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David R. Hawkins (1927–2012)

Author of Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior

51 Works 2,332 Members 29 Reviews 3 Favorited

About the Author

David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. (1927-2012), was recognized worldwide as a leading teacher of the way to Enlightenment. His extensive background also includes 50 years' experience in psychiatry. He was an acknowledged leader in research on the nature of consciousness and presented lectures worldwide.
Image credit: Photo courtesy of Hay House, Inc.

Works by David R. Hawkins

Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender (2012) 310 copies, 1 review
I: Reality and Subjectivity (2003) 135 copies, 1 review
Healing and Recovery (2009) 69 copies
In the World, But Not of it (2008) 3 copies, 1 review
Pouvoir contre force (2018) 2 copies, 1 review
Sukces jest dla ciebie (2018) 1 copy
OM 1 copy
Guce Karsi Kuvvet (2017) 1 copy


Common Knowledge



The Map of the Consciousness Explained by David R Hawkins (Posted in Goodreads)

© 2020, October 20; 978-1401959647; Hay House, LLC.; 400 pp. (Info from Amazon)
© 2020, October 20; 9781401959654 ; Hay House, LLC.; 388 pages; unabridged (Info from Amazon)
(this one)-AUDIO:
© 2019, March 27; B07QNMCKQL; Hay House; 8 hours (approx.); unabridged. (info from Libby)


I had been searching the library on a theme of “raising consciousness” when I encountered this title. It promised to expand my horizons.
Hawkins discusses energy levels, asserting that our own level attracts what vibrates at that level to us. If I understood it correctly, our experiences of love and joy come to us by virtue of the energy we produce through our thoughts. He says that when we appreciate something like the voice of Andre Bocelli it’s less of a personal affection and more of an experience and appreciation of, and delight in, an energy level. The more time someone spends in an attitude of unconditional love and gratitude, the higher the energy they emanate as well as attract. This scale of energy used to map the consciousness goes from 0 to 1,000 and each emotion vibrates at a certain level. Shame, for example, vibrates at 20; love at 500.
This was interesting, and, though unique, not too different from things I’ve read before. It was a nice reminder.

David R. Hawkins (From Veritas Publishing)
“Veritas Publishing produces and publishes the works of Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., an internationally renowned spiritual teacher, psychiatrist, physician, researcher, lecturer and developer of the widely-known Map of Consciousness®. This Map is both copyrighted and trademarked. It may not be copied, reproduced, duplicated or distributed partially or in full in any form. Veritas Publishing is located in Sedona, Arizona.”

Philosophy, Psychology; Nonfiction; Spirituality

SUBJECTS (Not comprehensive):
Religion; Religious figures; Thoughts; Emotions; Energy levels; Perceptions; Law of Attraction; New Age; Consciousness; psychiatry


LOCATIONS (Not comprehensive)

“To the memory of Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012) Gloria in Excelsis Deo!”

