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6 Works 142 Members 3 Reviews


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ritaer | 2 other reviews | Jun 4, 2021 |
I would have been totally lost without this book. With it, only sort of lost.
Terrencee | 2 other reviews | May 8, 2019 |
Not a bad summary, I guess. I learned quite a bit from it. They kind of cheat in the review of the Penelope episode - rather than discussing what actually happens they repeat the character analysis of Molly Bloom. That's what I'd complain about more than anything else; there are a few different places in the book where the same information is repeated from other places. Still, you'll need a good annotation to make any kind of sense of Ulysses, and this one will probaby be the cheapest.½
benfulton | 2 other reviews | Feb 7, 2008 |
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