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6 Works 100 Members 12 Reviews

Works by Robert Griswold


Common Knowledge



Based on a talk Griswold gave in 2003 to two Western monthly meetings, this pamphlet deals with the tough question, "How do we live a way of life that 'takes away the occasion of all wars" in the context of current US policies towards terrorism and war?
FriendshipFLibrary | 1 other review | May 24, 2024 |
Quaker spiritual authority lies not in belief systems and in creeds – but in the direct communion between individual Friends and the Divine Spirit. All other forms of authority, “be they written words, steeple-houses or a clerical hierarchy,” cannot replace this direct communion. While early Friends’ refusal to formulate a creed threatened existing religious practice and brought them great persecution, this historic witness against creeds is not fully appreciated by Friends today. The pamphlet’s author asserts that Friends too often hold Quaker testimonies as ideals, as ends in themselves, rather than as fruits of the Spirit. Without spiritual grounding, testimonies become creeds. In the absence of the profound authority of a faith that defies verbal comprehension and words, the historic Quaker witness to the world is in danger.… (more)
PendleHillLibrary | 4 other reviews | Apr 12, 2022 |
Friends are not of one mind or of one heart on the peace testimony. The peace testimony has even been spoken of as a continuum. In every great crisis Quakers have to discover anew that the commitment to this testimony does not rise to the pure unity they have imagined during times when they can avoid putting that testimony to the test. This essay is written in hope of aiding Friends to think and feel clearly about their testimony in the hope that work can lead us to meaningful witness.
PAFM | 1 other review | Apr 26, 2020 |
Quaker spiritual authority lies not in belief systems and creeds – but in the direct communion between individual Friends and the Divine Spirit. All other forms of authority, “be they written words, steeple-houses or a clerical hierarchy,” cannot replace this direct communion. Friends too often hold Quaker testimonies as ideals, as ends in themselves, rather than as fruits of the Spirit. Without spiritual grounding, testimonies become creeds. In the absence of the profound authority of a faith that defies verbal comprehension and words, the historic Quaker witness to the world is in danger.… (more)
PAFM | 4 other reviews | Apr 5, 2020 |


½ 4.3

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