William of Ockham (1287–1347)
Author of Ockham - Philosophical Writings: A Selection
About the Author
William of Ockham was a Franciscan at Oxford. He came just short of receiving his theology degree; he was never able to undertake the necessary year of teaching because of the long list of those waiting and the opposition of his enemy, John Lutterel. From 1320 to 1324, he taught and wrote at the show more London Studium, the private school of his order. He was summoned to Avignon in 1324 on charges of heresy and became involved there in the dispute over Franciscan poverty. In 1328 Ockham fled with Michael of Cesena, general of his order, was excommunicated, and took refuge in Munich with Duke Ludwig of Bavaria, who had also been excommunicated. From there he engaged in an extensive polemic against Pope John XXII and his successors, writing numerous political works. Ockham's metaphysics and his logic are closely connected because of his deployment of "Ockham's razor," the notion that we should not suppose that more things exist than are needed to explain the meaning of true sentences. Very often his arguments hang on the logical analysis of a sentence, revealing its logical structure and making it clear that some questionable entity, something other than a word or an individual thing, is not referred to in it. His philosophy is marked by nominalism. He rejected the notion that we somehow or other get the forms of things themselves into our intellect, attacking especially Scotist attempts to hold on to this view using the "formal distinction." Instead, he held that our concepts were like mental words, with a natural capacity to signify their objects but in no way to be identified with their objects. This led to a strong skeptical current among his followers. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Works by William of Ockham
Texte zur Theorie der Erkenntnis und der Wissenschaft: Lateinisch/Deutsch (Universal-Bibliothek) (1984) 17 copies
Breviloqui sobre el principat tirànic damunt les coses divines i humanes- i en especial damunt els… (1981) 10 copies, 1 review
Ockham on Aristotle's Physics : a translation of Ockham's Brevis summa libri physicorum (1989) 8 copies
Summa logicae 8 copies
Evidente kennis en theologische waarheden (proloog van de commentaar op de Sententiën, quaestio I) (1984) 7 copies
Kurze Zusammenfassung zu Aristoteles' Büchern über Naturphilosophie = (Summulae in libros physicorum) (1987) 7 copies
Guillelmi de Ockham : Scriptum in Librum Primum Sententiarum, Ordinatio, Opera Theologica, Prologues et Distinctio… (1967) 6 copies
A Compendium of Ockham's Teachings: A Translation of the Tractatus de Principiis Theologiae (1998) 6 copies
Filosofia teologia politica 1 copy
Principios de Teología 1 copy
Ockham 1 copy
Lógica dos termos 1 copy
Seleção de textos 1 copy
Francis of Assisi's Cat 1 copy
Despre universalii 1 copy
Commentaire sur le livre des prédicables de Porphyre, précédé du "Proëme du commentaire sur les livres de l'art… (1978) 1 copy
Somme de logique 1 copy
Guillelmi de Ockham: Quaestiones Variar, Questions I-8 (Guillelmi de Ockham) (Latin Edition) (1983) 1 copy
Guillemi De Ockham, Scriptum in Librum Primum Sententiarum Ordination (Dist. XIX=XLVIII) (Latin Edition) (1979) 1 copy
Guillelmi de Ockham: Brevis Summa Libri Physicorum and Summulae Philosophiae Naturalis and Quaestiones Super Librum… (1985) 1 copy
Guillelmi de Ockham: Expositio in Libros Physicorum, Bks. IV-VIII (Guillelmi de Ockham) (1985) 1 copy
Sobre la suposición 1 copy
De potestate papae et cleri. Die Amtsvollmacht von Papst und Klerus: Lateinisch - Deutsch. Übersetzt und… (2015) 1 copy
Opera Philosophica Vol IV: Expositio in Libros Physicorum Aristotelis: Prologus & Libri I-III 1 copy
Il Trattato sulla predestinazione e prescienza divina riguardo ai futuri contingenti: Introduzione, testo, traduzione e… (2020) 1 copy
Somme de logique 1 copy
Associated Works
Philosophy in the Middle Ages: The Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Traditions (1983) — Contributor — 457 copies, 2 reviews
The Sheed and Ward Anthology of Catholic Philosophy (A Sheed & Ward Classic) (2005) — Contributor — 29 copies
Common Knowledge
- Canonical name
- William of Ockham
- Other names
- William of Occam
Gulielmus Occamus
Guillermo de Ockham
Guillermo de Occam - Birthdate
- 1287
- Date of death
- 1347-04-09
- Gender
- male
- Nationality
- England
- Birthplace
- Ockham, Surrey, Inglaterra.
- Place of death
- Múnich, Baviera, Alemania.
- Education
- University of Oxford
- Occupations
- Franciscan Friar
scholastic philosopher
mathematician - Organizations
- Order of Friars Minor
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