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61+ Works 3,486 Members 28 Reviews 2 Favorited

About the Author

Dana Gioia is a poet and critic. He has published five collections of poetry, most recently 99 Poems: New Selected, which won the Poets' Prize. His child collection, Interrogations at Noon, was awarded the American Book Award. Gioia's first critical collection, Can Poetry Matter?, was a finalist show more for the National Book Critics Circle Award. Gioia has served as the Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts and California State Poet Laureate. show less

Includes the name: Dana Gioia

Image credit: Dana Gioia (photo by Star Black) By Dana Gioia by Star Black - Dana Gioia, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=51913850

Works by Dana Gioia

Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama (1995) — Editor — 958 copies, 7 reviews
An Introduction to Poetry (1966) 596 copies, 2 reviews
The Art of the Short Story (2005) 275 copies, 5 reviews
An Introduction to Fiction (1983) — Editor — 147 copies, 1 review
The Gods of Winter: Poems (1991) 103 copies
99 Poems: New and Selected (2016) 95 copies, 2 reviews
Twentieth-Century American Poetry (2003) 85 copies, 1 review
The Best American Poetry 2018 (2018) — Editor — 85 copies, 1 review
Pity the Beautiful: Poems (2012) 83 copies, 4 reviews
Daily Horoscope (1986) 62 copies, 1 review
Art of the Short Story, The (1999) 45 copies
Meet Me at the Lighthouse: Poems (2023) 28 copies, 2 reviews
Mottetti (1990) — Translator — 23 copies
New Italian Poets (1991) 22 copies
Poems from Italy (1972) — Editor — 18 copies
The Misread City: New Literary Los Angeles (2003) — Editor — 14 copies
Ceremony and Other Stories (1984) — Editor — 12 copies
Journeys in sunlight (1986) 4 copies
From California 2 copies
Two epitaphs 1 copy

Associated Works

Poetry 180: A Turning Back to Poetry (2003) — Contributor — 800 copies, 10 reviews
The Best American Poetry 1997 (1997) — Contributor — 170 copies
Poetry Speaks Expanded: Hear Poets Read Their Own Work from Tennyson to Plath (2007) — Advisory Editor; Contributor — 154 copies, 2 reviews
The Best American Poetry 2016 (2016) — Contributor — 102 copies, 4 reviews
The Spoken Word Revolution Redux (2007) — Contributor — 85 copies, 3 reviews
Rebel Angels: 25 Poets of the New Formalism (1996) — Contributor — 82 copies, 1 review
My California: Journeys By Great Writers (2004) — Contributor — 57 copies
Ogden Nash: The Life and Work of America's Laureate of Light Verse (2005) — Foreword — 38 copies, 1 review
St. Peter's B-list: Contemporary Poems Inspired by the Saints (2014) — Contributor — 29 copies, 1 review
Selected Short Stories of Weldon Kees (1984) — Editor, some editions — 26 copies, 1 review
Seneca: The Tragedies (Complete Roman Drama in Translation) (2013) — Translator, some editions — 17 copies
An Introduction to Fahrenheit 451 (The Big Read) (2008) — Narrator, some editions — 8 copies
This Man's Army: A War in Fifty-odd Sonnets (The Joseph M. Bruccoli Great War) (2008) — Introduction, some editions — 7 copies
An Introduction To: The Joy Luck Club (2008) — Narrator — 4 copies
The Drifted Stream - A tribute to Charles Causley (2024) — Contributor — 1 copy


Common Knowledge



Summary: A collection of poems reflecting memories of people from several generations as well as the places of Gioia’s life.

I’ve suggested to others wanting to begin reading poetry to find an anthology and notice whose poetry you like and explore those poets further. Here, I am following my own advice, having encountered and liked Dana Gioia’s poetry in an anthology. And in this case, it was good advice. There was so much I connected with in these poems.

Many of these are about memories, typified in the opening and title poem, “Meet Me at the Lighthouse.” He recalls an old nightclub, on a foggy pier, speaks to an anonymous friend who has died, urging him to meet him there for one night of listening to some of the greats in jazz–Gerry Mulligan, Cannonball Adderly, Hampton Hawes, Stan Getz, Chet Baker, and Art Pepper. Who of us hasn’t remembered places like this and ghosts of our past and wished for ‘one more time?”

In “Three Drunk Poets” he recalls the crazy things we do in our youth. In this case, he recalls a night where, with two other poet friends in a small town, they challenged each other to keep walking until they ran out of remembered poems. They ran out of city lights before they did poems, with a coyote joining the recitation. At that, they turned around.

“Tinsel, Frankincense, and Fir” evokes memories of the Christmas season. Like many of us, his decorations are old and carry memories of Christmases past–and the ghosts of family.

Gioia evokes other ghosts. One is of an uncle, Theodore Ortiz, who joined the U.S. Merchant Marine, serving until his early death. Another is of the life and death of his great grandfather, Jesus Ortiz, and of the two boys who followed him as cowboys.

He writes several poems about Los Angeles. “Psalm and Lament for Los Angeles” paraphrases Psalm 137, setting it in the demolished places of his childhood. He asks, “What was there to sing in a strange and empty land?” His lament recalls the feelings of revisiting my home town of Youngstown and missing so many of the places of my youth–my house, my school, my church, the department store where both my father and I worked.

He also recalls the hot summer nights and the passions of the flesh so near the surface while another poem recalls the missed chances of romance.

In the final poem, “The Underworld,” Gioia joins the ranks of poets who chronicle a descent into hell. He alludes to Virgil, Dante, Senecas, Christopher Marlowe, Yeats, and T.S. Eliot. He concludes with “Disappointments” what was not there. He captures the nothingness that the Bible calls the “outer darkness.”

I found that there was a lot I could connect with in Gioia. Perhaps what I like as a relative neophyte at reading poetry is the accessibility of what he writes. Familiar verse structures and rhyme schemes. A story line. Perhaps as well in this collection, his remembering provokes my own. He recalls what is both sweet and sad in life and reminds us of how often these come together.

Now to find more of his work!
… (more)
BobonBooks | 1 other review | Dec 4, 2024 |
An excellent anthology, containing a biography of each author chosen, a single representative story (occasionally two), and a brief essay from that author. Well worth a permanent place in the library. Only sadness is that it is only in a paperback edition.
mebrock | 4 other reviews | Sep 30, 2024 |
eloquent and lyrical

What a brilliant and beautiful collection. There are some real stunners here. Accessible but also complex, and such a variety of forms.
jnyrose | 1 other review | Aug 10, 2024 |
Although I used to enjoy writing poetry in my young adult years, I've gotten away from it. Hearing this author perform a few of his poems, complete with an introduction to each as to their background reawakened my appreciation. These poems have heart, and if you ever have an opportunity to listen to the author, take it!
TraSea | 1 other review | Apr 29, 2024 |



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