies
Mijn opvattingen over de rol van de seksualiteit in de etiologie der neurosen ; Dwanghandelingen en… (1985) 6 copies
Het Ik en het Es ; Neurose en psychose ; Het realiteitsverlies bij neurose en psychose ; Notitie over het toverblok ;… (1988) 6 copies
Instincts and Their Vicissitudes 6 copies
De toekomstkansen van de psychoanalytische therapie ; Het belang bij de psychoanalyse ; Over de geschiedenis van de… (1990) 6 copies
Zelfportret ; De weerstanden tegen de psychoanalyse ; Het vraagstuk van de lekenanalyse (1991) 6 copies
Freud - 1901 - Obras completas volume 5 - Psicopatologia da vida cotidiana e Sobre os sonhos (Em Portugues do Brasil) (2019) 6 copies
Psychoanalyse: ausgewählte Schriften zur Neurosenlehre, zur Persönlichkeitspsychologie, zur Kulturtheorie (1984) 6 copies
The Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Sandor Ferenczi: 1920-1933 v. 3 (Freud, Sigmund//Correspondence of Sigmund… (2000) 6 copies
Gesammelte Werke, 17 Bde., 1 Reg.-Bd. u. 1 Nachtragsbd., Bd.5, Werke aus den Jahren 1904/05 (1991) 5 copies
Freud - Alem do principio de prazer - Jenseits des Lustprinzips – Edicao critica Bilingue (Em Portugues do Brasil) (2019) 5 copies
Psicoanalisi del genio 5 copies
Oeuvres complètes Psychanalyse : Volume 13, 1914-1915, Une névrose infantile, Sur la Guerre et la Mort,… (1994) 5 copies
Oeuvres complètes - Psychanalyse: volume 17, 1923-1925 : Autoprésentation, Inhibition, symptôme et… (1992) 5 copies
Correspondencia freud- sweing/ Freud-Sweing Correspondence (Freudiana) (Spanish Edition) (2000) 5 copies
Gesammelte Werke, 17 Bde., 1 Reg.-Bd. u. 1 Nachtragsbd., Bd.12, Werke aus den Jahren 1917-1920 (1986) 5 copies
Tre saggi sulla teoria sessuale. Al di là del principio del piacere. Ediz. integrale (2012) 5 copies
Cinco lições de psicanálise ; A história do movimento psicanalítico ; Esboço de psicanálise (2005) 5 copies
Psychologische duiding 1 4 copies
Oeuvres complètes Psychanalyse : Volume 15, 1916-1920, Au-delà du principe de plaisir,… (2002) 4 copies
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, The Ego and the Id (2024) 4 copies
Penguin Great Ideas : Civilisation and Its Discontents by Freud, Sigmund (2004) Paperback (1616) 4 copies
Oeuvres complètes Psychanalyse : Volume 6, 1901-1905, Trois essais sur la vie sexuelle, Fragment d'une… (1989) 4 copies
Gesammelte Werke, 17 Bde., 1 Reg.-Bd. u. 1 Nachtragsbd., Bd.7, Werke aus den Jahren 1906-1909 (1993) 4 copies
Caixa Especial A Interpretação Dos Sonhos - Coleção L&PM Pocket (Em Portuguese do Brasil) (2012) 4 copies
Gesammelte Werke, 17 Bde., 1 Reg.-Bd. u. 1 Nachtragsbd., Bd.1, Werke aus den Jahren 1892-1899 (1991) 4 copies
Cinq leçons sur la psychanalyse suivi de Contribution à l'histoire du mouvement psychanalytique (1978) 4 copies
Een uitgekomen droomvoorspelling ; Over de droom ; Over de contraire betekenis van oerwoorden ; Dromen in de folklore ;… (1990) 4 copies
Oeuvres complètes - psychanalyse: volume 2 : 1893-1895, Etudes sur l'hystérie et textes anciens (1989) 4 copies
Gesammelte Werke, 17 Bde., 1 Reg.-Bd. u. 1 Nachtragsbd., Bd.10, Werke aus den Jahren 1913-1917 (1946) 4 copies
Opere 4 copies
Oeuvres complètes Psychanalyse : Volume 14, 1915-1917, Leçons d'introduction de la psychanalyse (2000) 4 copies
Complete Works 4 copies
Oeuvres complètes Psychanalyse : Volume 19 : 1931-1936, Nouvelle suite des leçons, Autres textes (2004) 4 copies
Oeuvres complètes Psychanalyse : Volume 16 : 1921-1923, Psychologie des masses, Le moi et la ça, Autres… (2003) 4 copies
Oeuvres complètes Psychanalyse : Volume 3, 1894-1899, Textes psychanalytiques divers (2005) 4 copies
