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Giovannino Guareschi (1908–1968)

Author of The Little World of Don Camillo

173+ Works 4,394 Members 83 Reviews 15 Favorited

About the Author


Works by Giovannino Guareschi

The Little World of Don Camillo (1948) 1,357 copies, 37 reviews
Don Camillo and His Flock (1952) 490 copies, 6 reviews
Comrade Don Camillo (1963) 458 copies, 9 reviews
Don Camillo's Dilemma (1954) — Cover artist, some editions — 239 copies
Don Camillo Takes the Devil by the Tail (1957) 193 copies, 2 reviews
Don Camillo Omnibus (1963) 137 copies
Il destino si chiama Clotilde (1941) 77 copies, 3 reviews
L'Anno di don Camillo (1996) 71 copies, 4 reviews
Diario clandestino 1943-1945 (1949) 71 copies, 2 reviews
The house that Nino built (1953) 64 copies
Lo spurnarino pallido (1981) 42 copies
Gente cosí (1982) 38 copies
Noi del boscaccio (1983) 38 copies
Corrierino delle famiglie (1962) 34 copies
Vita in famiglia (1901) 25 copies, 2 reviews
La scoperta di Milano (1941) 24 copies, 1 review
My home, sweet home (1966) 23 copies, 1 review
Humoristin perhe-elämää (1970) 22 copies
Osservazioni di uno qualunque (1988) 21 copies, 1 review
Don Camillo and Peppone (2016) 20 copies
Don Camillo and Don Chichi (2000) 19 copies
Isä Camillon paluu (1977) 18 copies
Don Camillo in de bocht (1988) 17 copies
Il breviario di don Camillo (1994) 15 copies
Don Camillo (1974) 13 copies
La favola di Natale (1992) 13 copies, 1 review
Don Camillo and Company (2018) 11 copies
Il decimo clandestino (1996) 10 copies
Ritorno alla base (1989) 9 copies, 1 review
Novelle da Don Camillo e il suo gregge (1972) 9 copies, 1 review
Grazie, Don Camillo (1990) 7 copies
Italia provvisoria (2012) 6 copies
Mondo candido: 1951-1953 (1997) 6 copies
Baffo racconta (2004) 6 copies
La Pasionaria et moi (1976) 5 copies
Esa Gente. Pequeo Mundo (1984) 5 copies
Mondo Candido: 1948-1951 (1992) 5 copies
La famiglia Guareschi Vol. 2: 1953-1968 (2010) 4 copies, 1 review
Mondo Candido: 1953-1958 (2003) 4 copies
Mondo candido : 1958-1960 (2006) 4 copies
Don Camillo: His Little World And His Dilemma (1950) — Author — 3 copies
Novelle Da Don Camillo (1981) 3 copies
Chico e altri racconti (2004) 3 copies
Attenti a quei due (2001) 2 copies
O camarada Don Camillo (1989) 2 copies
Guareschi: Ludziska (1993) 2 copies
Relatos familiares (1973) 2 copies
Don Camillo in Peppone (1962) 2 copies
Don Camilo y compañía (2009) 2 copies
Piccolo mondo borghese (2018) 1 copy
The Little world of Don Camillo — Author — 1 copy
Le petit monde de don Camillo — Author — 1 copy
Racconti Don Camillo 1 copy, 1 review
L'umorismo (2015) 1 copy
Lato don Camilla (1995) 1 copy
Rok don Camilla (2010) 1 copy

Associated Works


1DBF (10) 20th century (43) Catholic (40) Catholicism (15) Christianity (13) comedy (25) communism (64) Don Camillo (50) Don Camillo Series (16) ebook (14) fiction (547) hardcover (15) humor (344) in Finnish (13) Italian (99) Italian fiction (27) Italian language (13) Italian literature (159) Italy (232) literature (52) narrativa (50) Not Started (15) novel (80) Novela (31) novel·la (12) paperback (12) politics (12) priest (18) priests (13) prose (11) read (12) religion (62) Roman (77) satire (15) short stories (77) stories (18) to-read (40) translated (22) translation (18) unread (14)

Common Knowledge



I borrowed 'The World of Don Camillo' from the lockdown library of friendship, having not heard of it before. I was assured that it's fun, thus it turned out to be the last remotely cheerful unread book in my flat. (Edinburgh public libraries won't start reopening for another two weeks, so I've emergency-ordered ten second-hand novels off eBay.) I found it a funny and often heart-warming read. This collected volume includes all five books of short stories about shenanigans and mayhem in a little Italian village a few years after the Second World War. The titular Don Camillo is the village priest and constantly feuds with his nemesis/best friend Peppone, who happens to be the village's communist mayor. The two of them are constantly faced by moral and political dilemmas, which they generally resolve in the least mature way possible via practical jokes and/or fistfights. Both are huge strong men, ready at any moment to break furniture over each other's head, thus there is a certain Asterix-in-the-1950s vibe. The stories are largely told from Don Camillo's perspective and he frequently chats with God, who takes a delightfully sardonic tone with him:

