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Federico García Lorca (1898–1936)

Author of The House of Bernarda Alba

827+ Works 13,646 Members 188 Reviews 73 Favorited

About the Author

Federico del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús García Lorca was born in a small town west of Granada, Spain, on June 5, 1898. He was a poet and playwright. His collections of poetry included Gypsy Ballads and Poet in New York. His plays included The Butterfly's Evil Spell, The Shoemaker's Prodigious show more Wife, Don Perlimplin, Blood Wedding, Yerma, and The House of Bernarda Alba. In 1936, he was assassinated by an anti-communist death squad during the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. Franco's regime placed a ban on Lorca's work and this was not lifted until 1953. It was not until Franco died that Lorca's work could be openly discussed in Spain. (Bowker Author Biography) Federico Garcia Lorca, born in Granada in 1898, was murdered by Franco's soldiers in 1936. (Publisher Provided) show less
Image credit: From Owen Barfield Website


Works by Federico García Lorca

The House of Bernarda Alba (1935) 1,433 copies, 25 reviews
Bodas de sangre (1933) — Author — 1,174 copies, 29 reviews
Poet in New York (1940) 1,041 copies, 11 reviews
Three Tragedies (1955) — Author — 957 copies, 3 reviews
The Selected Poems of Federico Garcia Lorca (1955) 716 copies, 8 reviews
The Collected Poems (1991) 632 copies, 1 review
Gypsy Ballads (1928) 553 copies, 12 reviews
Yerma (1934) 509 copies, 7 reviews
Antología poética (1978) 401 copies, 7 reviews
Romancero gitano (1928) 355 copies, 8 reviews
In Search of Duende (1998) 276 copies, 6 reviews
Poem of the Deep Song (Spanish Edition) (1931) 223 copies, 3 reviews
Blood Wedding and Yerma (1933) 186 copies, 2 reviews
Poesie (1921) — Author — 159 copies, 1 review
The Shoemaker's Prodigious Wife (1930) 148 copies, 1 review
Selected Poems (1997) 139 copies, 1 review
Five Plays (1963) 123 copies
Libro de poemas (1982) — Author — 119 copies, 2 reviews
Dona Rosita the Spinster (1935) 108 copies, 2 reviews
Four Major Plays (1932) 102 copies, 2 reviews
Obras completas (1980) 93 copies, 2 reviews
Sonnets of a Dark Love (1936) 87 copies
Mariana Pineda (1984) 80 copies
Ode to Walt Whitman and Other Poems (1988) 69 copies, 1 review
El Publico (1930) 68 copies, 2 reviews
La Maison de Bernarda Alba. Noce de sang (1933) 65 copies, 1 review
Diván del Tamarit (1988) 56 copies, 2 reviews
Lorca (1960) — Author — 50 copies
Mi primer libro de poemas (1997) 46 copies
Canciones y poemas para niños (1901) 45 copies, 1 review
Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías (1935) 43 copies, 1 review
Plays: One (1987) 43 copies
Canciones (1921-1924) (1993) 42 copies, 2 reviews
Trilogia Rural (2023) 41 copies
Andalusian lauluja (1972) 36 copies
Deep Song and Other Prose (1977) 35 copies
Poema del cante jondo Romancero gitano (1901) 35 copies, 1 review
Tutte le poesie (1975) 34 copies
Poet in Spain (2017) 30 copies, 1 review
Selected Letters (1984) 28 copies
Dibujos (1986) 26 copies
Federico Garcia Lorca Para Ninos (1983) 25 copies, 1 review
Suites (1983) 24 copies, 1 review
When Five Years Pass (1995) 23 copies, 3 reviews
Prosa (1980) 20 copies
Teatro (1997) 19 copies
Die dramatischen Dichtungen (1972) 17 copies
The Butterfly's Evil Spell (1996) 17 copies
Plays: Two (1990) 17 copies
Romances y Canciones (1998) 17 copies
Teatro completo (2004) 15 copies
Poésies II (1972) 15 copies
Obras completas (1974) 15 copies
46 Poemas (Spanish Edition) (1997) 13 copies
Tutto il teatro (1993) 13 copies
Divan & other writings (1974) 13 copies
Romancero gitano. Yerma (1971) 13 copies
Poesia, teatro, artículos (1977) 13 copies, 1 review
Federico Garcia Lorca (2001) 12 copies
Teatro (1985) 11 copies
Obras selectas (1998) 11 copies
Poesia Inedita de Juventud (1994) 10 copies
Sonetos do Amor Obscuro e Divã do Tamarit (1998) 10 copies, 1 review
Conferencias (1984) 9 copies
Romancero gitano (1928) 9 copies, 2 reviews
Seis poemas galegos (1978) 9 copies
Obras completas (2000) 8 copies
MEU CORACAO E TUA CASA (2007) 8 copies
The Billy-Club Puppets (1901) 8 copies, 1 review