EXCERPT (the audiobook is a class setting with an audience. The digital print book was produced post-houmous by his wife, Susan Hawkins, and is descriptive. The excerpt is from the digital book.
From Part I “Foundations
In the first three chapters, Dr. Hawkins gives the background, science, and main components of the Map of Conciousness. Two of the key concepts you will encounter are attractor field and field of dominance. Here is a story from his clinical years as a psychiatrist that illustrates these concepts by showing that the attractor field of Love is more powerful (dominant) than that of Fear:
Betty was 34 years old, but she looked much older because she was thin and drawn. She entered the office carrying armloads of paper bags, which were later found to contain 56 different bottles of health store preparations, vitamins, and nutritional supplements, plus several bags of special food. Her fear had started out as a germ phobia, and soon everything around her seemed to be possibly contaminated with germs. She had many fears of contracting contagious diseases, which had progressed now to a fear of cancer. She believed every scare story she read, so she was afraid of nearly every food, the air she breathed, and getting on her skin. She wore white clothes because she was afraid of dyes in the materials.
In the office, she would never sit down because she was afraid that the chair might be contaminated. Whenever she needed a prescription, she asked that it be written in the middle of the prescription pad, which had not been touched. Furthermore, she wanted to tear the page from the pad herself; she didn’t want me to touch it, because possibly I had gotten germs from shaking hands with the last patient. She wore white gloves at all times. Ultimately, she requested to be treated by telephone, as she was too afraid of making the trip to the office again.
The following week on the phone, she said that she was afraid to get up. She called from home while still in bed, because now she was afraid to go out on the streets. She had developed a fear of muggers, rapists, and air pollution. At the same time, she was afraid to stay home in bed and get worse, and to compound all her other fears, she was afraid that she was losing her mind. She was afraid that the medication wouldn’t help her and that it might have side effects, but she was loath not to take it for fear that she would not get better. Now she said that she had a fear that she might choke on the pills and had stopped taking even her health supplements, much less the prescribed medication.
Her fears were so paralyzing that every therapeutic maneuver was totally stymied. She wouldn’t allow me to talk to her family. She was afraid they would find out that she was seeing a psychiatrist and think she was crazy. I was totally baffled and racked my brain for weeks as to how I could possibly help her. Finally, I let go. I experienced the relief of surrender in that I just totally accepted the fact: There is absolutely nothing I can do to help her. The only thing left to do is just to love her.
And so, that’s what I did. I just thought of her lovingly, and frequently I sent her loving thoughts. I gave her as much love as I could possibly give when we talked on the telephone, and finally, after a couple of months of “loving therapy,” she got sufficiently better to come to the office. As time went on, she improved and her fears and inhibitions began to diminish, though she never did develop any insight. She was too afraid of talking about psychological matters, she said—so over the months and eventually years of treatment, the only thing I ever did was to love her.
This case illustrates the concept that a higher vibration such as Love has a healing effect on a lower vibration—in the patient’s case, Fear. This Love is the mechanism of reassurance, and very often we can quiet another person’s fears by our mere physical presence and by the loving energy that we project to them and with which we surround them. It is not what we say but the very fact of our presence that has the healing effect.”

4 stars.

… (more)
TraSea | 1 other review | Dec 10, 2024 |
The Map of the Consciousness Explained by David R Hawkins

© 2020, October 20; 978-1401959647; Hay House, LLC.; 400 pp. (Info from Amazon)
© 2020, October 20; 9781401959654 ; Hay House, LLC.; 388 pages; unabridged (Info from Amazon)
(this one)-AUDIO:
© 2019, March 27; B07QNMCKQL; Hay House; 8 hours (approx.); unabridged. (info from Libby)


I had been searching the library on a theme of “raising consciousness” when I encountered this title. It promised to expand my horizons.
Hawkins discusses energy levels, asserting that our own level attracts what vibrates at that level to us. If I understood it correctly, our experiences of love and joy come to us by virtue of the energy we produce through our thoughts. He says that when we appreciate something like the voice of Andre Bocelli it’s less of a personal affection and more of an experience and appreciation of, and delight in, an energy level. The more time someone spends in an attitude of unconditional love and gratitude, the higher the energy they emanate as well as attract. This scale of energy used to map the consciousness goes from 0 to 1,000 and each emotion vibrates at a certain level. Shame, for example, vibrates at 20; love at 500.
This was interesting, and, though unique, not too different from things I’ve read before. It was a nice reminder.

David R. Hawkins (From Veritas Publishing)
“Veritas Publishing produces and publishes the works of Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., an internationally renowned spiritual teacher, psychiatrist, physician, researcher, lecturer and developer of the widely-known Map of Consciousness®. This Map is both copyrighted and trademarked. It may not be copied, reproduced, duplicated or distributed partially or in full in any form. Veritas Publishing is located in Sedona, Arizona.”