As he passed by the altar, the Lord frowned down at him.
"Lord," said Don Camillo, "Whosoever shall exalt himself shall be humbled and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted."
"Don Camillo," said the Lord, "for some time now you've been skating on thin ice."
"With God's help, no ice is too thin," said Don Camillo.

Although the tone throughout is one of farce, the many serious situations aren't treated entirely lightly. The brutal legacy of the war is ever-present, not least in the availability of machine guns; the poverty of the village explains the appeal of communism; and disasters natural and man-made occur regularly. Peppone and Don Camillo attempt to solve local problems, quite a few of which they created, while competing for the villagers' hearts and minds and arguing about Russia. Ultimately, though, they often team up and share responsibility for the village's welfare. As well as owning a dog together, an adorable detail. Both of them are defensive of their dignity, quick to anger, and pragmatic after calming down for a moment. They share a bottle of wine more often than they punch each other. Their frenemy rivalry remains entertaining for more than 500 pages as Guareschi is such a witty writer. He ingeniously creates endless opportunities for the two of them to clash, co-operate, or both.

Memorable episodes include the village being flooded, Don Camillo helping Peppone get his school certificate, and both men being caught out by hire purchase schemes. My favourite sequence dominated the final book in the collection, 'Comrade Don Camillo'. In this, the priest blackmails Peppone into inviting him on a communist party trip to the USSR. This is both interesting for its depiction of soviet propaganda visits, moving for its moments recalling the horrors of the Eastern Front, and hilarious for all the absurdity of Don Camillo's fake communist persona and Peppone's annoyance. I appreciated that the narrative sympathises with both characters, indeed it seems clear that they could quite easily swap places and ideologies. The underlying message is that compassion and practicality are far better than religious or political dogmatism. The only notable drawback to an otherwise joyful read was a dispiriting normalisation of domestic violence towards women, children, and animals.
… (more)
annarchism | 1 other review | Aug 4, 2024 |
"Cosa ne sarebbe, delle donne condannate a soffrire in silenzio, se non potessero lamentarsi tutto il tempo?"

Guareschi era un narratore di classe, uno dei pochi in grado di combinare ironia e gentilezza senza essere melenso. Quasi mai, almeno. Le sue storie minime di vita familiare, con temporanei guizzi di Storia, mi sono rimaste impresse sin da bambina.
Ricordo ancora la pagina, improbabilmente ilare, in cui l'antifascista Guareschi viene deportato (al confino, credo) con altri dissidenti, su un camion telonato il cui scarico gli ha fatto la faccia nera di fuliggine, e l'adorata e sarcastica moglie lo saluta seguendo il camion in partenza cantando Faccetta Nera. Non ricordo se i fatti fossero esattamente questi, ma la composta rassegnazione di lui e l'ironia affettuosa della moglie che gli canta la marcetta fascista sono rimasti intatti a distanza di trent'anni, con il tono sfumato di sarcasmo di lei che lascia intendere come sotto ci fosse qualcos'altro, una complicità tra i due nel prendersi gioco fino in fondo di un bersaglio comune. L'essenza dell'antifascismo civile e misurato degli unici padri degni del nome che la nostra società abbia avuto.… (more)
Fiordiluna | 1 other review | Jul 31, 2024 |
Vedi recensione di [b:Don Camillo Mondo Piccolo|2613981|Don Camillo Mondo Piccolo|Giovannino Guareschi|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1206839845s/2613981.jpg|64845], con l'avvertenza che questo romanzo è un po' meno autentico, si svolge in gran parte in Unione Sovietica e c'è dentro un po' più di tensione politica, essendo l'autore cattolico e non certo comunista. Ma Don Camillo travestito da quadro del PCI in visita nel Kolchoz con Peppone non si batte. Credetemi.
Fiordiluna | 8 other reviews | Jul 31, 2024 |
Ottimo seguito del primo Don Camillo. Pressoché un tutt'uno con il primo romanzo.
La recensione della serie è in calce a [b:Don Camillo Mondo Piccolo|2613981|Don Camillo Mondo Piccolo|Giovannino Guareschi|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1206839845s/2613981.jpg|64845].
Fiordiluna | 5 other reviews | Jul 31, 2024 |



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