Bill Jackson (disambiguation)

"Bill Jackson" is composed of at least 5 distinct authors, divided by their works.

About the Author

Includes the names: Bill Jackson, Bill Jackson ed.

Author Division

Bill Jackson (unknown)

Casey at the Bat: A Ballad of the Republic Sung in the Year 1888 (1888) — Illustrator, some editions — 1,535 copies, 55 reviews
Ten and a Half Inches (True Gay Encounter Series) (1993) — Contributor — 11 copies
Eighth Wonder (1994) 7 copies
Scriptural Evangelism (1984) 6 copies
That Ye May Grow (2014) 3 copies
Do/Done Anthology (2001) 3 copies
Images of Shetland (2000) 3 copies
Afire with serenity (1977) 2 copies
‘Holy Ground’ 1 copy, 1 review
The lone survivor (1993) 1 copy
A more sure word (1993) 1 copy

Common Knowledge

Disambiguation notice
1. Bill Jackson, US pastor at Black Mountain Vineyard - San Diego, Quest for the Radical Middle
2. Bill Jackson, Chicago children's TV personality, Only Kid on the Carnival
3. Bill Jackson, Irish Presbyterian missionary to Malawi (circa 1950s), Send Us Friends
4. Dr. Bill Jackson, Indiana-based evangelical minister - Christians Evangelizing Catholics, Lordship of Christ
5. Bill Jackson, Irish author and former Oxfam employee, Ringing True

6. Jackson, Bill, 1933- (Virtual International Authority File), Canadian, author of A more sure word ; Die Heilige Schrift und die Traditionelle Indianer Religion ; God and the First Nations ; I recommend Jesus ; In times like these ; Scripture and traditional religion ; Suicide and then-- the dreadful discovery!