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Jean Guitton (1901–1999)

Author of A Student's Guide to Intellectual Work

119+ Works 888 Members 24 Reviews

About the Author

Image credit: Jean Guitton en 1988

Works by Jean Guitton

A Student's Guide to Intellectual Work (1986) 97 copies, 3 reviews
Dieu et la Science (1991) 92 copies, 3 reviews
The Pope Speaks: Dialogues of Paul VI with Jean Guitton (1968) — Author — 91 copies, 3 reviews
The Madonna (1987) 70 copies, 3 reviews
Great heresies and church councils (1977) 43 copies, 1 review
Mon testament philosophique (1997) 30 copies, 1 review
Nouvel art de penser (1996) 27 copies
Jesus: The Eternal Dilemma (1996) 19 copies, 1 review
Portrait de Marthe Robin (1985) 17 copies
Human love (1955) 16 copies
The modernity of Saint Augustine (2023) 13 copies, 1 review
The Church and the Gospel (1961) 12 copies
Che cosa credo (1993) 12 copies
Apprendre à vivre et à penser (2006) 11 copies, 1 review
Un siècle, une vie (1988) 10 copies
Abbé Pouget Discourses (1999) 10 copies, 1 review
Man in time (1966) 8 copies
Les pouvoirs mystérieux de la foi (1993) 7 copies, 1 review
Génie de Pascal (1962) 7 copies
Justification du temps (1993) 6 copies
Silencio sobre lo esencial (1986) 6 copies, 1 review
Paolo 6. segreto (1985) 5 copies
L'existence temporelle (1992) 5 copies
Feminine fulfillment (1965) 5 copies
Lettres ouvertes (1993) 4 copies, 1 review
Portrait de M. Pouget (1985) 4 copies
Pensamiento y guerra (2017) 4 copies
Historia y Destino (1977) 4 copies
L'absurde et le mystère (1997) 4 copies
Journal de ma vie. (1976) 3 copies
Sens czasu ludzkiego (1989) 3 copies
Lettere aperte (1995) 2 copies
Profile 2 copies
Le catholicisme (1992) 2 copies
GESU' 1 copy
Canticle of Canticles — Author — 1 copy
Entrañas de Platón (2005) 1 copy
Terra Sancta (1989) 1 copy
Jugements (1981) 1 copy
La famiglia e l'amore (1987) 1 copy
Lo impuro (1992) 1 copy

Associated Works


Common Knowledge



Não sei se é porque já estou velho para ler este livro, mas eu esperava mais dele. O autor diz que veio da necessidade de comentar ou completar livros como "A Vida Intelectual" do Sertillanges ou "A Educação da Vontade" de Jules Payot, mas tirando alguns fragmentos que dão certo alento a alguém que talvez esteja frustrado como eu, a verdade é que no fundo ele não acrescenta grandes coisas. Ainda os últimos três capítulos, que julguei mais inspirados fizeram o livro merecer mais uma estrela, pois, no começo ele não conseguiu me envolver.… (more)
Klausstofanetto | 2 other reviews | Sep 12, 2023 |
dialogues on Vat II, St. Paul, beauty
SrMaryLea | 2 other reviews | Aug 22, 2023 |
"Atyám, ... az örök élet az, hogy megismerjenek téged, az egyedül igaz Istent, és akit küldtél, Jézus Krisztust" (Jn 17,3). "Isten, a mi Üdvözítőnk ... azt akarja, hogy minden ember üdvözüljön és eljusson az igazság ismeretére" (1Tim 2,3--4). "Nem adatott más név az ég alatt az embereknek, amelyben üdvözülhetnének" (ApCsel 4,12), csak Jézus Neve.
LC_Budapest | Jul 28, 2020 |
Written in the 1950s, this beautifully written and very short work argues that Augustine continues to serve a model of a thinker and writer who strove to connect the interior/personal and exterior/historical worlds of men and women. Guitton comes down hard on the Catholic mystics, but that's ok. He says that after Shakespeare we are now awaiting another master of language and historical thought to replicate anew the achievements of Augustine in our own time. A very important philosophical work which I was ready to read at this point in my life. Guitton has interesting opinions on Marxism, Freudianism and Existentialism which he categorizes as forms of thought linked to a world absent of spiritual depth. Available on public domain, so if you have an ebook this is probably free. Written from within the Roman Catholic tradition but before Vatican II.… (more)
sacredheart25 | Jul 5, 2013 |


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