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Daisaku Ikeda (1928–2023)

Author of Choose Life: A Dialogue

434+ Works 1,884 Members 27 Reviews 2 Favorited

About the Author

Daisaku Ikeda was born in Tokyo, Japan on January 2, 1928 into a family of seaweed farmers. Ikeda is a prolific writer, environmentalist, peace activist, and follower of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism, also considered "true Buddhism". He has written over 100 books on Buddhism. Ikeda was the president of show more Soka Gakkai, an organization supporting the practice of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism, from 1960 to 1979 and currently maintains the position of Soka Gakkai Honorary President. Ikeda developed SGI (Soka Gakkai International) which is an international outreach program for Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism. Many members of this organization refer to him as their "mentor in life". Ikeda has been influential world-wide. He holds over 230 honorary doctorates and over 550 honorary citizenships around the world. Ikeda also holds numerous memberships and has received many awards. Ikeda has founded many educational, peace and cultural institutions including Soka University (1971), Tokyo Fuji Art Museum (1983), and Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research (1996). Ikeda and his wife, Kaneko, married on May 3, 1952. They have three sons. (Bowker Author Biography) show less


Works by Daisaku Ikeda

Choose Life: A Dialogue (1976) 98 copies, 1 review
The Cherry Tree (1991) 84 copies, 4 reviews
Unlocking the Mysteries of Birth and Death (1988) 70 copies, 1 review
The Snow Country Prince (1990) 67 copies, 1 review
Buddhism: The First Millennium (1977) 55 copies, 3 reviews
The Flower of Chinese Buddhism (1976) 47 copies, 1 review
The Princess and the Moon (1991) 32 copies, 1 review
Over the Deep Blue Sea (1992) 32 copies, 4 reviews
Global Civilization: A Buddhist-Islamic Dialogue (2003) — Author — 20 copies
Human Revolution (1967) 19 copies
The New Human Revolution (1996) 10 copies
Kanta And The Deer (1997) 9 copies
Buddhism and the Cosmos (1985) 7 copies
Living the Gosho (2014) 6 copies
The creative family (1992) 6 copies
Treasures of the heart (1982) 6 copies
Hopes and dreams: Poems (1976) 5 copies
Unforgettable Friends (2006) 4 copies
The new human revolution (2001) 4 copies
Buddhism in action (1984) 4 copies
Kosen-Rufu: Our Mission (2010) 3 copies
The New Human Revolution (2007) 3 copies
La Saggezza Del Sutra (2009) 3 copies
Songs for America: Poems (2000) 3 copies
青い海と少年 (1996) 3 copies
Guidance memo (1975) 3 copies
Dialogue on Life (1976) 3 copies
Advice to young people (1976) 3 copies
Daily Guidance (Volume 2) (1983) 3 copies
L'essenza dell'uomo (2015) 2 copies
Civiltà Globale (2004) 2 copies
Tägliche Ermutigung (2008) 2 copies
Dialogue with Nature (2003) 2 copies
Sun of Youth (2016) 2 copies
Daily guidance (1976) 2 copies
My Recollections (1980) 2 copies
Buddhism in Action Vol V (1991) 2 copies
Scegliere la pace (1996) 2 copies
Lettera da Teradomari (2015) 1 copy
O Buda Vivo 1 copy
母の曲 (1998) 1 copy
Le sûtra du lotus (1998) 1 copy, 1 review
ホタルかがやく (1987) 1 copy
Coragem 1 copy
Scuola e lavoro (2012) 1 copy
Una Paz duradera (1987) 1 copy
友誼抄 (1988) 1 copy
Likhit sī rưdū (1994) 1 copy
Preghiera e azione (2013) 1 copy
La gioia del meno (2017) 1 copy
La Révolution humaine, tome 3 (1989) 1 copy, 1 review
Das Rätsel des Lebens (1994) 1 copy
Un giorno, un anno (1975) 1 copy
Daily Gosho 1 copy
Amore e amicizia 1 copy, 1 review
De diepblauwe zee (1993) 1 copy
Pertemuan yang indah (2007) 1 copy
Giovani cittadini del mondo 1 copy, 1 review
Pace e solidarietà globale 1 copy, 1 review
Daily Guidance Vol 4 (1976) 1 copy
People 1 copy

Associated Works


Common Knowledge

Date of death
Soka Gakkai International
Club of Rome



To me it somehow seemed flat, workmanlike. Or maybe, as I come out of a wicked winter myself, I'm not ready to read of the challenges these characters faced. Or maybe I don't care for Wildsmith's art after all (we'll see as I read the stack of his books that I borrowed today). I particularly did not care for the depiction of the wolves, but it was only one sentence. And I would like an author's note explaining whether it's true the swans winter in a spot that is so inhospitable, and why they do.
Cheryl_in_CC_NV | Oct 18, 2024 |
Almost the same book as [b:The Snow Country Prince|93709|The Snow Country Prince|Daisaku Ikeda|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/book/50x75-a91bf249278a81aabab721ef782c4a74.png|90349] but with a tree instead of a swan, and better, imo. No magical being, and more sense altogether.
Cheryl_in_CC_NV | 3 other reviews | Oct 18, 2024 |
Review From LibraryThing:

Although following the particular views of Nichiren as interpreted by Soka Gakkai, I think that this book is of interest to anyone who is curious about Buddhism.

In particular the first part of the book, has many stories and tales that I found fascinating. Being interested in Ancient Rome, I enjoyed reading about the connection between Ashoka and Ancient Greece, as well as Ikeda's comments on "Questions of King Milinda." Many other stories presented in the book were also interesting, such as the one about Ambapāli, a prostitute who followed Buddha. I would love to read a study comparing her with Mary Magdalene. (Perhaps "Buddha and the Gospel of Buddhism" by Ananda?)

The second part deals more with the differences between Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism and explains Buddhist, such as kū.
… (more)
TallyChan5 | 2 other reviews | May 28, 2022 |
This book is about 3 people who travel in the ocean. It is a great story that goes into detail about what they see and encounter on their journey. It includes things they see above water and under water.
USE: In a lesson about traveling or in a lesson about the ocean.
jasminenesbitt1 | 3 other reviews | Oct 19, 2018 |


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