Picture of author.

Allen Lacy (1935–2015)

Author of Home Ground: A Gardener's Miscellany

12+ Works 561 Members 4 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Includes the name: Allen Lacy ed.

Works by Allen Lacy

Associated Works

Green Thoughts: A Writer in the Garden (1982) — Introduction, some editions — 439 copies, 8 reviews
Passalong Plants (1993) — Foreword, some editions — 126 copies, 2 reviews
Henry Mitchell on Gardening (1998) — Introduction, some editions — 97 copies, 1 review
The American Woman's Garden (1984) — Foreword, some editions — 58 copies


Common Knowledge



Enjoyed this one very much. It's another collection of little gardening essays, a man speaking from his own experience. He is obsessed with daffodils, praises or criticizes a great many other plants, expresses irritation at silly-sounding plants names in catalogs and limited selection in nursery stock. Describes many doings in his own yard and garden, and also describes a few others that he knew well- even if he never met the gardener. Each little essay feels too short- but rich with insight and lively with humor (even if he's poking gentle fun at himself). I definitely want to find more of his writings.

from the Dogear Diary
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jeane | Jun 23, 2018 |
This is a lovely and inspiring book by the late Mr. Lacy, one that made me long for spring so that I can work in the garden. The first part is built around the five senses, one chapter per- tasting herbs and vegetables; listening to fountains, wind chimes and birds; feeling soft lamb’s ears and soft earth; smelling roses, lilies, and mock orange; and of course viewing the many flowers and leaves that the garden offers us. For the mind section he ventures into botanical nomenclature; how much there is to know about even one plant and how it works (especially if you get into the biome in which it grows, including insects and soil critters); the history of plant discoveries; floral legends; and how the American yard turned out like it has- mostly lawn and open to view. Spirit is basically that gardening is not a hobby, but a way of being that absorbs one.

This is not a coffee table book, but it contains a lot of gorgeous photographs. All make you long to step into them and enjoy the garden portrayed. His writing wanders at times; when he describes a plant we are apt to learn about its history and uses as well as how it looks. It’s rather like being in the garden and talking with a very educated plantsman. Five stars.
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lauriebrown54 | Feb 18, 2018 |
A 5-star book. A beautifully written ode to the joys of the garden in the third season. Literary, practical and tremendously inspiring. Highly recommended. (And the photos are stellar as well.)
leavesandpages | 1 other review | Jan 28, 2014 |
This would be a lovely guide for places like New England where plants don't get squashed flat to the ground by the pounding rain of my adopted home, the Pacific Northwest. Nothing wrong with the ideas and suggestions, just very difficult to execute when one's plant material is a soggy sodden mass of brownish foliage.
MsMixte | 1 other review | Nov 27, 2012 |



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