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Livia Grant

Author of Black Light ROCKED

38+ Works 241 Members 61 Reviews


Works by Livia Grant

Black Light ROCKED (2016) 30 copies, 4 reviews
Black Light VALENTINE ROULETTE (2017) — Contributor — 24 copies, 6 reviews
Wanting It All (2014) 24 copies, 4 reviews
Infamous Love: A Black Light Prequel (2016) 17 copies, 5 reviews
Christmas at the Club: A Christmas BDSM Romance Anthology (2021) — Contributor — 11 copies, 1 review
Black Light: RESCUED (2017) 10 copies, 2 reviews
Black Light ROULETTE REDUX (2018) — Contributor — 10 copies, 4 reviews
Black Light: ROULETTE WAR (2020) — Contributor — 10 copies, 3 reviews
Complicated Love: (2018) 9 copies, 2 reviews
Black Light: CELEBRITY ROULETTE (2019) 9 copies, 3 reviews
Black Light: SCANDALIZED (2019) 8 copies, 3 reviews
Black Light: The Beginning (0202) 7 copies, 2 reviews
Black Light: Purged: A Black Light Short (2019) 7 copies, 3 reviews
Having It All (2020) 6 copies, 1 review
Securing It All (2020) 6 copies, 2 reviews

Associated Works

Nightingale: A Charity Anthology in Support of Ukraine (2022) — Contributor — 86 copies, 2 reviews
Royally Mine: 22 All-New Bad Boy Romance Novellas (2017) — Contributor — 16 copies, 5 reviews
Dirty Daddies: 2021 Anniversary Anthology (2021) — Contributor — 12 copies
Sip Of Pleasure (2024) — Contributor — 3 copies
Bite of Pain (2023) — Contributor — 2 copies


Common Knowledge




Two words to describe this collection of novellas== HOLY. TITFIRE. I am pretty sure my iPad almost melted. For the review I am going to write it in the order of the anthology rather than the order of my favorites.

Introduction and conclusion written by Livia Grant and Jennifer Bene

4.5 stars
One of my favorite things about this anthology and its predecessor is the details it takes in setting up the stage so to speak. It offers a fluidity in the story. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the characters from before that are all essential players in making this night happen. I especially love that they show what the hard limits were/are and what they get instead I loved that they tie up loose ends that have all been interwoven in the standalone stories. My only complaint in this case was I still need to know more about what is going on with Chase, Jaxson, and Emily. I would love another story of them!

Unrestrained by Jennifer Bene

4.6 stars.
This was one of my favorite stories. I need a Silas in my life. It is the story of Silas and Bianca. I loved that Silas, known for being sadistic, shows a side to him that is caring and protective (the OJ and aftercare scene and the checking to make sure that everything was okay when there was a major disturbance). Their second scene was hotter than Hades. Who am I kidding? They were all hot as hell. These two had amazing chemistry.

Brat by Livia Grant

4.5 stars
I loved the introduction to these characters before they became partners at the club. It helped give dimension to the story and let the reader know what was behind their animosity. I loved when Gabriella was trying to figure out the acronym meaning when she was walking to the costume room. This is something I myself didn't know so it was a new thing to read about. The author did a great job explaining things. I loved watching both Gabriella and Connor as they came to turns with how they really felt about each other, especially Connor. I would love to know more about the issues behind Gabriella and her father in a future story. There was so much more room for a full-length story.

Forced by Renee Rose

4.9 stars
My favorite of the anthology and considering that every story was amazing that says something. Victor and Mariana (Brooklyn) were so hot together. To the point that if they got anymore hotter they would have combusted. That second scene was EVERYTHING. I loved the after effects and emotions that created a war in Mariana’s mind as she vacillated with how she could like something that goes against every idea of what a woman wants, needs, and deserves. How do you balance between what your body likes and what society says is acceptable? I definitely know that I struggle with this, so it was refreshing to see the author expand on this idea. Victor does a good job on articulating his feelings on this and helps her understand that she is not wrong for liking what she likes.

Doctored by Sue Lindon

4.6 stars
This was a story that intrigued me because it was another area that fascinates me, but I do not know as much about. The author did a great job with showcasing why trust is such an essential part of BDSM especially in that first scene. For so many women that first scene is such an uncomfortable position to be in (even though necessary). Natalie and Knox had a lot of past feelings that needed to be addressed and it was nice to see them discover each other after a long five years. These two had an intimacy to their story and I immediately connected with them.

