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Lia Habel

Author of Dearly, Departed

5 Works 840 Members 99 Reviews 2 Favorited


Works by Lia Habel

Dearly, Departed (2011) 626 copies, 74 reviews
Dearly, Beloved: A Zombie Novel (2012) 198 copies, 22 reviews
Familiar Things (A Book of All Hollows, #1) (2014) 11 copies, 3 reviews


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Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Habel, Lia
20th Century
Places of residence
New York, USA
Short biography
Lia Habel lives in western New York State. She is fascinated by zombie movies and Victoriana, interests that eventually led her to write Dearly, Departed and its sequel Dearly, Beloved.



Quick thoughts:
1. Not quite as good as the first book. I wasn't expecting it to be.
2. I liked the multiple villains in this book as well as the villain we don't even know yet.
3. The romance between the main characters just gets better. I'm going to be upset when it's over.
4. The other characters are fantastic. I loved that we learned more background about Sam. It helped us see him a little better.
5. The world is exactly how I would picture it. Nobody would be comfortable living with zombies and nobody is in this world. It's a lot more realistic than some books you read.… (more)
chelssicle | 21 other reviews | Nov 14, 2024 |
Love this cover. The colours are gorgeous and I love the girl on the cover. I’m a big fan of Victorian styles.

Initial Thoughts
So this book sounds like it’s going to be Twilight, except with zombies. Before you stop reading this review, I’m going to tell you it was the complete opposite. I was pleasantly surprised when I started getting really into the book.

My New BFF
The main character Nora, would be my bestest friend. She’s amazing! She’s in this Victorian-like society where woman are only around to be pretty and make babies. She still makes the best of it though! She likes to watch the ongoing war and she’s a great fighter. I love that she never cares what people think of her either. She’s always asking questions and manages to always get an answer. She was a great heroine to follow around.

My Crush
Clearly Bram. The love interest of the story. Even though he is a zombie, he was still amazing. I don’t think I could be as chill as him if I was a zombie. He knows he’s not alive but he doesn’t believe he’s a monster. He accepts the fact that he’s in this army because he’s expandable and he doesn’t care. I love how he went to save whoever Nora wanted without asking questions. He was a very human like zombie.

Writing Style
The writing was really well done. I just had a few issues with the plot and characters. The plot was kind of slow starting out. The action started right away but I found I wasn’t sucked into the book until about half way. I was a little disappointed in the romance though. There wasn’t as much as I would have liked. The author kind of hinted at romance but then the book ended without me being satisfied.

I loved most of the characters. I found the villains to be boring though. There wasn’t anything special about them, just typical bad guys who want to kill everyone. The story was told in several points of views which I don’t think worked in this case. Did we really need ALL those characters telling the story?

Closing Thoughts
I really did enjoy this book even though there were some flaws. I didn’t realize that this book was the first of a series until the very end so that threw me off a little. I’m kind of excited to read the next one though. I enjoyed the concept of zombies that don’t go crazy. They’re more like vampires except the whole decaying body thing. That was a little gross, but they made it work with all their crazy medical stuff. I liked the steampunk style that the book was written in too. It was like a futuristic steampunk victorian futuristic book. Sounds confusing but it worked. I think I gave this book 4 stars because of the world. I thought it was really original.
… (more)
chelssicle | 73 other reviews | Nov 14, 2024 |
a really interesting take on zombies and the idea of trying to figure out who is good and who is bad.

But this story had at least 3 too many POV. I loved being with Bram and Nora even though I cringed at the kissing at the end. Just...bleh

but Pam, Victor and even Wolfe. Just too many POV especially at the beginning.

The story was pretty easy to jump in to and I did enjoy the old fashion ideas mixed in with new twists.
Trisha_Thomas | 73 other reviews | Nov 13, 2024 |
Love and the Zombie Apocalypse. Main characters: Bram, Nora Pamela, Victor and Chas. Slow start leading to some very good and tense rescue scenes. But perhaps due to the split narratives I couldn't get into the story as much as I wanted to. Or maybe the idea of a young teen girl snogging a young dead teen boy is just a little too icky for me.
cgalvin | 73 other reviews | Nov 9, 2024 |


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