storia e sviluppo della psicoanalisi 4 copies
Sigmund Freud werken 1 1885-1899 4 copies
Noi e la morte 4 copies
Sexualiteten / [Sigmund Freud] ; volymansvarig: Ludvig Igra ; [översättning: Ingrid Wikén Bonde, Christian Nilsson] (1998) 4 copies
Seksualteorien 4 copies
Oeuvres complètes Psychanalyse : Volume 12, 1913-1914, Le Moïse de Michel-Ange, Histoire du mouvement… (1989) 4 copies
フロイト 3 copies
SIGMUND FREUD COLLECTION VOL. 1 SIX BOOKS 1. A General Introduction To Psychoanalysis 2. Three Contributions To The… (2017) 3 copies
Oeuvres complètes Psychanalyse : Volume 18, 1926-1930, L'analyse profane, L'avenir d'une… (2002) 3 copies
L' io e l'es, 1922 3 copies
Una teoría sexual y otros ensayos 3 copies
Sigmund Freud werken 2 1900 3 copies
Correspondencia, 1909 - 1939 3 copies
Sigmund Freud werken 3 1901-1905 3 copies
Sigmund Freud werken 11 Registers 3 copies
Sigmund Freud werken 4 1905-1909 3 copies
Sigmund Freud werken 5 1909-1912 3 copies
Sigmund Freud werken 6 1912-1915 3 copies
Sigmund Freud werken 7 1915-1917 3 copies
Sigmund Freud werken 8 1917-1923 3 copies
Sigmund Freud werken 9 1924-1929 3 copies
Sigmund Freud werken 10 1930-1938 3 copies
Oeuvres complètes - psychanalyse : volume 10, 1909-1910, Leonard de Vinci, Un cas de Paranoïa, Cinq… (2009) 3 copies
Introduccion al narcisismo y otros ensayos / Introduction to Narcissism and Other Essays (Spanish Edition) (2012) 3 copies
Valda skrifter. Bortom lustprincipen ; samt Masspsykologi och jaganalys ; Jaget och detet ; Hämning, symtom och… (1995) 3 copies
The Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Sandor Ferenczi: 1914-19 Vol 2 (Freud, Sigmund//Correspondence of Sigmund Freud (1996) 3 copies
Perche la guerra? (1932): Considerazioni attuali sulla guerra e la morte (1915): Caducita (1915) 3 copies
Werken deel 12. CD-ROM 2 copies
Freud y el psicoanálisis 2 copies
Uma Neurose Infantil 2 copies
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex by Sigmund Freud: The Complete Work Plus an Overview, Chapter by Chapter… (2017) 2 copies
Introducción al Psicoanálisis. 2 tomos. Traducción Luis López- Ballesteros y de Torres. (1970) 2 copies
Epistolario - 1873-1939. 2 copies
Études sur l'hystérie 2 copies
Sogni, Ipnosi e Suggestione 2 copies
La mia vita e la psicoanalisi 2 copies
Tre saggi sulla sessualità, 1905 2 copies
Manchmal ist eine Zigarre nur eine Zigarre: Eine Anthologie (Klassiker der Weltliteratur) (2016) 2 copies
Dreams and psychoanalysis — Author — 2 copies
Psychologie des foules et analyse du moi - Suivi de "psychologie des foules" de Gustave Le Bon (2012) 2 copies
Observações sobre um caso de neurose obsessiva [O Homem dos Ratos]: Seguido das anotações originais sobre o caso… (2021) 2 copies
Epistolario III 2 copies
Sigmund freud, cartas de juventud/ Sigmund Freud Jugendbriefe An Eduard Silberstein: Con Correspondencia En Espanol… (1992) 2 copies
TOTEM VE TABU 2 2 copies
TOTEM VE TABU 1 2 copies
Zwei Fallberichte: »Schreber« (Paranoia), »Haitzmann« (Teufelsneurose) (Sigmund Freud, Werke im Taschenbuch) (1997) 2 copies
Cultura, sociedade, religião: O mal-estar na cultura e outros escritos (Portuguese Edition) (2020) 2 copies
Más allá del principio del placer Psicología de las masas y análisis del yo ; El yo y el ello (2002) 2 copies
Elemente der Psychoanalyse 2 copies
تفسیر خواب 2 copies
Psychoanalytische theorie 2 2 copies
Hvorfor krig? 2 copies
Il nostro cuore volge al Sud. Lettere di viaggio. Soprattutto dall'Italia (1895-1923) (2002) 2 copies
Iz kulture i umjetnosti 2 copies
O Futuro de uma Ilusão, O mal-estar na civilização e outros trabalhos (1927-1931) (Obras… (2010) 2 copies
