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21+ Works 688 Members 6 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: Francine Klagsburn

Works by Francine Klagsbrun

Associated Works

Free to Be... You and Me (1974) — Editor — 502 copies, 8 reviews
The Best of K'tonton (1980) — Introduction, some editions — 123 copies


Common Knowledge

Other names
Lifton, Francine
Places of residence
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brooklyn College (BA)
Jewish Theological Seminary (BHL|Bachelor of Hebrew Literature)
Institute of Fine Arts (MA|Arts History)
children's book author
Women of the Wall
Board of Overseers of the Jewish Theological Seminary Library
Publication Committee of the Jewish Publication Society of America
Petschek National Jewish Family Center of the American Jewish Committee
Commission on Equality for Women of the American Jewish Congress
American Jewish Committee (show all 7)
National Jewish Book Council
Short biography
Francine Lifton was born and raised in New York City. She attended the all-girls Shulamith School in Borough Park, Brooklyn. She graduated magna cum laude from Brooklyn College, where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. She then earned a bachelor's degree in Hebrew literature from the Jewish Theological Seminary, and a master's degree in art history from the Institute of Fine Arts.
She married Dr. Samuel Klagsbrun, with whom she has a daughter. Francine Klagsbrun became executive editor at Encyclopedia Americana and World Book Encyclopedia. Her earliest books were written for children; more recent publications have reflected her interest in feminism and Judaism. She has written about 25 books and numerous written articles for Ms. Magazine and others. She edited both The First Ms. Reader (1973) and Free to Be ... You and Me (1974). She is widely known as a passionate advocate for ordaining women as rabbis, writing and lecturing extensively on the subject. She is also a leader in causes concerning women in Jewish religious life. Her relationship with her older brother motivated her to write Mixed Feelings (1992), on the sibling bond. She has served as chairwoman of the Board of Overseers of the Jewish Theological Seminary Library, secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Museum, and co-chair of its Exhibitions Committee. She has been a member of the Publication Committee of the Jewish Publication Society of America and the Board of Directors of the National Jewish Book Council. She is also on the Board of Directors of Lilith Magazine and the Editorial Board of Hadassah Magazine.
She writes a popular monthly column for the Jewish Week called "Thinking Aloud" and is working on a biography of Golda Meir.



Great topic but way too long, with so much detail it was hard to keep track of who was who.
GShuk | 3 other reviews | Jan 8, 2024 |
Of course many books have been written about Golda Meir including one she wrote herself. However this book was written in 2017 after a lot of information had been declassified. Although I know a fair amount about the establishment of the State of Israel and its history, this book is amazing in the details behind significant events that were not known at the time. I suppose I should not be surprised at the amount of ambiguity, disinformation and outright lying that went on between the involved nations. It seems that every country lied when it came to political maneuvering: Israel, the U.S, the Soviet Union, Egypt, Syria, etc. Just one example is the Six Day War in 1967 when Israel was attacked by Lebanon, Egypt, Syria and Jordan simultaneously. Apparently, the war started because the Soviet Union told Syria that Israel was massing troops and weapons at the Syrian border — which was a complete lie. Syria told Egypt, so Egypt and the rest of the surrounding countries attacked Israel! Secret visits between government officials from these countries went on all the time. I guess I may be naive about how international diplomacy works. Golda also had a very good relationship with Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger even though they did not always tell her everything. In short, this is a very well written book, but it is also extremely long!! I borrowed it from the digital library 3 times in order to get through it. Highly recommended if you are interested in the history of Israel, how Golda Meir became such a powerful prime minister and the "behind the scenes" activities and personalities that influenced the development of the country.… (more)
krazy4katz | 3 other reviews | Apr 2, 2023 |
Golda Meir served as Prime Minister of Israel from 1969-1974, and is the only woman to have held that position. Born in Kiev and raised in the United States, Meir was a visible and popular figure both with the American Jewish community and the United States government. This book is a comprehensive biography of a dynamic leader who was influential in the formation of Israel, and whose legacy is still felt today.

Since I was a child when Meir held office, I knew nothing of her life history and how she rose to the highest levels of Israel’s government. My knowledge of Israel’s history was also pretty sketchy. Lioness addressed both of these gaps, helping me better appreciate the formation of the State of Israel, Israel-Arab relations from that point forward, and the key political figures involved. And of course I know a great deal more about Golda Meir, who showed herself as a leader early in life and went to Israel not to escape hardship or persecution, but because she identified so strongly with being part of the newly-forming state.

But oh my, it’s a tome. I don’t usually shy away from long books, but I have my limits. The hardcover edition comes in at 848 pages, although well over 100 pages are devoted to notes and indices. I read the Kindle edition simply so I wouldn’t have to tote the book around. Even though Meir’s life is a fascinating story, the text can be dry at times. This book is best suited to someone who already has a strong interest in the subject, and will find it easier to persevere to the end.
… (more)
lauralkeet | 3 other reviews | Sep 18, 2018 |
. The definitive biography of the iron-willed leader, chain-smoking political operative, and the tea-and-cake serving grandmother who became the fourth prime minister of Israel.
1 vote
HandelmanLibraryTINR | 3 other reviews | Feb 4, 2018 |



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