Picture of author.

Marek Halter

Author of Sarah

73 Works 3,060 Members 70 Reviews 4 Favorited

About the Author

Marek Halter has served as president of the European Foundation for Science, Arts and Culture.

Includes the name: Marek Halter

Image credit: By Ji-Elle (Own work) [GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0], via Wikimedia Commons


Works by Marek Halter

Sarah (2004) 1,061 copies, 18 reviews
Zipporah, Wife of Moses (2003) 555 copies, 18 reviews
The Book of Abraham (1983) 381 copies, 5 reviews
Lilah (2003) 311 copies, 6 reviews
Mary of Nazareth: A Novel (2006) 129 copies, 6 reviews
The Children of Abraham (1989) 109 copies
The Wind of the Khazars (2001) 95 copies, 1 review
Les Mystères de Jérusalem (1999) 59 copies, 2 reviews
The Messiah (1996) 56 copies, 1 review
Le Kabbaliste de Prague (2010) 40 copies, 4 reviews
La reine de Saba (2008) 30 copies, 2 reviews
Le fou et les rois (1976) 17 copies
La force du bien (1995) 13 copies
l'inconnue de Birobidjan (2012) 13 copies
Aïcha (2015) 8 copies
Why the Jews?: The Need to Scapegoat (2021) 7 copies, 2 reviews
Khadija (2014) 7 copies
Fatima (2015) 7 copies
Un homme, un cri (1991) 5 copies, 1 review
Marie, Tome 1 : Livre 1 (2009) 3 copies
Tzedek: The Righteous {Movie} 3 copies, 2 reviews
L'odyssée du peuple juif (2012) 3 copies
Faites-le ! (2013) 2 copies
O Messias 2 copies
Sara (2004) 1 copy
Réconciliez-vous ! (2015) 1 copy
O Cabalista de Praga (2011) 1 copy
La mia ira (2008) 1 copy
Los jázaros (2003) 1 copy
Où allons-nous mes amis ? (2017) 1 copy, 1 review
Le Messie (2018) 1 copy
Ce este un evreu? (2000) 1 copy


Common Knowledge



Sin dal primo respiro dell'uomo, va cosi': la parola e' la scintilla vitale dell'essere. (11-2)

Eppure, mentre chinavo il capo per rendere omaggio alla gioia dei miei amici, un soffio pungente mi sfioro' la nuca. Un soffio che conoscevo. L'alito del dubbio e del timore che ci tocca quando esigiamo dal tempo, come bambini capricciosi, una salvezza che appartiene solo al corso dell'universo. (25)

Cosi' mi ritrovai a spiegarle coma Qabbalah, QBLH in ebraico, significasse l'idea e la verita' fisica della Ricezione. (79)

Avevo dimenticato che la memoria non ci appartiene. Essa avanza nel tempo con una forza che le e' propria e che l'oblio non puo' realmente intaccare. ... Agisce a livello sotterraneo per risorgere all'improvviso e imporre i suoi compiti quando meno ce lo aspettiamo. (121)

Dopo la creazione del Golem, Halter si impantana...

E dopo il Golem di Gustav Meyrink dove lo mettiamo quello di Halter??? forse a fare amicizia con la Swamp Thing?
… (more)
NewLibrary78 | 3 other reviews | Jul 22, 2023 |
Note: I accessed a digital review copy of this book through Edelweiss.
fernandie | 1 other review | Sep 15, 2022 |

Making a departure from my non-fiction reading, I picked up a historical novel about the most famous mother of all time.

The story starts out with Miriam and her family struggling to survive the yoke of the tyrannical Roman rule under King Herod. By a freak accident, Miriam's father is set to be crucified. The precocious Miriam boldly sets out to rescue him with the help of a dangerous friend, Barrabas.

It's a crisp book that doesn't weight the soul down with diatribes of heavy handed preaching. OK, there are a couple of them but most of the story focused on Miriam and how she became the Virgin Mary.

At the end, the author tacked on the Gospel of Mary which will never find its way to the Bible that you know because according to her, Jesus faked his death like Juliet. You would think that one of the two people who first found Jesus alive might be the authority on the matter.

Now, the book probably took a lot of liberties to tell the story. But who is to say history has not taken their own liberties?

… (more)
wellington299 | 5 other reviews | Feb 19, 2022 |
Would like to read more by this author.
avdesertgirl | 17 other reviews | Aug 22, 2021 |



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