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Joseph King (6) (1831–1890)

Author of The Living Pulpit of the Christian Church

For other authors named Joseph King, see the disambiguation page.

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Date of death
Burial location
Union Dale Cemetery, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, USA
Evangelist, Churches of Christ
Short biography
At seven years of age he was left an orphan, and was thrown on the world entirely upon his own resources. This fact subjected him to many privations and severe trials; but his energies were correspondingly quickened, and the self-reliance and patience which have since characterized the man were developed and strengthened thus early by the struggles of the boy. The money he expended in acquiring an education was earned by his own efforts: first, by manual labor on a farm, and, afterward, by teaching. No one helped him to a dollar.

He began the study of English grammar, and, indeed, all. the common branches of an education, after he entered his eighteenth year, and graduated, with distinguished honor, at Bethany College, in 1855..

His early religious training was thoroughly Presbyterian, and he had no accurate knowledge of the Disciples, or of their views, till he was twenty years of age. When in his twenty-first year, after going through a long and terrible ordeal in seeking the way of salvation, he was brought to see and understand the truth, and was immersed, in Mahoning County, Ohio, in 1852..

After graduating at college, his first year in the ministry was spent at Warren, Ohio; the next three years were spent in the State of New York, in connection with the Williamsville Classical Institute. He was afterward pastor of the Church in New Lisbon, Ohio, four years; he then removed to Alleghany City, Pennsylvania, and took charge of the Church in that place, where he has been for nearly five years, and which is his present field of labor.


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