Teatro completo IV (2004) 7 copies
Nueva York en un poeta (2017) 7 copies
Ποιήματα (2006) 7 copies
Tree of Song (1973) 6 copies
Viaje a la Luna (1994) 6 copies, 1 review
Teatro selecto (1969) 6 copies
Obras completas I (1991) 6 copies
Sonetos (1996) 5 copies
Gedichten (1985) 5 copies
Federico García Lorca (2020) 5 copies
Grøn vil eg ha deg grøn (2016) 5 copies
Théâtre II (1953) 5 copies
Les berceuses (2009) 5 copies
Runoja 4 copies
Színművek (1988) 4 copies
Gypsy Ballads 4 copies
Epistolario II (1992) 4 copies
CUATRO PIEZAS BREVES (1996) 4 copies
Gedichte (1969) 4 copies
Obras IV. Teatro 2 (1985) 4 copies
Poesie 2 4 copies
Impressions et paysages (2015) 4 copies
La désillusion du monde (2012) 4 copies
Poemas (1987) 3 copies
Trece de nieve 3 copies
Prosa 2 (2008) 3 copies
Prosa 1 (2008) 3 copies
Mariposa Del Aire (1998) 3 copies
Romancero gitano, El (2013) 3 copies, 1 review
Teatro (1980) 3 copies
Kanli Dugun 3 copies
Tutte le poesie (2013) 3 copies
Poesie. I. II. (1966) 3 copies
Poeta en Nueva York (2023) 3 copies
Liedjes (1921-1924) (1998) 3 copies
Lola la comedianta (1981) 3 copies
Tre skuespil 3 copies
Herkenningen (1981) — Author — 3 copies
Troldmanden fra Granada (1984) 3 copies
Riba zvijezda i naočale (2010) 2 copies
Obras completas 2 copies
Udvalgte digte (2009) 2 copies
Liriko 2 copies
Obras completas 2 copies
Obras completas, tomo 1 (2005) 2 copies
Zelený vítr 2 copies
I capolavori (1997) 2 copies
Arlequín (2015) 2 copies
Federico García Lorca (2022) 2 copies
E poi libri, e ancora libri (2017) 2 copies, 1 review
Dikt om den dype sang (1978) 2 copies
Stücke (2011) 2 copies
Ode à Salvador Dali (1989) 2 copies
Ferias (1997) 2 copies
Epistolario completo (1997) 2 copies
Obras 2 copies
Frederico (1999) 2 copies
Antología modelna (1995) 2 copies
Epistolario I (1983) 2 copies
Lorca por Lorca 2 copies
Paisaje de un día (2024) 2 copies
Théatre I 2 copies
Poetas del 27 (1988) 2 copies
Mu kätes on tuli (1997) 2 copies
MARIANA PINEDA 331 (2012) 2 copies
Verde que te quiero verde (2016) 2 copies
Teatro 1 (2008) 2 copies
Teatro 2 (2008) 2 copies
Teatro 3 (2008) 2 copies
Selected poems 2 copies
Poesie VOL 2 (1994) 2 copies
Poesías 2 copies
Cos'è questo mio amore (2020) 2 copies
Le più belle poesie (2007) 2 copies
Knjiga pjesama 2 copies
Cante jondo 2 copies
Le poesie 1 copy
Obras III. Teatro 1 (1996) 1 copy
Libri, libri! (2014) 1 copy, 1 review
Sigøjnerballader (2020) 1 copy
Collected Plays (1976) 1 copy
Teatralije 1 copy
Grito hacia Roma (2023) 1 copy
KANLI DUGUN (1989) 1 copy
Blood Wedding [sound recording] (2011) — Author — 1 copy
Buddha 1 copy, 1 review
Obras completas II (2006) 1 copy
Obras Completas. (1980) 1 copy
Poesía selecta (2018) 1 copy
Theatre I (1955) 1 copy
Vérnász (XX. századi dráma) (1995) 1 copy, 1 review
Poet in Spain (2020) 1 copy
Le diamant fou (2006) 1 copy
Il teatro 1 copy
Prosa (2013) 1 copy
Verspreide gedichten (2002) 1 copy
Sulle ninne nanne (2005) 1 copy
Alocuciones (1998) 1 copy
Four Lorca Suites (1989) 1 copy
Teater (1999) 1 copy
LES BERCEUSES (2018) 1 copy
Théâtre 1 copy
Poésies 1 copy
Santiago (2020) 1 copy
Alma Ausente (1998) 1 copy
Two Plays 1 copy
Poesia 1 copy
The House of Bernarda Alba {Rosa Munro 1999} (1999) — Original author — 1 copy
Poesia 1 1 copy
Garcia Lorca 1 copy
Két esti hold (1975) 1 copy
Polisón de nardos (2011) 1 copy
Poemetti in prosa (2011) 1 copy
García Lorca i udvalg (2017) 1 copy
Poesie erotiche (2000) 1 copy
Complaintes gitanes (2013) 1 copy
Solo mia 1 copy
bodas 1 copy
Verse van Lorca (1987) 1 copy
Ay tarara loca 1 copy, 1 review
Obras Varias 1 copy
ROMANCERO GITANO 1 copy, 1 review
GAR Yerma 1 copy
Toneelwerk 1 copy
diVersi 1 copy
It's True 1 copy
POESIE 1 1 copy
Crucifixión 1 copy
Werke in drei Bänden (1982) 1 copy
Prologue 1 copy
Antología 1 copy
The house of Bernarda Alba {Rona Munro 2009} (2009) — Original author — 1 copy
La ardilla salta como locuela (2021) 1 copy, 1 review
Yerma 1 copy
Le poesie 1 copy
Songs (1976) 1 copy
Poemas E Canções 1 copy, 1 review
Poesie II 1 copy
Kvinnodramerna (2009) 1 copy
Die Stücke (2007) 1 copy
Cartas escogidas (1999) 1 copy
Лирика 1 copy
Lekcijas (2013) 1 copy

