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Josie Jaffrey

Author of The Gilded King (Sovereign)

34 Works 107 Members 23 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Image credit: Josie Jaffrey

Works by Josie Jaffrey

The Gilded King (Sovereign) (2018) 26 copies, 3 reviews
May Day (Seekers, #1) (2020) 5 copies, 1 review
The Wolf and The Water (2020) 3 copies, 1 review
Ring The Bell 2 copies, 1 review
Blood Brothers 1 copy, 1 review
Peyton's End 1 copy
Living Underground 1 copy, 1 review


Common Knowledge



I'm struggling to get my thoughts together for this one. Everything that I wanted to happen worked out in ways that I thought were great! I also happened to see a mention at the back of the book that there's going to be another series following this one! Yes please!

- I was able to predict a lot more in this book. Normally that's a bad thing but I loved how everything turned out and there was still a lot of the unexpected. The plot flowed smoothly and just when I thought there wasn't enough pages to resolve anything, the author surprised me and finished off this series nicely. I can't wait to see what happens in the next one!

- I was sad that I didn't get to see some of my favourite side characters that much in this one but I was glad we gained a few new characters.

- I love how the villain of this series is never what you expect. He's not totally cruel and has a lot of sound logic, he just thinks a little too highly of himself. I was REALLY surprised to see some of the characters that were working with him. It's never who I think it is.

I'm trying to review this book without giving anything away about the whole series. I can tell you that I was consistently happy with how things were moving during the whole series. It felt like it was much longer than what it was (probably because I binge them all in a couple weeks). I think the series is wrapped up enough that you can stop here and be happy but there's also enough that another series will follow this one nicely. I can't wait to see what the author comes up with next!
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chelssicle | Nov 14, 2024 |
- This book is pretty much everything I like in my paranormals. Romance, vampires, creepy zombie-like things, cool world building, etc.
- We're set in London where all of sudden these zombie creatures (though they're call Weepers here because of their bloodshot eyes) come out of hiding and start attacking people. Naturally I'm so here for this apocalypse because this is exactly what I love reading. What throws me off is that the vampires actually want to help! They're still kind of the villains here but I was surprised they were actually taking over to prevent all the humans to be killed.
- I loved Emmy as a main character. She was sassy but not so sassy that she'd get herself killed like in so many books we see lately. She was a good point between not enough and too much and I liked that even as everyone tells her vampires as bad, she still wants to determine that for herself.
- There were a few of the typical tropes (mainly a love triangle) but I actually really loved it and was really rooting for one of the guys! Sadly, I don't think he's going to be the one picked but I'll keep dreaming. To be fair, both potential love interests (good news, there's no actual declarations of love in this book. It was actually realistic!) were really great and I love them both. I was just slightly rooting for one over the other.
- I also liked how there was no insta-love in this story. Insta-lust there was a lot of but I'm here for that and didn't mind a bit.
- I liked how this world was different but not complicated enough so that I got lost. It was easy to follow and I'm looking forward to where the next books will take us.

- The beginning of the book was a little rushed but once I got everything in this world figured out I quickly forgot about it.
- Beside the beginning it was a little predictable at points but I just really enjoyed reading it all so it didn't bother me much like it normally does.

**I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review **
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chelssicle | 4 other reviews | Nov 14, 2024 |
I'm so glad this is a series that I waited for all the books before starting it. I can't imagine having to wait in between all those cliff hangers! Luckily I'm diving straight into the next book from here!

- Not gonna lie, I was a little nervous about this one. Our main character starts off being separated from most of the other characters she's been with up until this point. Normally that's something I hate seeing in books but lucky for us it was handled really well in this one! It's not long or drawn out and she's back with the usually characters after what didn't feel like very long.

- This book was especially interesting because things start to break down even more than the broken society that this whole series revolves around. You didn't think it could get worse? HA. Joke's on you. It's kind of fun reading about a society with no rules. Plus it's nice that this isn't your "typical" dystopian book where the plot involves a revolution and a corrupt government. These people are honestly trying to make this society work.

- Easily my favourite part of all these books are the characters. This is the first book where I've felt fairly confident that the guy I'm rooting for will win. (Only after the ending though!) The rest of the time has been total chaos which I LOVED. It's an example of a well done love triangle.

- I'm pretty proud of myself for guessing the ending of this book. I think I might have even cheered out loud because I wanted it to happen SO BAD during the whole book. It's another reason why I love this series. Up until now I haven't been able to predict anything! Everything that happens make logical sense to the story but nothing ever goes the way I think it will.

If you've loved any paranormal romance or urban fantasy then I think you'll really enjoy this one!
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chelssicle | Nov 14, 2024 |
Actual rating 4.5

All I can say is THANK GOD I have the next book ready to go. Holy that was a roller coaster of emotions! Once I started reading I couldn't put the book down. Like it was physically attached to my hands and wouldn't let me stop reading. I'm convinced magic is involved.

- I can't emphasize enough how much I love these characters. Most of them (besides the main character of course) start off being these minor characters and somehow slowly get involved with the MC and then BAM we have a super important character that you've now fallen in love with. It's sneaky and I love it.

- I found I enjoyed reading this second book more because we've gotten all the world building out of the way and can now focus on the plot more. Which means there was room for an EXCELLENT plot in this book. It was fast paced and always kept me on my toes. I tend to have a problem with plots being predictable and I don't know if it's because I was reading this so fast that I didn't have time for theories but I honestly could not predict where this plot was going.

- This is an example of a love triangle done well. If you can even consider this a love triangle? I can't say too much without giving stuff away but there's definitely two guys and the MC seems to be torn between them in one way or another. After finishing this book I'm pretty sure I know what direction it's going in but the author continues to surprise me so who knows. I just love how during these first two books I have NO CLUE who she's going to pick which I love. I'm rooting for one guy but I'm not confident he's going to win. Other times I'm so sure she'll pick him. I LOVE the feeling of not knowing!

I'm sure I could go on much longer but those were the main points I wanted to make. If you love paranormal romance and urban fantasy then I think you should give this series a try.

*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*
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chelssicle | Nov 14, 2024 |




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