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P. J. T. Glendening

Author of Teach Yourself : Icelandic

7 Works 291 Members 5 Reviews

About the Author

Works by P. J. T. Glendening


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Glendening, P. J. T.



Not for beginners. Good as a grammar reference though.
katycat | 2 other reviews | Dec 28, 2011 |

This was one of the Teach Yourself series of the mid-1960s, running from Teach Yourself Afrikaans to Teach Yourself Welsh. I'm not really sure who it is aimed at; the first section decribes the motivations one might have for learning a language, and learning it well, but in such general terms that it's difficult to imagine anyone finding it helpful in their own specific situation.

The second section is rather more interesting: brief surveys of eleven major world languages (Arabic, Chinese. French, German, "Hindustani" = Hindi Urdu, Italian, Japanese, "Malay" = Indonesian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish) explaining the bits that an English speaker might find difficult or easy. It does have some interesting judgements (German "suffers from the serious disadvantage of having a great deal of useless luggage of language - case endings"; Portuguese "has progressed further than the other languages of the Peninsula in losing certain consonants in certain positions") but as long as one bears in mind that the whole book is written in a style which would have surely seemed old-fashioned in 1965, it is enlightening - I had not realised, for instance, that Arabic has essentially only two tenses, or that Chinese adverbs are formed by doubling the adjective and adding a particle.

The final section gives basic word lists for Chinese, Italian and Spanish (odd choices) and then makes a very good point in the last couple of chapters: that basically there are only two stages of language learning, before "the penny drops" and after. While it is important not to kid yourself that you have reached that point of departure before you are really there, it is also important to plan ahead for the moment when you are ready to pick up newspapers and books and listen to the radio. Indeed (though Glendening doesn't say this) it's probably by keeping that goal in mind from the very beginning that you can best motivate yourself.
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1 vote
nwhyte | 1 other review | Aug 11, 2008 |
I bought this for the amusement it brings (and to fill out a collection). Some of Glendening's advice can be useful, but is quite outdated. The examples from commonly learnt languages are poorly researched and presented, certainly for Arabic and Chinese.
Choreocrat | 1 other review | Apr 9, 2008 |
If you are new to the idea of studying a foreign language on your own, I would suggest that you start with something other than this particular book. Icelandic is an extremely grammar-heavy language, and this book presupposes too much on the part of the student. It's a very good companion-guide for studying (NOT for travelling), but should not be used independantly.

"Colloquial Icelandic", however, is excellent (CDs and text), although I personally believe that it would be very foolish for any serious student to rely on only one volume of anything, pertaining to the field that they wish to study.

The "Teach Yourself" series is usually good to start with; this book, however, and whatever its merits, is not.
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GeraldLange | 2 other reviews | Nov 7, 2006 |

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