Philosophy, Psychology; Nonfiction; Spirituality

SUBJECTS (Not comprehensive):
Religion; Religious figures; Thoughts; Emotions; Energy levels; Perceptions; Law of Attraction; New Age; Raising consciousness; psychiatry; Self-help


LOCATIONS (Not comprehensive)

“To the memory of Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012) Gloria in Excelsis Deo!”
EXCERPT (the audiobook is a class setting with an audience. The digital print book was produced post-houmous by his wife, Susan Hawkins, and is descriptive. The excerpt is from the digital book.
From Part I “Foundations
In the first three chapters, Dr. Hawkins gives the background, science, and main components of the Map of Conciousness. Two of the key concepts you will encounter are attractor field and field of dominance. Here is a story from his clinical years as a psychiatrist that illustrates these concepts by showing that the attractor field of Love is more powerful (dominant) than that of Fear:
Betty was 34 years old, but she looked much older because she was thin and drawn. She entered the office carrying armloads of paper bags, which were later found to contain 56 different bottles of health store preparations, vitamins, and nutritional supplements, plus several bags of special food. Her fear had started out as a germ phobia, and soon everything around her seemed to be possibly contaminated with germs. She had many fears of contracting contagious diseases, which had progressed now to a fear of cancer. She believed every scare story she read, so she was afraid of nearly every food, the air she breathed, and getting on her skin. She wore white clothes because she was afraid of dyes in the materials.
In the office, she would never sit down because she was afraid that the chair might be contaminated. Whenever she needed a prescription, she asked that it be written in the middle of the prescription pad, which had not been touched. Furthermore, she wanted to tear the page from the pad herself; she didn’t want me to touch it, because possibly I had gotten germs from shaking hands with the last patient. She wore white gloves at all times. Ultimately, she requested to be treated by telephone, as she was too afraid of making the trip to the office again.
The following week on the phone, she said that she was afraid to get up. She called from home while still in bed, because now she was afraid to go out on the streets. She had developed a fear of muggers, rapists, and air pollution. At the same time, she was afraid to stay home in bed and get worse, and to compound all her other fears, she was afraid that she was losing her mind. She was afraid that the medication wouldn’t help her and that it might have side effects, but she was loath not to take it for fear that she would not get better. Now she said that she had a fear that she might choke on the pills and had stopped taking even her health supplements, much less the prescribed medication.
Her fears were so paralyzing that every therapeutic maneuver was totally stymied. She wouldn’t allow me to talk to her family. She was afraid they would find out that she was seeing a psychiatrist and think she was crazy. I was totally baffled and racked my brain for weeks as to how I could possibly help her. Finally, I let go. I experienced the relief of surrender in that I just totally accepted the fact: There is absolutely nothing I can do to help her. The only thing left to do is just to love her.
And so, that’s what I did. I just thought of her lovingly, and frequently I sent her loving thoughts. I gave her as much love as I could possibly give when we talked on the telephone, and finally, after a couple of months of “loving therapy,” she got sufficiently better to come to the office. As time went on, she improved and her fears and inhibitions began to diminish, though she never did develop any insight. She was too afraid of talking about psychological matters, she said—so over the months and eventually years of treatment, the only thing I ever did was to love her.
This case illustrates the concept that a higher vibration such as Love has a healing effect on a lower vibration—in the patient’s case, Fear. This Love is the mechanism of reassurance, and very often we can quiet another person’s fears by our mere physical presence and by the loving energy that we project to them and with which we surround them. It is not what we say but the very fact of our presence that has the healing effect.”

4 stars.

… (more)
TraSea | 1 other review | Oct 18, 2024 |
Letting Go describes a simple and effective means by which to let go of the obstacles to Enlightenment and become free of negativity. During the many years of the author's clinical psychiatric practice, the primary aim was to seek the most effective ways to relieve human suffering in all of its many forms. The inner mechanism of surrender was found to be of great practical benefit, and it is described in this book. - from the publisher
PendleHillLibrary | Nov 28, 2023 |
Mohnish Pabrai recommended this book to me the day we met in person.

It changed my life.
aquamari | 16 other reviews | Apr 3, 2023 |


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