Mary Kelly (disambiguation)
"Mary Kelly" is composed of at least 9 distinct authors, divided by their works.
About the Author
Author Division
Mary Kelly (unknown)
Fallgropen 1 copy
Rumo ao desconhecido 1 copy
Le Massacre des Innocents 1 copy
Demoralized Utopias 1 copy
Common Knowledge
- Disambiguation notice
- #1 Mary Kelly 1941- is an artist and the author of Post-Partum Document.
#2 Mary Kelly 1927- is the author of The Spoilt Kill.
#3 Mary Elfreda Kelly 1888-1951 is a British playwright and the author of On English Costume.
#4 Mary Kelly is an Irish playwright and the author of Unravelling the Ribbon. She is the subject of the author picture above.
#5 Mary Olsen Kelly is the author of Finding Each Other.
#6 Mary Kelly 1944- is the author of Environmental Debates and the Public in Ireland.
#7 Mary B. Kelly is the author of The Goddess embroideries of Russia and the Ukraine.
#8 Dr Mary Kelly, lecturer in Human Geography at Kingston University, London.