Associated Works

Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama (1995) — Contributor, some editions — 958 copies, 7 reviews
World Poetry: An Anthology of Verse from Antiquity to Our Time (1998) — Contributor — 469 copies, 1 review
The Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart: A Poetry Anthology (1992) — Contributor — 413 copies, 3 reviews
City Lights Pocket Poets Anthology (1995) — Contributor — 377 copies, 6 reviews
Against Forgetting: Twentieth-Century Poetry of Witness (1993) — Contributor — 346 copies, 2 reviews
The Penguin Book of Homosexual Verse (1983) — Contributor — 243 copies, 3 reviews
The Columbia Anthology of Gay Literature (1998) — Contributor — 163 copies
Playwrights on Playwriting: From Ibsen to Ionesco (1960) — Contributor — 114 copies, 2 reviews
The Norton Book of Friendship (1991) — Contributor — 99 copies
The Poet's Work: 29 Poets on the Origins and Practice of Their Art (1979) — Contributor — 91 copies, 1 review
Lorca & Jimenez: Selected Poems (1973) — Contributor — 83 copies
Drama in the modern world: plays and essays (1964) — Contributor, some editions — 76 copies, 1 review
Contemporary Drama: 15 Plays (1959) — Contributor — 68 copies, 1 review
Modern and Contemporary Drama (1958) — Contributor — 43 copies, 1 review
14 great plays (1977) — Contributor — 32 copies
15 International One-Act Plays (1969) — Contributor — 32 copies
Elsewhere (Poets in the World) (2014) — Contributor — 31 copies, 1 review
One World of Literature (1992) — Contributor — 25 copies
Treasury of the Theatre: From Ibsen to Sartre (1988) — Contributor — 18 copies
Ancient Voices of Children / Music for a Summer Evening (1971) — Author — 18 copies, 3 reviews
El grupo poético de 1927 : antología (1993) — Contributor — 9 copies
Seventies No. 1: An Anthology of Leaping Poetry (1982) — Contributor — 6 copies
Antaeus No. 18, Summer 1975 — Contributor — 2 copies
Ancient Voices of Children [1973 TV episode] (1973) — Author — 1 copy
Tennessee Williams: Die tätowierte Rose — Contributor — 1 copy


20th century (225) Andalusia (29) anthology (247) bilingual (37) classics (37) collection (36) drama (454) essays (34) Federico García Lorca (71) fiction (255) gay (30) Generación del 27 (103) in Spanish (30) literary criticism (26) literature (420) Lorca (60) non-fiction (48) own (37) play (106) plays (195) poems (37) poetry (2,290) poetry anthology (30) read (49) script (29) short stories (29) Spain (338) Spanish (499) Spanish drama (32) Spanish language (29) Spanish literature (479) Spanish poetry (111) Spanish theater (37) textbook (57) theatre (501) to-read (320) tragedy (51) translation (104) world literature (30) writing (29)

