Author picture

Jacqueline Grey (1)

Author of Tricks and Bids

For other authors named Jacqueline Grey, see the disambiguation page.

4 Works 16 Members 4 Reviews


Works by Jacqueline Grey

Tricks and Bids (2014) 7 copies, 3 reviews
Shoot the Moon (2020) 5 copies, 1 review
Ghost House (2019) 3 copies
Limits and Stakes (2020) 1 copy


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Grey, Jacqueline
Short biography
Jacqueline Grey currently lives on an island on the east coast of the United States. She spends her time outside her day job juggling her many interests which include reading, writing and drinking tea. She loves M/M romance, usually focusing on stories that include BDSM themes to one degree or another.

Jacqueline has always been driven by characters. She loves a good plot, but it’s the characters that pull her into a story. She loves romance and believes everyone has a right to be happy. She enjoys seeing her characters find that happiness for themselves.



There was not a lot of depth to the characters, really. No growth, no realizations just sex. It wasn't a steamy pwp smut book despite the amount of sex. Hard to describe really, just not my thing.
coltostallion | 2 other reviews | Oct 9, 2024 |

This novella was straight to the point M/M BDSM erotica skimmed and passed type of story, for me at least. Nothing was memorable, some scenes and most of the dialogue made me cringe, and I'm pretty sure the cover art was better than the story itself. It wasn't for me but could honestly see how this could be engaging for most readers who are just in it for the bow chicka wow wow since it’s 80% of the book so eat your hearts out ladies (and gens) because you're in for a wild ride.

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ayoshina | 2 other reviews | Jul 31, 2022 |

Well that escalated quickly!

It was a straight to the point BDSM kinkfest (eh but not really) with no tricks or gimmicks. Sure there was a lack of a storyline, oddly enough real kink from the MCs, depth, character development, and real romance but we're not here for that now are we?

The non-descriptive sex scenes and what seems to be the lack of kinkiness from the characters were the real downfalls to this read. I generally prefer reading all nitty gritty details on what's happening with our boys but then again, that's just a personal preference. More so, the sex scenes featured were very bland and mediocre despite the primary setting being in the BDSM club, it just didn't delivered.

In any event, this second installment of the Suit of Harte’s series was okay and would probably be ideal for readers who are looking for a quick kinky fix.

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ayoshina | Jul 31, 2022 |
Jacqueline Grey is another new author for me. This Suit of Harte's Series looks as though it's being republished from 2014. The covers are updated to be much more modern looking - and quite delicious! The stories stand the test of time; I'm not sure if the author has done any editing.

In this particular novella, Dillan Spade is leaving a BDSM club one night when he's propositioned by Michael Noel. NOrmally, Dillan wouldn't pay to scene with someone but there's something about Michael that entices him too. In spite of the fact that Michael isn't a full-time sub, the two men connect well. It's not long before their feelings are getting involved...and things need to change from a business arrangement to something else if they're going to protect themselves. Or maybe... they need to break things off.

What I really enjoyed about this novella was that there's a great deal of depth to the characters in spite of the brevity! Grey has done a wonderful job of sneaking in lots of past, feelings, thoughts, without over-writing for the length of the work. That's a great skill and makes me look forward to reading a longer work from this author.

The BDSM is well thought out. I was pleased to see the contracting and negotiations. You all know that nothing drives me bonkers more than BDSM that doesn't read as authentic. This does, and I'm thankful for that.

Definitely a series I would keep reading!
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KinzieThings | 2 other reviews | Jun 16, 2020 |


½ 2.5