Shameless by Maren Smith

4.7 stars
This story, while it did not my favorite of all the roulette scenes, was my second favorite of the collection. Although, the shower scene after the time was up WAS one of my favorites (can I just swoon now at how nurturing and protective that Garreth was?). Hadlee. Sweet lord the things that this girl was trying to overcome with her previous master. I loved how the author worked in the dynamic of how Noah and Garreth worked in tandem in their scenes (the first scene was powerful as hell and if I closed my eyes I could see every connected hit and mark. I, also enjoyed the “pep” talk between Noah and Garreth in the end. I am beyond ecstatic that this book will be a full story this year because there was so much to be expanded on with the menagerie.

Edge by Alta Hensley

4.5 stars
The characters, Dean and Melinda, knew each other before. They had a past that needed to be addressed. I loved that author addressed those feelings. I floved that Dean took control rather than, “testing the fates and seeing where [it] land[ed]” by allowing them to do things at their pace and to establish that trust again. This was important considering what their first spin was. Without doing this I am not sure the story would have worked as well as it did. Dean did a great job of building up Melinda’s self esteem after losing her identity in her previous relationship.

Confessions by Measha Stone

4.5 stars
I loved the backstory to this story. It gave it a different dimension to hidden desires and loving someone that you thought was unattainable for a plethora of reasons. I loved the moments when Grayson and Dani struggled with their feelings for each other, feelings that had been there for years but never addressed for fear of the domino effect that it could possibly have in their lives. The first scene had me fanning myself. It was pretty intense. I wish there would have been more of an explanation of Scott and why he had to drop out to care for his sub. I would love to see more of these characters. All of them.

Surrender by Maggie Ryan

4.6 stars
This novella takes the student teacher role play to a whole new level. HOT. AND that combines second/third scene, sweet lawd above. If that scene didn’t make you hot and bothered than I am convinced you must be a robot. I loved that Owen finally got to show his true feelings for Marty. Especially as these feelings had been building for along time. I like that Marty finally got to see herself as beautiful after so long of being an anomaly as a woman who was the height of a man. Society is so cruel when it comes to what it thinks beauty is.

Taken by Jane Henry

4.5 stars
These two. Talk about unresolved feelings. They take Hate F@&%Ng to a whole new level. I loved that the author took the time to build on this and slowly progress to the reasons why it was the way it was before they found their HEA again. This was important and led to a story with fluidity. I really wanted to know more about these two because they intrigued me. I love it when exes get together and especially loved Brayden and Della.

I would HIGHLY recommend this anthology. I would also read this entire series or at the very least the Black Light Valentine Roulette Anthology. Huge congrats to all the authors on this exceptional collection of stories.
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MagicalRi | 3 other reviews | Jul 31, 2024 |
For the past three years, I would have to say that one of my favorite things about Valentine's Day is the release of a new collection of stories in The Black Light series. After reading the introduction and Switched by Livia Grant and Guarded by Rene Rose, I can say this with absolute certainty. I cannot wait to read the additional stories because this initial introduction and story only wet my appetite and left me craving more. I will add reviews on the other stories as once the entire book is live.

This is always one of my favorite parts of the story. The authors do a great job building up the story by giving background information that leads to the actual event and then builds up the actual anticipation of the individual stories that the reader will ultimately be reading through this collection. The roulette always lands on some very interesting scenes and leaves me with my interest piqued. Some I am familiar with, others I have limited knowledge, and some I REALLY like. I can tell already that this book is going to be really good already just based on the scenes that were chosen/ I enjoyed getting glimpses of Jaxson, Chase, and Emma again since they were the originals in this series.

Switched by Livia Grant
This was a fantastic prequel to what I hope will become a full story. There is history between the characters of Nolan and Piper that definitely needs closure or a new understanding so that the characters can move past their issues. Piper, otherwise known as Ice Princess, definitely has some demons haunting her and because of that left me wanting to know more about what was under the mask. While portraying that she is a Domme, there was a vulnerability there that seemed to cry out for someone to take away that control and allow her to be cared for. Nolan, also a Dom, was just the person to do that for her if she would only let him. There was not a resolution to this story and it was left open-ended but I hope that the author continues with an extension of this story because there is so much that I still want to know. Fantastic characters, great details of the scenes that the roulette chose which is also one of the important aspects that I like about this series because in this sense I get to learn about aspects of BDSM that I do not know anything about. I cannot wait for more from this author.

