Pierre Grimal (1912–1996)
Author of The Penguin Dictionary of Classical Mythology
About the Author
Image credit: Pierre Grimal
Works by Pierre Grimal
Mythen der Völker. Bd. 1. Ägypter, Sumerer, Babylonier, Hethiter, Westsemiten, Griechen, Römer (1977) — Editor — 11 copies
Mythen der Völker. Bd. 3. Kelten, Germanen, Slawen, Finno-Ugrier, Nordamerikaner, Mittelamerikaner, Südamerikaner,… (1977) — Editor — 9 copies
A Mitologia Grega 1 copy
Römische Kulturgeschichte 1 copy
Römische Kulturgeschichte, Mit 256 Abb. und 8 Farbtafeln, Aus dem Französischen von Michael Petzet, 1 copy
L'Universale: Mitologia 1 copy
Encyclopédie de la mythologie : Dieux et héros des mythologies grecque, romaine et germanique 1 copy
Jules César 1 copy
Histoire de Rome 1 copy
Associated Works
Greece and Rome: Builders of Our World (The Story of Man Library) (1968) — Contributor — 443 copies, 1 review
Textes sacrés et textes profanes de l'ancienne Egypte, tome 2 (1987) — Foreword, some editions — 7 copies, 1 review
Textes sacrées et Textes profanes de l'ancienne égypte, tome 1 : Des pharaons et des hommes (1984) — Foreword, some editions — 6 copies
Ciceron: Discours; Tome XVI-premiere partie, Contre L. Pison (2015) — Translator, some editions — 3 copies
Entretiens Sur L'Antiquite Classique: Lucain — Contributor — 1 copy
La confession de Saint Cyprien — Translator, some editions — 1 copy
Pour Cn. Plancius: Pour M. Aemilius Scaurus — Translator, some editions — 1 copy
Rome et nous. Manuel d'initiation à la littérature et à la civilisation latines (1977) — Contributor — 1 copy
Common Knowledge
- Canonical name
- Grimal, Pierre
- Legal name
- Grimal, Pierre Antoine
- Birthdate
- 1912-11-21
- Date of death
- 1996-10-11
- Gender
- male
- Nationality
- France
- Birthplace
- 15e arrondissement, Paris, Île-de-France, France
- Place of death
- 5e arrondissement, Paris, Île-de-France, France
- Places of residence
- Rome, Italy
Paris, France - Education
- École Normale Supérieure (agrégation de lettres, 1935)
- Occupations
- professor
latinist - Relationships
- Dupont, Florence (daughter)
Grimal, Nicolas (son) - Organizations
- Sorbonne
Université de Bordeaux
French Society of Egyptology
Comité d'honneur de l'ASSELAF (Association pour la sauvegarde et l'expansion de la langue française) - Awards and honors
- Officier de la Légion d'honneur
Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur
Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres (1995)
Commandeur de l'ordre des Palmes académiques
Grand-officier dans l'Ordre national du mérite
l'Académie des inscriptions et belles lettres (1977) (show all 17)
Lincean Academy (1980)
Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium (1981)
Royal Swedish Academy of Letters
Prix Broquette-Gonin (1964)
Grand Prix Gobert (1987)
Marie-Eugène Simon-Henri-Martin Prize (1962)
Commandeur dans l'Ordre national du Sénégal
Société nationale des Antiquaires de France
Academia Latinitati Fovendae (1967)
Cultore di Roma, par la ville de Rome (Citoyen de Rome)(1993)
Université de Rome (Docteur honoris causa)
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- Members
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- Popularity
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- Rating
- 3.7
- Reviews
- 18
- 272
- Languages
- 15
Okay, I'm exaggerating - somewhat. This was put together in France in 1963, so does not reflect the last half-century of scholarship. Europe gets the bulk of the book, followed by East Asia, with smaller sections at the end for the New World and Africa. But, then again, I would expect an equivalent book published in, say, Kenya to be exactly the same in reverse, so how can I complain?
A wonderful book that discusses, in the introduction, the problems of prehistoric religions, and acknowledges that the vicissitudes of history also play their role in the critical lacunae of the Americas and Australia: literary cultures in Europe and East Asia simply left more complex details of their mythologies and - in some cases - simply had more (often needlessly) complex mythologies because of these generations of literate people.
Anyhow, this is an exquisite book on the subject, with each of the 546 pages packed with information. No extraneous chatter here, no attempts to fill out pages with anything less than research and thought-provoking discussion. And a decent bibliography rounds out the package.… (more)