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For other authors named Allen Hunt, see the disambiguation page.

Allen Hunt (1) has been aliased into Allen R. Hunt.

10 Works 339 Members 9 Reviews


Showing 9 of 9
How well do you know Jesus? Do you want to get to know him better? Have you ever really encountered him? Have you been waiting a long time to do so?

John's Gospel was written to help you experience Jesus Christ. John has met Jesus personally, and he wants to tell you what he has seen and witnessed firsthand. In other words, everything written in the Gospel of John is designed to help you get to know Jesus, our Savior.

This study will introduce you to people and stories you won't meet or find anywhere else in the Bible. In John's Gospel, you will meet the woman at the well; a man names Nicodemus; the woman caught in adultery; and Lazarus, the friend Jesus raised from the dead. You'll read stories about Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana, Jesus washing the feet of His disciples, and Peter's marvelous redemption after he denies Jesus three times.

In this study, as you focus on eight people who encounter Jesus in John's Gospel, your goal will be to personally meet Jesus yourself—to discover that He is your one true spiritual home and to develop a more significant relationship with Him in your everyday life.
StFrancisofAssisi | Oct 4, 2024 |
A fairly short, easy read that really has me thinking. Definitely food for thought!
hobbitprincess | 6 other reviews | Jul 9, 2024 |
Enjoyed this book about a Methodist minister who became Catholic. Lots of info. about the Methodist church and the Catholic church.
avdesertgirl | 6 other reviews | Aug 22, 2021 |
Tens of thousands of American adults join the Catholic Church every year. Why? What is it that attracts them to Catholicism?

In Confessions of a Mega-Church Pastor, Allen Hunt unveils the treasures of Catholicism that many life-long Catholics are simply unaware of. At the same time he demonstrates the genius of Catholicism and encourages us to move beyond taking our faith for granted.
StFrancisofAssisi | 6 other reviews | Nov 11, 2020 |
Tens of thousands of American adults join the Catholic Church every year. Why? What is it that attracts them to Catholicism?

In Confessions of a Mega-Church Pastor, Allen Hunt unveils the treasures of Catholicism that many life-long Catholics are simply unaware of. At the same time he demonstrates the genius of Catholicism and encourages us to move beyond taking our faith for granted.

With a personal touch that is profound and disarming, Hunt takes his readers on a journey that is sure to change the way we experience our faith. At a time when so many are disillusioned about where the Catholic Church is and where it is going, Allen Hunt brilliantly reminds us that personal holiness is the key to the bigger future God wants to leads us to both as individuals and together as a Church.
StFrancisofAssisi | 6 other reviews | Sep 24, 2019 |
In The #1 Reason I Love Being Catholic, Dr. Allen Hunt, a nationally known speaker, best-selling Catholic author, and a former Evangelical pastor, shares how he discovered the hidden treasures of the Catholic Church and converted to Catholicism. In this inspiring 50 minute talk, Dr. Hunt reminds us of who we are as Catholics—the people of the Eucharist.
StFrancisofAssisi | Apr 29, 2019 |
This book is about one pastor, Allen R. Hunt, who was for eight years the pastor of a Methodist mega-church, international in reach, and his experience and rationale for coming home to the Roman Catholic Church. The book numbers only 169 pages and large print at that. Essentially the book is about Allen hunt’s search for and discovery of truth. Gradually it was unfolded by God that there is one church that has held steadfast in faith and morals through the millennia. Moreover, it is about Mr. Hunt’s astounding discovery that Christ's meal is not just a memorial but is Christ himself in the Holy Eucharist.
allenkeith | 6 other reviews | Apr 24, 2014 |
Showing 9 of 9