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Jeanne Marie Laskas

Author of Concussion

9+ Works 1,191 Members 73 Reviews 4 Favorited

About the Author

Jeanne Marie Laskas writes the "Significant Others" column for the "Washington Post Magazine," which reaches 1.5 million people weekly. A contributing editor to "Esquire," she also writes for "GQ," "Life," "Allure," "Redbook," "Good Housekeeping," "Health," "Reader's Digest," & "This Old House." show more She is the author of "The Balloon Lady & Other People I Know" & "We Remember: Women Born at the Turn of the Century Tell the Stories of Their Lives in Words & Pictures." She lives & farms with her husband, along with their poodle, mutts, mules, sheep, & other animals, at Sweetwater Farm in western Pennsylvania. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: Scott Goldsmith 2012

Works by Jeanne Marie Laskas

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Common Knowledge



I always wanted to read [b:Working|1404130|Working|Studs Terkel|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1193176804s/1404130.jpg|826265]* by [a:Studs Terkel|33716|Studs Terkel|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1445205508p2/33716.jpg], but the size intimidated me (I was a busy teen when it was popular, after all). This shorter book might whet my appetite for that, and that might be worth reading even though it's old enough to be 'history' now.

*I see he actually has quite a few books; I'll investigate.
So, anyway, back to Laskas' book, now that I'm finally done. What I wanna say first is, wow. Exceeded my expectations. Highly recommended.

Best read a chapter at a time, because, although there are many commonalities between the people, there are differences, too, and you don't want to misunderstand what the career culture differences are between being a coal-miner, say, and a landfill machine operator. (For one, the former drink a lot more, at least at the respective sites Laskas focused on.)

The inclusion of the chapter on gun ownership was, in many ways, the most interesting and the most brave, because Laskas, from Pittsburgh, had no idea at first how *not* "hidden" gun culture is away from the urban East.

In general, Laskas gets big points from me for truly getting in deep, and also doing background research. She did a great job of getting a lot of different people to talk to her, take her places, let her try things. It probably helped that she's old enough to be a mom to many of her subjects, and she's not all foxy or dainty.

Now, it's not a perfect book. Laskas is a journalist, and knows how to edit and spin. Though everything she said and implied seemed *T*rue and straight-up, surely other migrant workers, or long-distance truckers, or cheerleaders could say that they don't agree with her book, don't think she spoke authentically of their experience. I wouldn't know. But enough of the text seems important enough that I feel I learned a lot.

I also enjoyed it. I felt that, for the most part, Laskas really does appreciate the folks she spent time with. She seems to have made a serious effort to avoiding committing the anthropological fallacy... she knows, and makes it clear that, these are our neighbors, our sisters, ourselves. And getting to know them is like getting to know new friends.

Wise new friends. "O, just think about it," Joe says. "What is a sewage treatment plant? It's an apology to nature for putting too many people in one place."

I still want to read [b:Working|59649|Working People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do|Studs Terkel|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388210645s/59649.jpg|826265], though.
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Cheryl_in_CC_NV | 28 other reviews | Oct 18, 2024 |
Book 4 - Jeanne Marie Laskas- To Obama: With Love, Joy, Hate and Despair

Seemed appropriate after reading The JFK Letters that I would move on to this but what a completely different book this one is. These are letters written to President Obama and some of his replies.

The book also goes in to some of the letters in greater depth with the author visiting the writers of them and delivering some real feels.

Things I learned from reading the book

1. Obama’s handwriting is appalling...lol
2. Trump’s team spent less than half an hour with the lady in charge of the mail and said they would send someone again to get more details - they didn’t
3. Obama insisted every letter sent to the White House was scanned and digitally archived

Definitely a book that once you get into it you will need a box of tissues handy. Not just for the letters from the public, which are positive and negative by the way, but for the heartfelt responses. Brilliantly told.
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Jason-StrangeTimes | 5 other reviews | Oct 9, 2024 |
Ever since I decided I wanted children, one thing I really wanted them to do was play sports. Mainly football, if my child was a boy. After reading this, I lost respect for the NFL and made me rethink my decision about my hypothetical son (Not saying girls can't play football, in my school we had a team for the spring so girls could play, but it wasn't an official team sadly.) and made me realize I don't want him to play.

Anyway, I was entertained by Bennets life and I liked learning about Nigeria and the Igbo culture. I thought his family history and himself was very impressive. The book was slightly boring but I definitely learned a lot about CTE, the shady ways of the NFL, and Nigeria. I felt very sad for Bennet because if I worked that hard, only to have my work and research be told it was "Bad and unethical" I would be crushed.

The only thing I would say but it wasn't really bad or anything, I just felt a lot of the information was rushed in a way towards the end.

I'm going to see the movie this weekend with my father, so I hope Will Smith doesn't disappoint.
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Summer345456 | 17 other reviews | Jan 25, 2023 |
I still love football, but after listening to this book, I would have no problems if no one ever played the game again, given the dangers and terrifying effects of CTE.
jmchshannon | 17 other reviews | Dec 22, 2022 |



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