Author picture

Monica Hughes (2) (1944–)

Author of Three Rocks (Oxford Reading Tree Traditional Tales)

For other authors named Monica Hughes, see the disambiguation page.

218+ Works 2,089 Members 14 Reviews


Works by Monica Hughes

The Princess and the Pea (2007) 42 copies
Bobbie and the Play (2000) 40 copies
Look for Me in This ABC (2000) 32 copies
Bobbie and the Baby (2000) 30 copies
Cars (Collins Big Cat) (2005) 22 copies
My Chinese New Year (Festivals) (2004) 21 copies, 1 review
The Wind (Collins Big Cat) (2005) 21 copies
Ned's Noise Machine (2000) 19 copies
Snails (Creepy Creatures) (2002) 19 copies
What's It Made Of ? (2000) 18 copies
What Is an Ocean (Read and Learn: The World Around Us) (2005) — Author — 18 copies, 1 review
Try This! (2000) 18 copies
Shapes (2006) 17 copies
Bobbie and the Parade (2000) 17 copies
Stripes (2005) 17 copies
Water, Water (2000) 16 copies
Lights (2006) 15 copies
Carry Me (Collins Big Cat) (2005) 15 copies
The Picnic (2005) 15 copies
Wood and Other Materials (1998) 14 copies
How to Make Pop-up Cards (2005) 14 copies
My Id-Ul-Fitr (Festivals) (2003) 14 copies
To the Rescue (I Love Reading) (2006) 13 copies, 1 review
Sharks (2007) 13 copies
My Cat (Rigby Lighthouse) (2001) 13 copies
My Hannukkah (Festivals) (2003) 13 copies
The Play (2000) 13 copies
Ladybugs (Creepy Creatures) (2002) 13 copies
The Playhouse (2000) 12 copies
The Amazing Race (1995) 12 copies
Spiders (Creepy Creatures) (2002) 11 copies, 1 review
What Did I Use? (1997) 11 copies
My Dad (Snapdragons) (2004) 10 copies
The Big Turnip (2006) 10 copies
What Is a Forest? (Read and Learn: The World Around Us) (2004) — Author — 10 copies, 1 review
Face Painting (2003) 9 copies
Cats (All Aboard) (1994) 8 copies
My Divali (Festivals) (2003) 8 copies
My Easter (2004) 8 copies
Bugs (I Love Reading) (2006) 7 copies, 1 review
Bath (Smart Starts) (1997) 7 copies
First Day at School (My First) (2003) 6 copies, 1 review
Sip It, Dip It, Tap It (2010) 6 copies
Stone Soup (All Aboard) (1996) 6 copies
Our World (2013) 6 copies
Put on a Clown Face (2008) 6 copies
Hats (All Aboard) (1994) 6 copies
Top Jobs (Floppy Phonics) (2009) 5 copies
In the Pit (2010) 5 copies
My Pet (Project X: Pets) (2009) 5 copies
May Day (Don't Forget!) (2002) 5 copies
On Safari (1997) 5 copies
My Christmas (Festivals) (2003) 5 copies
My Pet (Floppy Phonics) (2009) 4 copies
Birthday Balloons: A Play (2000) 4 copies
Halloween (Don't Forget!) (2002) 4 copies
Jan's Big Bang (1997) 4 copies
Hedgehogs (All Aboard) (1994) 3 copies
Jan on the trail (2000) 3 copies
Dipper Gets Stuck (1998) 3 copies
Dipper in Danger (1998) 3 copies
First Vacation (My First) (2003) 3 copies
Happy Birthday Josie (2003) 3 copies
The Cubbyhouse (2002) 2 copies
Dipper to the Rescue (1998) 2 copies
Birds (2007) 2 copies
Win! (Floppy Phonics) (2009) 2 copies
Animal Homes (All Aboard) (1994) 2 copies
Tigers (2007) 2 copies
Rigby literacy Grades K-3 (1999) 2 copies
The Den (Rigby Star) (2000) 1 copy
Star of the Air (2012) 1 copy
Choosing Cards (1997) 1 copy
Kat and Dan 1 copy
Apes (Animal Antics) (2007) 1 copy
Animal Babies (2004) 1 copy
Colours (Spotty Zebra) (2002) 1 copy
Jan's Awesome Party (2001) 1 copy
The Bath 1 copy

Associated Works

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Bright Sparks) (2006) — Reading Consultant — 38 copies
Jack and the Beanstalk (Bright Sparks) (2004) — Reading Consultant — 22 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge

children's book author



Wheels, Wings, and Other vehicles is a book that contains cool facts about vehicles. This book could be used a classroom to talk about different vehicles people use. Then, it could lead into a stem project about vehicles.
pryckewaert22 | 1 other review | Apr 21, 2023 |
This book is about the different forms of transportation. Could be used as a read-aloud or for students to read on their own. This book has big text, pictures, questions and answers, and small text boxes. Could be great for introducing different features of informational text in a first-grade classroom.
HaliaMclucas | 1 other review | Mar 6, 2023 |
I enjoyed reading this book about the various events surrounding the holiday and how each day brings something new. I think this book would be great for students to see how people celebrate holidays around the world. My favorite part was about the special food and how the vegetables are said to bring a long and happy life to those who eat them.
airdnaxela | Apr 14, 2018 |
Tiger cub is an informational book about tigers. What a tiger is, what it looks like, how they eat, and how they grow. The pictures are up close so you can see just how sharp their teeth and claws are,and the color of their eyes. There is a lot of information for such a short book.

Extension: 1. I would have students make a chart about how domestic cats are similar to wild tigers.

2. We would use the information in the book to draw tigers.
Timmiej | Jul 19, 2017 |

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