Common Knowledge



Blood Wedding is an allegory for lovers forlorn and death, not of flesh but of absence, (from mothers pap which ties us to womb and societal ideology). We see the dark rites of passage for crossed lovers. The tryst that gave them beauty but a palpable death of longing for otherness. To be a maddened flight, to have only recourse for love in a world that makes precious proprietary not the worn skin of love. To amble in this opaque narrative becomes us. We see the lightness of escape or the chosen path of workmanship. Some have no tongue to kiss, although long for the realm of sex. Speak not hollow, in this suffrage of hallowed dark.… (more)
Sri-Hari-Palacio-MEd | 28 other reviews | Dec 21, 2024 |
Stunning to explore Spain's explicator of poetic duende in this new translation from [a:Sarah Arvio|354878|Sarah Arvio|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1213149379p2/354878.jpg] reviewed by Dwight Garner in The New York Times:
"Lorca’s poems from Spain are a poetry of dreams and journeys and glimpses from balconies, of sunbaked meadows and realms of erotic yearning. He went to the well often for the same elemental imagery: the sea, the wind, the moon, flowers and trees. His mind worked feverishly enough to induce hallucinations."

Having a rudimentary knowledge of Spanish, I was troubled by some of Translator Sarah Arvio's decisions to drop punctuation. Garner offers samples:
Lorca has been tamped down. His poem “Cazador” (“Hunter”), for example, begins with these words: “¡Alto pinar!” Arvio translates this, with a vast diminution in energy, as “High grove of pines.”

Lorca wrote in an exclamatory style that gave his work a flamenco brashness missing from some of these translations. García Lorca uses exclamatory sequences to mimic the effect of a chorus singing and beating their palms to the music of a flamenco performance.
Look at the first stanza of “Árboles” (“Trees”) from 1919:

¿Habéis sido flechas
Caídas del azul?
¿Qué terribles guerreros os lanzaron?
¿Han sido las estrellas?

Per Garner, "Arvio renders this in telegraphic yet somewhat lobotomized fashion:"

Were you once arrows
falling from the sky
What terrible warriors shot you
Were they the stars

Lorca's fascination with 14th-century Persian poetry in The Tamarit Divan to his idealization of Andalusia’s Romani history in Gypsy Ballads may be questioned nowadays, but overall these English translations stand up and render the book invaluable to any English-speaker smitten by Lorca’s work.

https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/30/books/review-poet-in-spain-federico-garcia-lo... and https://yalereview.org/article/poetry-review-poet-spain-federico-garcia-lorca

… (more)
featherbooks | May 7, 2024 |



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Associated Authors

Nicolás Guillén Contributor
Jacques Roumain Contributor
Rona Munro Adapter, Translator
Stephen Spender Translator
J.L. Gili Translator, Editor
A. L. Lloyd Translator
Gilda Kulhman Cover designer
Greville Texidor Translator
Rolfe Humphries Translator
Langston Hughes Translator
W. S. Merwin Translator
Lysander Kemp Translator
Jaime De Angulo Translator
Edwin Honing Translator
Donald Jenks Translator
Ben Belitt Translator
Stanley Read Translator
Roy Campbell Translator
Nicholas Round Introduction
John Edmunds Translator
Sarah Arvio Translator
Mercer Cook Translator
Daniela Carpani Adapted by
Leonard Cohen Contributor
Raimundo Fagner Contributor
Chico Buarque Contributor
Donovan Contributor
Patxi Andión Contributor
David Broza Contributor
Paco de Lucía Contributor
Angelo Branduardi Contributor
Pepe de Lucía Contributor
Victor Manuel Contributor
Mikis Theodorakis Contributor
Georges Moustaki Contributor
Lluis Llach Contributor
Marta Poveda Narrator
Gloria Muñoz Narrator
Enrique Beck Translator
Ted Hughes Translator
Karin Alin Translator
Odile Atthalin Photographer
Hjalmar Gullberg Translator
Rafael Celda Photographer
Luc. Tournier Translator
Greg Simon Translator
Steven F. White Translator
Corneille Illustrator
Alvin Lustig Cover designer
Chris Buursen Illustrator
Picasso Illustrator
Julian Bell Illustrator
Peter Bush Translator
Edvīns Raups Translator
Dolf Verspoor Translator
Bart Vonck Translator


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