Guarded by Renee Rose
This author is one of my favorites when it comes to writing true and realistic BDSM. She was one of the first authors that I read that I relied on to give me a true and accurate account of what it meant. Lincoln and Scarlett were great characters. I enjoyed the dynamic that she had originally been his boss and now the roles have changed because in this setting he was in charge. The author did a great job of giving a backstory and showing the importance of aftercare. Even though this story was short, it didn't lack details.

Determined by Maren Smith
Sweet lord. This was the story I was looking forward to the most in the story based on the first spins on the roulette wheel. It did not disappoint. At first, I was trying to figure out how this tied into the theme and where it was going but then the magic started. Sweet Holy Hell did it ever. I loved the determination of Claire to see this through considering she was a novice and I loved that she was the perfect match for Adam. HOT! HOT! HOT. I want more of them!

Hooked by Jennifer Bene
This author is one of my favorites when it comes to this series. She always gives 110% to her story. This was definitely the case in this novella because she created so many extra details in making ballet and BDSM merge. I adored the devotion that Wyatt had for Vanessa and what lengths he went to in order to get her to fly and overcome her own issues. Definitely would have loved seeing this turn into a full book and relationship.

Pressure by Measha Stone
This story was perhaps the most interesting for me because of how it started between Michele and Egan. I liked how Egan was able to read the situation and see what she needed which was far out of Michels's comfort zone and her usual taste of what she liked. It was a pleasure to watch them both grow together. One of my favorites from this author.

Savor by Maggie Ryan
Looks like I have a new favorite couple in the Black Light series. Sweet holy hell. EVERY scene these two did took hot to a whole new level. Like Hotter than Hades times ten. I loved the back story of how Ronan came to be in this event and also get to see three of my original favorites. I also really appreciated how the author tied in the other stories and how Carnegie ended up with her position. I hope these two will be in additional stories in the future.

Cherished by Sue Lyndon
This author did the unthinkable. She made me interested in one aspect of BDSM that usually makes me cringe. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that was possible. It was tasteful and sexy as hell. I enjoyed the dynamic between the characters and really really really did not want the story to end. I would read a whole book about these two in whatever type of crazy scenes they wanted because they were that great together.

Jazzed by Lesley Clark
This story BETTER become a full story or I am going to be really UPSET. There was so much alluded to in Jass's past that I need to know more. If anyone can do it and help her heal it will be Michael. Sweet holy titfire. If he wasn't the hottest thing ever. The second scene was HOT. This was the second time it was presented in this series and who knew that it could have such an appeal to it. I know that it is normally something I dread in real life but it was very well crafted in this story. I hope the author reads my words and writes a full story between these two.
Control by Dani René
I so wanted this story expanded on because Jed totally had the dark sinister side down. Almost a quality of anti-hero. He had me as soon as he talked humiliation and rough. I really liked Kaelin as well because she had a fire in her and wasn't afraid to go after what she wanted. I could see more coming out of this story because of who her father was in his career. I would be very interested in continuing this story to completion. Especially, because this author is like a drug dealer and her words are the crack.

Conclusion by Livia Grant and Jennifer Bene
The conclusion filled in all the parts that I was missing. I was worried that with the new rule of none of the older couples having time at the wheel that I wouldn't get to see them. While there weren't actual scenes, it was inferred and had me longing for more. I had big questions about Madison and I hope that how it ended is a hint there will be a story to come. I never want the Valentine's Series to end because there is a reason that it is the best out there. Every author always writes stories that are authentic in how they portray BDSM and never make it cheesy. Is it too soon to wish it was Valentine's Day 2020?
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MagicalRi | 2 other reviews | Jul 31, 2024 |
Roulette War Intro by Jennifer Bene and Livia Grant

One of my favorite parts of this anthology is the detail put into setting up the story for the other novellas and authors. There is always so much detail that it gets me excited from the get-go.

Prelude by Renee Rose
This story started by the author introducing the main characters, Ravil and Lucy, who are Bratva and Lawyer. Already from just their job descriptions, it sets the stage for opposites attract. The scenes were on the softer side but still showed the importance of communication and trust. I LOVED how this ended and cannot wait for more from Ravil and Lucy.

Breathless By Eris Adderly
This story gave me the opportunity to read more about scenes that I am not as familiar with. Their scenes built on the exercises of trust which both of these characters needed. Violet was just what Anson needed. I was bummed that they only made it through two scenes because I really enjoyed their chemistry and interactions. I hope to see more of these two in the future.

