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Merrill Joan Gerber

Author of The Kingdom of Brooklyn

26+ Works 172 Members 5 Reviews

About the Author

Merrill Joan Gerber teaches creative writing at the California Institute of Technology.

Works by Merrill Joan Gerber

Associated Works

The Best American Mystery Stories 1998 (1998) — Contributor — 184 copies
The Seasons of Women: An Anthology (1995) — Contributor — 46 copies
Dream Me Home Safely: Writers on Growing Up in America (2003) — Contributor — 41 copies
Prize Stories 1986: The O. Henry Awards (1986) — Contributor — 24 copies


Common Knowledge



Back in the 1980s when i was doing childrens bookselling, a lot of teenfics were very, um, issue led. Each publisher had a list of novels that were market researched right-on carefully focussed hack work from the very latest word processor. There'd be an anorexia story, a kindly objectifying story about a wheelchair user, a terminal illness romance, and one about fighting the system of the american high school. Maybe a lesbian story.

They were generally uninspired. Even the dutifully included humourous element would be flabby. They were as sanctimoniously moral as Newberry's goody two shoes.

Which is why I'm nervous of reviewing this. Reduced to bullet points, it sounds like bibliotherapy hell.

Heroine's mum stresses about diets and being fat. 16 year old heroine is mildly regretful she has plump metabolism but not remotely stressed about it. I loved the heroine; she was a good person without inducing eye rolling, mature without beiing unconvincing. She wants to learn hebrew from the granny substitute she visits regularly. She loses patience with aerobics-mad friend but bonds with the friend's hippy mum. She gets into belly dancing where being curvy is a plus, fights to maintain boundaries with her mum, and comes out of it all okay.

The background is terribly 80s. There's a bit in a department store where they debate makeup and the colours they mention are pumpkin mustard and camel.
… (more)
nessreader | 1 other review | Jul 22, 2016 |
This book struck cords in me that were deep, intense and I don't think I realized were there. Once struck though the sounds of this book will be with me forever. I really can't remember what drew me to this book or how I came about checking it out but however it happened I am grateful that it did. It had a very profound effect on my life and the way in which I identified with this book left me speechless but so much more less confused. God bless, you changed my life.
justablondemoment | Feb 7, 2012 |
Cute story about a teenage girl trying to break away from her parents and follow her own dreams.
ReadHanded | Oct 2, 2011 |
i don't know exactly why i bought this book. i'm not keen on mothers and i really don't like cats. maybe i just read about the author on the back and i do like memoirs. well i hated the first part which was mostly about the cat. she's got over the cat and the part about her mother was quite interesting.
mahallett | Dec 7, 2009 |


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