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Ryszard Kapuściński (1932–2007)

Author of The Shadow of the Sun

79+ Works 9,567 Members 201 Reviews 55 Favorited

About the Author

Ryszard Kapuscinski was born in Pinsk, a city now in Belarus on March 4, 1932. He received a master's degree in history from the University of Warsaw. He worked for the Communist journal Sztandar Mlodych, The Flag of Youth. He wrote an article describing the misery and despair of steel workers at a show more new steel plant outside of Krakow that the party bosses had extolled as a showpiece of proletarian culture. He was fired and forced into hiding. Later his findings were confirmed by a blue-ribbon task force and he was awarded Poland's Golden Cross of Merit. In 1962, PAP, the Polish news agency, appointed him its only correspondent in the third world. His articles about third world conflicts eventually appeared in a series of books including The Emperor: Downfall of an Autocrat, about the lapsed life of Haile Selassie's imperial court; The Soccer War, which dealt with Latin American conflicts; Another Day of Life, about Angola's civil war; Shah of Shahs, about the rise and fall of Iran's last monarch; and Imperium, an account of his travels through Russia and its neighbors after the collapse of the Soviet Union. He also wrote for The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, and Granta. In 1981, the government of General Wojciech Jaruzelski stripped him of his journalistic credentials after he committed himself to the Solidarity trade union movement. He then began working with underground publishers, contributing poems, and supporting the dissident culture. He died January 23, 2007 at the age of 74. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
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Works by Ryszard Kapuściński

The Shadow of the Sun (1998) — Author — 2,130 copies, 52 reviews
Travels with Herodotus (2004) 1,735 copies, 42 reviews
Imperium (1993) 1,107 copies, 23 reviews
The Emperor: Downfall of an Autocrat (1978) 1,088 copies, 20 reviews
Shah of Shahs (1982) 969 copies, 19 reviews
The Soccer War (1978) 759 copies, 10 reviews
Another Day of Life (1976) 576 copies, 9 reviews
The Other (2006) 288 copies, 6 reviews
The Cobra's Heart (Penguin Great Journeys) (2007) 110 copies, 4 reviews
Nobody Leaves: Impressions of Poland (1962) 107 copies, 1 review
Autoritratto di un reporter (2003) 92 copies, 2 reviews
Lapidarium (1995) 73 copies, 1 review
Cristo con il fucile in spalla (2007) 44 copies, 4 reviews
Lapidarium IV (2000) 20 copies
Die Welt im Notizbuch (2000) 19 copies
3 x Kapuscinski (1993) 12 copies, 1 review
Stelle nere (2013) 11 copies, 1 review
Lapidaria IV-VI (2008) 11 copies
Kirgiz schodzi z konia (1988) 10 copies, 1 review
Lapidaria I-III (2009) 10 copies
Notizen eines Weltbürgers (2007) 10 copies
Lapidarium V (2002) 9 copies
Gdyby cała Afryka... (2011) 9 copies
The Emperor ; and Shah of Shahs (1988) — Author — 8 copies
Lapidarium II (1995) 5 copies
Lapidarium III (1997) 5 copies
Wiersze zebrane (2008) 5 copies
Z Afryki (2000) 5 copies
Opere (2009) 4 copies
Lapidarium VI (2007) 4 copies
Ze świata (2008) 3 copies
Taccuino d'appunti (2004) 3 copies
Prawa natury (2006) 3 copies
La Mer dans une goutte d'eau (2016) 3 copies, 1 review
Oeuvres (2014) 3 copies, 1 review
Notes 2 copies
Lapidaria (2007) 2 copies
POESIA COMPLETA (2008) 2 copies
Car (2016) 2 copies
Afrika aslanı (2000) 2 copies
Hoàng Đế 1 copy
Gỗ Mun 1 copy
2 1 copy
Szahinszach 1 copy
TJETRI 1 copy
Sjahen (1988) 1 copy
Drugi (2021) 1 copy
Ebbenhout 1 copy