Opere di Sigmund Freud Voll. 1 - 12 2 copies
Anwendungen der Psychoanalyse 2 copies
Sigmund Freud on Sexuality 2 copies
Očrt psihoanalize : (1938) 2 copies
Neurosenlehre 2 copies
Fetishism 2 copies
Uni ja isänmurha: kuusi esseetä taiteesta (Harhakuvitelmia ja unia W. Jensenin Gravidassa, Leonardo da Vincin… (1995) 2 copies
Избранное: Книга 1 2 copies
major works of Sigmund Freud, The 2 copies
Sigmund Freud, Oeuvres complètes, tome 3 : 1894-1899, textes psychanalitiques divers (1998) 2 copies
Freud: Conflict and Culture 2 copies
Όνειρο και τηλεπάθεια 2 copies
Casi clinici: 3 2 copies
Sigmund Freud 2 copies
Os Pensadores: Freud 2 copies
Selected Papers on Hysteria 2 copies
אריינפיר אין פסיכאאנאליז 1 copy
Sigmund Freud. Textos inéditos y documentos recobrados (Estudios PSI) (Spanish Edition) (2018) 1 copy
Studies in Parapsychology 1 copy
Uvod u psihoanalizu . San 1 copy
Freud e os abismos da psique 1 copy
I classici del pensiero libero [Corriere della sera]: Sigmund Freud. Tre saggi sulla teoria sessuale 1 copy
Trauer und Melancholie 1 copy
Afasias (Portuguese Edition) 1 copy
Textos Essenciais da Psicanálise Volume I O Inconsciente, Os Sonhos e a Vida Pulsional (1997) 1 copy
Bir Genç Kızın Günlüğü 1 copy
תרבות, דת ויהדות 1 copy
Pszichoanalízis 1 copy
Hz. Musa ve Tektanrıcılık 1 copy
Traum und Telepathie: Vortrag in der Wiener psychoanalytischen Vereinigung (German Edition) (2017) 1 copy
Endişe 1 copy
Mpsychologie 1 copy
Werkausgabe : in zwei Bänden 1 copy
Os primeiros psicanalistas: Atas da Sociedade Psicanalítica de Viena 1906-1908 (Em Portuguese do Brasil) (2017) 1 copy
Sobre un caso de paranoia 1 copy
Psychoanalytische duidingen - deel 1, 2/3 (Droomduiding) en 5 - uitg. Boom - deel 4 ontbreekt 1 copy
FRIKA 1 copy
Ansia e Nevrastenia 1 copy
Moses 1 copy
Ο Ποιητής και η Φαντασίωση 1 copy
freud e la psicanalisi 1 copy
Psicoanalisi e società 1 copy
"un enfant est battu": Contribution à la connaissance de la genèse des perversions sexuelles (2019) 1 copy
Samið við Satan 1 copy
Drömtydning. 1 1 copy
Compendio da Psicanálise. 1 copy
The Sigmund Freud Collection 1 copy
Aan gene zijde van het lustprincipe het lustprincipe lijkt welhaast in dienst te staan van de doodsdriften (2022) 1 copy
Ο Πολιτισμός Πηγή Δυστυχίας 1 copy
Dialettica della famiglia. Genesi, struttura e dinamica di un'istituzione repressiva (1974) — Contributor — 1 copy, 1 review
Sigmund Freud. Cinq psychanalyses : Dora. Le petit Hans. L'homme aux rats. Le président Schreber. L'homme aux loups. (1935) 1 copy
Избранное. Книга 2 1 copy
La vie sexuelle 1 copy
General Selection 1 copy
אבל ומלנכוליה 1 copy
Carta a Romain Rolland 1 copy
A Interpretação dod Sonhos 1 copy
Obstacles to Psychoanalytic Progress - Specific Neural Pathways for Some Situations - Lectures on Psychoanalysis (2020) 1 copy
Obras completas: Tomo 4 1 copy
Mia vita ed opera 1 copy
Moise et le monothéisme 1 copy
Obras Completas Vol. II 1 copy
30. Los Sueños 1 copy
Moïse & le monothéisme 1 copy
Werkausgabe in zwei bänden band 1: elemente der psychoanalyse, band 2: anwendungen der psychoanalyse 1 copy
Cinsiyet Üzerine 1 copy
Totem e tabù: L'avvenire di un'illusione: L'uomo Mosè· e altri scritti sulla religione (2012) 1 copy
On Transience 1 copy
Abr©♭g©♭ de psychanalyse 1 copy
Ma vie et la psychanalyse suivi de psychanalyse et medecine. collection : idees n° 169 (1981) 1 copy
La science des rêves 1 copy
L'Io e l'Es 1 copy
Cinq lecons sur la psychanalyse suivi de contribution à l'histoire du mouvement psychanalytique (1974) 1 copy
L'avvenire di un'illusione 1 copy
Психоаналитические этюды 1 copy
Il Mosè di Michelangelo 1913 1 copy
