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Aleq Grai

Author of Howlings

1 Work 30 Members 3 Reviews

Works by Aleq Grai

Howlings (2009) 30 copies, 3 reviews


Common Knowledge



HOWLINGS is a very unusual book and rare. Only 333 copies were printed, and later, another 333 for the second edition. Visually it's stunning; peacock blue with gold embossed cover. It was printed by Scarlet Imprint Press. They've has taken an unusual approach to book publishing with the stated intent of only publishing "talismanic" books, that is, beyond the contents, the books themselves (physically) are believed to be magickal.

The book contains 14 essays on magick and the occult; specifically, essays about certain historical grimoires: THE PICATRIX, THE LESSER KEY OF SOLOMON (THE GOETIA), Agrippa's THREE BOOKS OF OCCULT PHILOSOPHY, Crowley's LIBER 231, Chumbley's QUTUB, and more. It's an incredible book. Many of the authors are advanced occultists and well known within in the field. I was expecting one or two duds essay. One would think out of 14 essays there would be a couple that were lack-luster. However, they were all well written and very insightful. I didn't always agree with the authors on certain points, but I thought their opinions interesting nonetheless. I found myself going back again and again to my own copies of said grimoires to re-read portions mentioned; a highly beneficial practice, as I noticed things I hadn't picked up on before. One author had a great way of describing the Qlipthoth (the night-side of The Tree of Life in Kabala).

While this book certain is not for Joe Public, I loved it from start to finish.
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Dead_Dreamer | 2 other reviews | Jan 12, 2010 |
A breathtaking collection of essays about magickal practice written by some of the current generation's most promising stars.
bgruagach | 2 other reviews | Jul 22, 2009 |
A collection of articles which vary in degrees of value and usefulness. Out of the contributors I feel that the articles by David Rankine (Order & Chaos, Agrippa & the magic squares), Krzysztof Azarewicz (what has been seen in amennti), and Donald Tyson (The gates of daath) were by far the best in the series. Peter Grey's article (The stifling air) is perhaps useful as well when I mull it over in my head. Overall it is a book worth having on the shelf.
Loptsson | 2 other reviews | Jun 19, 2009 |

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½ 4.5