Associated Works

The Best American Travel Writing 2000 (2000) — Contributor — 354 copies, 4 reviews
The Art of Fact: A Historical Anthology of Literary Journalism (1997) — Contributor — 217 copies, 1 review
Granta 88: Mothers (2005) — Contributor — 165 copies, 1 review
Granta 21: The Story-Teller (1987) — Contributor — 163 copies, 1 review
Granta 26: Travel (1989) — Contributor — 155 copies, 1 review
Granta 28: Birthday: The Anniversary Issue (1989) — Contributor — 151 copies, 1 review
Granta 48: Africa (1994) — Contributor — 147 copies, 4 reviews
An American Album: One Hundred and Fifty Years of Harper's Magazine (2000) — Contributor — 140 copies, 1 review
Granta 73: Necessary Journeys (2001) — Contributor — 139 copies
Granta 33: What Went Wrong? (1990) — Contributor — 134 copies, 1 review
Granta 20: In Trouble Again (1986) — Contributor — 131 copies, 1 review
Granta 15: The Fall of Saigon (1985) — Contributor — 98 copies, 1 review
The Best of Granta Reportage (1993) — Contributor — 95 copies, 1 review
Granta 16: Science (1985) — Contributor — 82 copies
Granta 147: 40th Birthday Special (2019) — Contributor — 59 copies, 1 review
The Wall in My Head: Words and Images from the Fall of the Iron Curtain (2009) — Contributor — 54 copies, 4 reviews
Op reis met — Contributor — 6 copies
The Emperor {play} (2016) — Original Author — 3 copies


20th century (103) Africa (636) Angola (56) anthology (115) autobiography (50) biography (137) essay (59) essays (226) Ethiopia (151) fiction (108) Granta (236) Haile Selassie (44) Herodotus (57) history (667) India (44) Iran (152) journalism (538) Kapuscinski (55) literary journal (61) literature (90) memoir (162) Middle East (43) non-fiction (722) Poland (194) Polish (83) Polish literature (89) politics (152) read (88) reportage (131) Russia (88) short stories (78) Soviet Union (81) to-read (374) translation (47) travel (685) travel literature (47) travel writing (70) travels (71) unread (47) war (62)

Common Knowledge




Written by a Polish journalist this is a book in two strands. In one he reviews some of his past assignments, in the other he reviews his reading and relationship to Herodotus and his Histories. I enjoyed both. The fish out of water beginner who is entranced by every country he visits becomes a seasoned journalist but still retains some of that wonder. His interpretation of Herodotus was equally fascinating. He examines his technique as well as the content and proposes that Herodotus should be know n as the first journalist and The Histories would be better called The Investigation and is the first piece of reportage. I liked both strands and they way the interlinked.
I must re-read Herodotus.
… (more)
Helenliz | 41 other reviews | Jun 26, 2024 |
Excelente recopilación de artículos y relatos de los viajes del autor por África. Incluye referencias a la historia reciente de este continente, muchas de ellas sorprendentes y, a veces, poco conocidas. Deja también algunas reflexiones muy interesantes. Está narrado de una forma muy amena, pareciendo en muchos momentos casi una novela. Muy recomendable.
mauromdc | 51 other reviews | Jun 25, 2024 |
«Nadie, lo que se dice nadie, amigo mío, presentía que se acercaba el fin. Aunque tal vez se detectaba que algo flotaba en el ambiente, tal vez algo nos rondara por la cabeza, pero era tan vago, tan confuso que no se podía hablar del presentimiento de algo extraordinario. Y, sin embargo, hacía ya tiempo que el mayordomo deambulaba por palacio apagando un cada vez mayor número de luces, sólo que nuestra vista se fue acostumbrando a ese paulatino apagamiento, y se producía en nosotros un confortable estado de resignación interior ante el hecho de que por lo visto-no visto todo debía ser así: apagado, eclipsado y sumido en la penumbra, en unas sombras tenebrosas y en una nebulosa oscuridad».… (more)
edalmau | 19 other reviews | May 5, 2024 |
One of my favorite books.
Aidan767 | 41 other reviews | Feb 1, 2024 |



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