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Barbara Keating

Author of To My Daughter in France

10 Works 388 Members 12 Reviews 1 Favorited


Works by Barbara Keating


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Busily involved as we are in moving house, moving countries (France to UK), this book, billed as a 'perfect holiday read' seemed a nice, non-demanding choice. A father's will reveals to his children that they have a previously unknown half-sister in France. The half-sister, Solange is equally shocked by this knowledge. So far so good. But soon we get to hear the father's history and that of his friends, all Resistance workers, as the book switches between 1970s Ireland and France and war-torn France. German-occupied Paris, and the effects on the survivors of their concentration camp experiences are all brought vividly to life, and all at once the story became a gripping one. The characters themselves are not so rounded and believable: it was easy to guess very early on for instance, how the story would end for Solange: but I knew neither her nor her Irish half-sister at all by the time the book ended. It's worth reading though, as an account of the dismal events of the Second World War as far as Paris was concerned. It added to my understanding of the period.… (more)
Margaret09 | 5 other reviews | Apr 15, 2024 |
An enjoyable book set in the late 50's through the early 60's about three school friends and their lives in mainly in Kenya, but also Ireland and London. I read it as a friend (Mary Smith) had given it a good review. The first in the Langani trilogy, I will look for the other two books.
LisaBergin | 2 other reviews | Apr 12, 2023 |
Blood Sisters is the first book in the Langani Trilogy. It begins in 1957 and continues into 1966. Three girls meet in a Kenyan boarding school and become inseparable. Hannah is the daughter an Afrikaner farmer, Sarah the daughter of a family that lives on the southern tip of Kenya near the Indian Ocean, and Camilla the daughter of a British diplomat and his socialite wife living in Nairobi.

The transition of Kenya to independence (1963) from Britain is a large part of the plot. The authors, sisters who grew up in Kenya during this period, don't shy away from the turbulence of those years. Each of the girls suffers through family crises, heartbreak and personal doubt as they mature, but they arrive at the end of the book stronger than ever.

It's been a long time since I've read a saga of this type and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Though almost 600 pages it held my attention until the end and I've already got the second in the trilogy in my bookcase.
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clue | 2 other reviews | Apr 6, 2018 |
In Borrowed Light by Barbara and Stephanie Keating is the final book in the Langari Farm trilogy about three women who grew up together in Kenya and are bound together by friendship. Although they all went separate ways in adulthood, they keep in touch and are always ready to come to each other’s aid.

This final book finally finds all three women back living in Kenya. Each one goes through a personal crisis and comes out all the stronger. Their loyalty to each other is tested by loss and betrayal but their enduring friendship sees them through the most difficult hardships.

Although this book started slowly and took a long time to develop the actual plot, I enjoyed this final volume and was happy to get closure on all the various storylines. The writing can be a little clichéd but the authors have the ability to draw their readers into the story and involve them in the drama. There is a definite need to read these books in order as both character development and story is drawn out over the three books.
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DeltaQueen50 | Oct 7, 2016 |

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