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13+ Works 611 Members 9 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: Chris Gosden

Works by Chris Gosden

Associated Works

Time and Temporality in the Ancient World (2004) — Contributor — 16 copies
The Earlier Iron Age in Britain and the Near Continent (2006) — Contributor — 7 copies
The Antiquaries Journal 89 (2009) — Contributor — 1 copy


Common Knowledge



It has useful information. Reads much like a history textbook. Because the author is not pagan or a believes in the idea of it (assumingly) feels very drawn out. It can be a resource for Pagans,witches, and wiccans looking back at the origins and history of the life. I at this time could not find a reason to want to read it. Very much skimmed it focusing more on Chapter 8 The magics of Africa..., 10. Modern and future magic,and the timeline global history of magic. I felt that there was a lot missing. From the known and unknown knowledge. A lot of key PWW were mentioned and referenced. Over all the book is average and without all the fact and data below average for me. Maybe when I am older and trying to piece together my lineage it would be useful but for now it was not. Also a lot of the caribbeans and islands where not really mentioned only three times.… (more)
Lavender3 | 6 other reviews | Dec 21, 2022 |
This is not a book about magic as entertainment. There is no discussion of stage magicians, illusionists or masters of sleight-of-hand. This is a book about how magic allows humans to understand how they fit into the world and how they can influence the part they play in it. Our earliest archaeological finds suggest that magic has been part of the human experience from the start.

From the earliest times humans have seen themselves as living within a greater whole, both as part of the physical world of things (animate or not) and as part of a more extended world where all things (animate, once animate, or not) have a spirit with which we can communicate through appropriate procedures (spells) and processes (rites) for good or ill. As society became more complex the individualistic approach to magic was gradually replaced with a more formalised structure loosely called religion where others (gods, a priestly caste) interceded with the universe on one’s behalf. That in turn was gradually replaced with science which essentially put the human element outside of any interaction with the universe (that comet is either going to hit or miss the Earth whether humans are here and interested or not). Of course, as Gosden shows, the lines between magic, religion and science are very blurred and overlap hugely.

This is an excellent book which addresses a fascinating topic on the largest of scales - the whole of human history. Gosden’s propositions and observations are based solid evidence and inferences are clearly stated. For me, the writing is a little too dry and academic, but the extra effort required is well rewarded.
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pierthinker | 6 other reviews | Oct 27, 2022 |
The History of Magic is a fascinating read that describes magic as part of a "triple helix" of three basic human ways of perceiving and interacting with the world, the other two being religion and science. Considerably longer, denser, and more scholarly than I was expecting, this book was a bit dry at times and almost overwhelming in scope: Gosden attempts to cover all of human history (the subtitle says "from the Ice Age", but parts of the book go earlier than that - he even touches on the Neanderthals) and every major part of the world. Gosden defines magic fairly broadly (as human beings participating directly in the universe, and being shaped by that universe in turn) and hence includes some activities that not all people might have thought of as magic. He reveals that magic has always been an integral part of all human societies (even our modern Western one) and, far from being a collection of superstitious, primitive, and backward beliefs and practices, is an essential and important mindset for our modern time, helping us to live in better relationship with the rest of the world. Recommended, especially for Gosden's respectful attitude towards various magical practices and his recognition of the influence of colonialism on magic and culture.… (more)
1 vote
Heather39 | 6 other reviews | Jul 11, 2022 |
It’s an anthropological study of early magic, defined as a method of participation “in the universe directly, and the universe influences and shapes us.” This may seem vague, but it’s a necessary, objective approach. According to Gosden, while magic arrived first, the trifecta of magic, religion and science have overlapped over time. Under each are the possible subcategories of transcendence, transformation and transaction. Magic was/is practiced in many forms: relationship or protective magic, foretelling or understanding the past, death or sickness, alchemy or manipulating desire.

In the Paleolithic era, “art helped to honor, maintain, and manipulate” animals without actual worship and eventually “rituals were developed to link dead humans and animals to the living.” But this does not constitute religion, and those buried with various animals parts were not necessarily a “shaman.” The reader learns that shamanism is incredibly specific and shouldn’t be a throwaway label. It was only around 8,000 years ago that formal religion emerged. Mesopotamia and Egypt then created elaborate cosmotheologies. Hemerology, the Scythians, early Celts, Jewish, Greek, Roman, African and Native American practices are also examined.

Issue is, the premise is only solid into the Middle Ages. The practice of magic is “suggested" until that point (besides Egypt), and not for lack of trying. For example, Gosden successfully introduces the Zhou and Han dynasties in China, but struggles to incorporate yin and yang philosophy. However, the archaeological evidence is clear that early peoples were much more sophisticated and in-tune with their environment than they’re often given credit for. I’m now fascinated with early Eurasian Steppe art and “deer statues” and I appreciate the author’s first-hand knowledge and obvious passion for this subject.
… (more)
1 vote
asukamaxwell | 6 other reviews | May 7, 2022 |


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