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Dinosaur Field Guide by Dr. Thomas Holtz Jr. & Dr. Michael Brett Surman is a small survey of dinosaurs produced as a tie-in to the summer blockbuster “Jurassic World”. It includes a history of dinosaurs, a history of the study of dinosaurs, over 100 pages of different dinosaurs, each dinosaur getting one page, as well as an assortment of other random features, including “Why are dinosaurs so popular?”, “Drawing dinosaurs”, as well as a very rich section on where to find more information.
I had low expectations for this book because it was a movie tie-in. Having reflected on that for a bit, my low expectations are unfounded, because I have never read a movie tie-in non-fiction book. Boy, what a snob I am. This book is weapons-grade learning material. The different fonts, the multitude of layouts, the varied styles of writing, the presentation of all information in small portions, everything about the format and layout of the book is designed to draw young readers into the world of dinosaurs. On each dinosaur page, there is a sidebar that includes “Fun Facts” and “Trivia”, the bone and paleontologist photographs are expertly curated, providing information and being very appealing to the eyes. I did not read this book all the way through, but the temptation was there. Every page grabs you with a visual or a readily engaging nugget of interesting information. The authors and illustrator all have impeccable credentials. And the end section is perfect. It includes maps of the three major dinosaur periods, a list with maps of all the major dinosaur discovery sites around the world, a list of museums and archeological dig sites open to the public, a recommendation of books for kids and a recommendation of books for adults, and a list of recommend websites about dinosaurs. The writing style is brisk, non-pretentious, and has moments of humor. This book would be a great tool for getting a child excited about dinosaurs, reading, or both.
jbenrubin | Apr 21, 2018 |
Reviewed by Me for

I am not a paleontologist (obviously). I am not, truth be told, even a dinosaur fanatic. What I am is a reader who is always looking to extend my knowledge base on interesting subjects, and this dinosaur encyclopedia fulfills that quest in spades!

Everything you could ever want to know about dinosaurs -- all types, all genuses, all sizes and shapes and colors -- is detailed, extensively, within the pages of DINOSAURS. There are wonderful illustrations by Luis V. Rey, timelines, graphs, rock cycles, detailed drawings of skeletons -- you name it, and this book has it. With an appendix that includes a 48-page Dinosaur Genus List and a Glossary of hundreds of terms, this is pretty much the only encyclopedia on dinosaurs that you're ever going to need.

I'm sure that some scientifically-minded people will yearn to find something that is missing, and they may even find it. But for the general dinosaur lover, this is definitely the book to add to your collection. Although the reading level is too advanced for younger children, those over the age of eight will find plenty to keep them interested and entertained.

DINOSAURS is highly recommended for classroom and home libraries, or as the perfect present for that dinosaur crazy kid on your gift list.
GeniusJen | Oct 10, 2009 |
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