Burn by Kay Elle Parker
This was my first time reading this author and it sure will not be my last because this was my favorite of the book. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this gets expanded into a full book. There is so much to be unpacked and expanded on here in regards to Ava and her backstory which is what makes me want so much more. I would love to see Finn help her heal. The scenes in their pairing were hotter than a Las Vegas sidewalk in August. HOT. HOT. HOT. One scene/kink, in particular, has not been done (that I can remember) and it definitely piqued my interest.

Inflamed by Golden Angel
I loved watching the back and forth between Elliot and Lisa. These two were both headstrong characters so it was nice to see the dynamics play out. They each gave as good as they got. I wanted more exploration of their history as to why there was such a pf Lisa trying to prove herself and Elliot learning he was wrong in certain aspects.

Wicked by Jennifer Bene
There is a reason that I fell in love with this series and that is because of this amazing author. She brought Pierce and Tori to life. I felt their emotions, especially Tory. I liked watching her come to terms with what she thought she wanted and what she ultimately, needed. Bravo.

Trained by Sue Lyndon
My favorite thing about this author is her ability to take "tame" sexual activities (if there really is such a thing in the BL world) and ramp them up. She always puts care and attention into creating characters such as Xavier and Rachel, that her audience can get invested in. I loved the chemistry between X and "Dolly". He gave her exactly what she needed and then some.

Unexpected by Measha Stone
I enjoyed the fact that the author didn't shy away from creating a character that was plus size. I also loved that the author pushed me from my comfort zone and made two kins that I am not as interested in compelling and enticing by creating a scene where I was involved (vicariously) in as Quinn and Jack.

Facade by Livia Grant
This story started with one of my favorite scenes of this anthology. It was different and Unique. It kept my interest the whole time. I liked that Sean was attentive to Stephanie's vulnerability and saw that there was a lot under her sass. I liked the juxtaposition of "experience" versus "newness" in Stephanie and that Sean was intuitive enough to see past what others assumed about Stephanie and helped her to see that as well.

And the Winner is... By Jennifer Bene and Livia Grant
I loved getting to have a scene with Jaxson, Chase, and Emma. Their connection is always so hot and strong. I love the dynamic of Dom, Switch, and Sub showing again another facet of this lifestyle and doing it well. I won't spoil the winner, as that is part of the fun of this anthology. I'm glad that I didn't have to pick because both sides had some amazing scenes. However, if I HAD to choose, I would have gone the opposite way.

All that aside. This is, in my opinion, the best roulette of them all. I look forward to this book every year. It is my Valentine's tradition now and gives me some happiness as I help work in a flower shop on this holiday and the weeks leading up to it suck the life out of me. This helps keep me regenerated. Kudos to the authors for another amazing year.
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MagicalRi | 2 other reviews | Jul 31, 2024 |
I started this book so excited because I love all things Black Light. Knowing that there were two complete but separate stories happening between Nalani and Shane and Piper and Nolan. Both of these couples I have been dying to know about for some time. The stories and anticipation were titillating as they always are. They were authentic and detailed and erotic. Just like every BL book, there are some fetishes that push my limits but still intrigue me because they show the many dynamics of BDSM. At around 50 percent, I began to wonder how much more could this amazing author go in another half of a book (this is a big book just fyi). Mind you I am not complaining. I never want these books to end. I just kept reading having no idea what was in store for me. Color me heartbroken and gut-punched.

I won't give away any spoilers but this hurt. Yet, it was so artfully done that I am in awe. In a world where trust is the most important element, This stung. To see how these two stories finally overlapped was beyond powerful. Serious applause for how the author tied these two things together. This is a very sensitive subject and I cannot commend the author enough for handling it with such grace and respect. The advice from Piper to Nalani later... left me speechless and clutching my chest trying not to cry. The "aftercare" and attention that both Nolan and Shane had in handling their woman showed how powerful a BDSM relationship can be. The way that they were attuned to what their partner needed was remarkable. Nolan backing off or pushing when he needed to time and time again had me melting. I admired that he would step aside from what he was comfortable with just to make her comfortable. The give and take was remarkable. I also liked watching Shane and Nalani have to adjust how they did things but for different reasons, showing how there has to always be trust and compromise in order to have growth. The strong sense of family that so many former characters of this amazing series who showed an appearance was also much needed and appreciated.

Normally, I would say so much more about a book that touched me this much. However, I cannot without spoiling this story and I refuse to do that. I will say it a thousand times, this truly is a phenomenal series and more importantly, this might be my favorite by this author. My hat is off to her. Bravo.
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MagicalRi | 2 other reviews | Jul 31, 2024 |


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