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J. Kent Holloway

Author of Primal Thirst

10+ Works 33 Members 5 Reviews

Works by J. Kent Holloway

Associated Works

Centurion (2017) — Author — 12 copies
Surviving Tomorrow: A Charity Anthology to Fight COVID-19 (2020) — Contributor — 8 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge



This is my first book from J. Kent Holloway... and it most certainly will NOT be my last!

The action starts off with King Solomon (you know, ancient Jewish king, Son of David, Solomon's Temple, all that jazz) thirsting for knowledge - and nearly paying for it with his life.

Several centuries later, during the Crusades, a new man - Baron Gregory - seeks the same knowledge. He has been sent to Jerusalem, blessed by the Vatican with the mission of finding the Urim and Thummim... except that isn't why he's *really* in Jerusalem.

As he nears completion of his actual goal, a specter begins showing up and kidnapping his men. Those few who see it and remain to tell the tale speak of a living shadow that smells of brimstone. They call it... The Djinn, based on Saracen/ Muslim folklore of spirit beings between humans and angels.

What is The Djinn? What is its goal? You'll just have to read the book to find out. Well paced with lots of intrigue and action, as I noted in the title of this review, this is a book you REALLY don't want to put down!

*Note: I received my copy of the book free from the author (who happens to also be the publisher) in exchange for an honest review.
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BookAnonJeff | 2 other reviews | Jul 11, 2021 |
In Kent Holloway's Primal Thirst, we start out with Jack, a cigar chomping professor/ cryptozoologist/ adventurer in the Amazon chasing a supposedly mythological creature - and get pounced on by real cats at the edge of a ravine! Barely escaping that calamity, Jack gets offered a simple job with a lot of money behind it. Fly immediately to Malaysia, rescue a Senator's daughter, and fly her home safely. Nothing to it, right?

Except that she's beautiful and the remote tribe she is working with is being slowly slaughtered by creatures that a) are not supposed to exist b) IF they exist, they are supposed to be no more than a foot or two tall and c) are over 4 feet tall! Oh, and they suck you dry of blood... without leaving a mark on you.

Can our daring adventurer save the day? What are these creatures? How did they get so big? And why does some former Soviet who is intent on overthrowing the Malaysian government want the oldest of the creatures for himself?

Well, you're just going to have to read this book to find out!

*Disclaimer: I received this book free from the author in exchange for an honest review.
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BookAnonJeff | Jul 11, 2021 |
action-adventure, crooks, crime, situational-humor, verbal-humor, family-dynamics

This is not The Crime Scene Cleaner from German TV, Ajax Clean is highly specialized and employed by big time criminals to erase all evidence that the hitman has done his job. He has a butler who is his backup and can hack into anything, a Haitian hitman he doesn't trust, a sister to protect who is a gifted forensic medical examiner, a Korean crime boss after him, and a black ops agency trying to blackmail him. I'd call this a testosterone fest but there's no erotica, just lots of action and no small amount of confusion. For me, the biggest question is: WHERE IS THE NEXT ONE!
The audio is narrated by Daniel F Purcell and he is great!
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jetangen4571 | Oct 21, 2018 |
This review is written with a GPL 3.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at & Bookstooge's Reviews on the Road Facebook Group by Bookstooge's Exalted Permission. Title: The Djinn Series: ----- Author: J. Holloway Rating: of 5 Battle Axes Genre: Christian Fiction Pages: 268 Format: Kindle Synopsis: If Batman was a staunch Protestant, in one of the Crusades AND he had leprosy, you'd pretty much have this book. In the past, Solomon stopped 12 golems from destroying Jerusalem by trapping them in his underground treasure chambers. Now, one man is searching for the means to re-animate and control said golems for his own nefarious purposes. My Thoughts: I'm being pretty generous with that 3 star. It really felt more like a 2 1/2 but there were some cool moments, and I just had a good time this evening routing a nemesis, so I'm pretty happy. The "mystery" of the djinn is easily seen through and that takes away from some of the suspense of the book. If Holloway had focused more on the golems and less on the djinn, I might have enjoyed this more. The whole djinn vs the corrupt crusader was rather meh. Theology-wise, hearing someone spout some very hard core Protestant ideas [the Catholic church is not Christianity, I can believe in Jesus and still be a Christian without acknowledging the Church, etc] in this time period was a little disconcerting. Not bad, just very unexpected. It really came across as 21st century. There were a couple of times where Holloway obviously kept info from the reader but not from his characters and I did not like that. It was deliberate enough to notice and came across as trying way to hard. Kind of like a 10 year old waving his left hand while he uses his right hand to "magically" pull colored scarves from his right sleeve. I think I'll give Holloway's other books a chance. One chance, mind you. maybe in a couple of months. "… (more)
BookstoogeLT | 2 other reviews | Dec 10, 2016 |

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