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David Johnson (25) (1947–)

Author of A Quaker Prayer Life

For other authors named David Johnson, see the disambiguation page.

David Johnson (25) has been aliased into David P. Johnson.

6 Works 117 Members 8 Reviews

Works by David Johnson


Common Knowledge

Short biography
David Johnson is a Member of Queensland Regional Meeting of the Australia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. David is a geologist with both industry and academic experience, and wrote The Geology of Australia, specifically for the general public. He has a long commitment to nonviolence and opposing war and the arms trade, and has worked with the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. David delivered the 2005 Backhouse Lecture to Australia Yearly Meeting on Peace is a Struggle. He was part of the work to establish the Silver Wattle Quaker Centre in Australia in 2010.

There is a VIAF record for this author BUT Wikipedia link in VIAF are incorrect, and belong to the American Swimmer "David Charles Johnson".

Amazon's Look-inside-the-Book for Geology of Australia shows Library of Australia CIP data as "Johnson, D.P. (David Pete)"



"The first Quakers rediscovered the early Christian experience that we can access divine guidance through our conscience. This guidance does not come from reading books or from the preaching of others, but comes from an awareness revealed by the Inward Light of God. That awareness shows us what to do and what not to do, and it enables us to do faithfully what God asks of us. With obedience to the Light comes life and power. We have to encounter the Spirit of God within ourselves, for it is by this Inward Anointing that we can be continually taught in our hearts, in every moment of our lives." (Pendle Hill Website)… (more)
BirmFrdsMtg | 3 other reviews | Sep 26, 2024 |
The first Quakers rediscovered the early Christian experience that we can access divine guidance through our conscience. This guidance does not come from reading books or from the preaching of others but comes from an awareness revealed by the Inward Light of God. That awareness shows us what to do and what not to do, and it enables us to do faithfully what God asks of us. With obedience to the Light comes life and power. We have to encounter the Spirit of God within ourselves, for it is by this Inward Anointing that we can be continually taught in our hearts, in every moment of our lives.… (more)
PAFM | 3 other reviews | Sep 13, 2024 |
Adelaide.L.M. | Nov 15, 2023 |
Johnson's pamphlet explains succinctly the spiritual discoveries of the early Friends, that they, and indeed everyone, can know the Spirit of God directly through waiting in silence, and receive wisdom, revelation, and guidance. The Presence that underlies all Being not only shows us how to see the world and what to do, but also enables us to do it, with a tendered heart and strength, courage, love, and peace.
As these 17th century Quakers followed the instruction from the Inward Light, they found their consciences became stronger, and their love of the Light grew. They became enabled to follow their consciences no matter what persecution ensued, which they endured cheerfully and even joyfully, nourished and refreshed by the "fountain of living water." They found that the Light gradually purified their hearts and removed their inclinations to do wrong. They urged everyone to be faithful to the guidance of the Light, which can ultimately produce a heavenly order in community.
Many quotes from the early Friends illustrate and enlarge on the basic Quaker message. Johnson includes stories of early Friends, and at the end gives a few modern examples and quotes. He closes with the implied question: Are we yearning for the deep spiritual experience and faithful lives that these early Friends experienced? If so, here is their simple message of how to do it.
This is a valuable statement of the basic Quaker message, for both enquirers and experienced Friends. It is a little longer than an elevator talk. due to the quotes and stories, but at 21 small pages it is still well-written, thoughtful, and short enough for offering to any Friend who wants the succinct message. And that may be virtually all of us!
… (more)
QuakerReviews | 3 other reviews | Nov 10, 2023 |

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