Таинство девственности 1 copy
Psihoanalitičke misli 1 copy
International Library of Psychology: Wit And Its Relation To The Unconscious (The International Library of Psychology… (1999) 1 copy
Opere 1886-1905 e 1905-1921 1 copy
Az ősvalami és az én 1 copy
Álomfejtés 1 copy
Opere - I Parte 1 copy
A patkanyember 1 copy
Alomfejtes 1 copy
BIBLIOTECA SIGMUND FREUD. OBRAS COMPLETAS T. VII Fragmento de análisis de un caso de histeria 1 copy
The Basic Writings 1 copy
Risposta a un questionario sulla lettura e sui buoni libri [sta in: opere. 5. il motto di spirito... 1 copy
Essays I-III; 3 Bände, Band I: Auswahl 1890 bis 1914; Band II: Auswahl 1915 bis 1919; Band III: 1920 bis 1937… (1988) 1 copy
Opere esentiale 1 1 copy
Freud vol. 2 1 copy
Notiz ûber den Wunderblock 1 copy
Die Verneinung 1 copy
Die Ichspaltung 1 copy
Goethe Preis 1 copy
Freud: Selected Works 1 copy
Zur Einführung des Narzissmus. Eine Teufelsneurose im 17. Jahrhundert. Kleine Beiträge zur Traumlehre. 3 Beiträge in… (1924) 1 copy
Triebe und Triebschicksale 1 copy
Charcot 1 copy
Dinin Kkenleri 1 copy
Opere I parte (volume I) 1 copy
Moisés e o monoteísmo, Esboço de psicanálise e outros trabalhos (Obras Completas), vol. XXIII (2010) 1 copy
Opere. vol da I a XII 1 copy
Screen Memories 1 copy
Čovek pacov 1 copy
Le lapsus 1 copy
Freud Vol. 1-3 1 copy
Psikanaliz ve Uygulama 1 copy
Die Verdrängung 1 copy
Paranoja i homoseksualnost 1 copy
Storia della psicoanalisi 1 copy
L'interpretazione dei sogni-Psicopatologia della vita quotidiana-Tre saggi sulla sessualità (1992) 1 copy
Casi clinici 2 1 copy
Antologia di scritti 1 copy
Sigmund Freud: El malestar en la cultura, Psicoanálisis, La división de la personalidad psiquica 1 copy
O pensamento vivo de Freud 1 copy
Spisi o seksualnosti 1 copy
Gesammelte Werke, 17 Bde., 1 Reg.-Bd. u. 1 Nachtragsbd., Nachtragsband, Texte aus den Jahren 1885-1938 (1987) 1 copy
Psicopatologia della vita quotidianaIl motto di spiritoTre saggi sulla teoria sessuale (2002) 1 copy
The Ego and the Id ; Inhibitions, Symptoms, and Anxiety ; Thoughts for the Times on War and Death 1 copy
Psychoanalytische duiding 4 1 copy
Ziektegeschiedenissen 2 1 copy
Ziektegeschiedenissen 3 1 copy
Cultuur en religie 5 1 copy
Freud-Ferenczi: Chronique d'une correspondance : identités et filiations, aléas du transfert, transmission et… (1993) 1 copy
A história do movimento psicanalítico, artigos sobre metapsicologia e outros trabalhos, vol. XIV (2010) 1 copy
Um caso de histeria. Três ensaios sobre a teoria da sexualidade e outros trabalhos (Obras Completas), vol VII (2010) 1 copy
Obras completas volume 12 1 copy
Dreams And Telepathy 1 copy
Das Unbehagen in der Kultur 1 copy
Œuvres complètes. Volume XVI, 1921-1923, Psychologie des masses. Le moi et le ça. Autres textes (2010) 1 copy
Sigmund Freud papers 1 copy
Η γυναικεία σεξουαλικότητα 1 copy
Zur Gewinnung des Feuers 1 copy
Psychoanalysis 1 copy
Wenn Moses ein Ägypter war 1 copy
Gesammelte Schriften 1 copy
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026 - Voci di enciclopedia (1922) ; Breve compendio di psicoanalisi (1923) ; Psicoanalisi (1925) 1 copy
De la psychanalyse 1 copy
O Caso Schreber Notas psicanalíticas sobre um relato autobiográfico de um caso de paranóia (Dementia Paranoides) (1998) 1 copy
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Zur Auffassung der Aphasien: Eine kritische Studie (Sigmund Freud, Werke im Taschenbuch) (1992) 1 copy
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l'avvenire di un illusione 1 copy
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Hysterie und Angst 1 copy
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Obras Completas I 1 copy
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Associated Works
Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama (1995) — Contributor, some editions — 953 copies, 7 reviews
Chloe Plus Olivia: An Anthology of Lesbian Literature from the 17th Century to the Present (1994) — Contributor — 456 copies, 1 review
The Graphic Canon, Vol. 3: From Heart of Darkness to Hemingway to Infinite Jest (2013) — Contributor — 152 copies, 1 review
The Smiles of Rome: A Literary Companion for Readers and Travelers (2005) — Contributor — 62 copies, 2 reviews
Gentlemen, Scholars and Scoundrels: A Treasury of the Best of Harper's Magazine from 1850 to the Present (1972) — Contributor — 61 copies
Great companions : critical memoirs of some famous friends (2007) — Contributor — 23 copies, 1 review
Topsy: The Story of a Golden-Haired Chow (History of Ideas Series) (1937) — Translator, some editions — 6 copies
The intellectual tradition of modern Germany : A collection of writings from the eighteenth to the twentieth century (1973) — Contributor — 3 copies
The intellectual tradition of modern Germany : A collection of writings from the eighteenth to the twentieth century :… (1973) — Contributor — 3 copies
Crowd Psychology: Understanding the Phenomenon and Its Causes [Kindle] (2017) — Contributor — 2 copies
90 Masterpieces You Must Read (Vol.1): Novels, Poetry, Plays, Short Stories, Essays, Psychology & Philosophy (2020) — Contributor — 1 copy
Common Knowledge
- Legal name
- Freud, Sigismund Schlomo
- Other names
- FREUD, Sigismund Schlomo
FREUD, Sigmund - Birthdate
- 1856-05-06
- Date of death
- 1939-09-23
- Burial location
- Golders Green Crematorium, London, England
- Gender
- male
- Nationality
- Austro-Hungarian Empire
- Country (for map)
- Austria
- Birthplace
- Freiburg, Moravia, Austria-Hungary
- Place of death
- London, England, UK
- Cause of death
- cancer
- Places of residence
- Vienna, Austria
London, England
Freiberg, Moravia, Austrian Empire - Education
- University of Vienna
Salpêtrière Hospital - Occupations
- psychoanalyst
physician - Relationships
- Freud, Anna (daughter)
Freud, Clement (grandson)
Freud, Lucian (grandson)
Freud, Emma (great-granddaughter)
Freud, Esther (great-granddaughter)
Boyt, Susie (great-granddaughter) (show all 13)
Freud-Bernays, Anna (sister)
Bernays, Edward (nephew)
Bernays, Anne (greatniece)
Brentano, Franz (teacher)
H.D. (patient)
Brunswick, Ruth Mack (colleague)
Reik, Theodor (student) - Organizations
- Familie Freud
- Awards and honors
- Goethe Prize
Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams in Dreamers (January 2017)
Sigmund Freud in Legacy Libraries (July 2012)
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- Members
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- Popularity
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- Rating
- 3.6
- Reviews
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- 3,058
- Languages
- 38
- Favorited
- 68
This is a magnificent version of Freud's masterwork, presented in a lavish illustrated style. It includes Freud's groundbreaking text plus an introduction and 16 essays by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson. Exquisite art from Dali, Rousseau, Francis Bacon and many other Modernist and Surrealist artists appear throughout. In addition to Freud's groundbreaking text the volume includes an introduction and 16 essays by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, the noted author and former projects director of the..... Source: Pinterest… (more)