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Roger D. Launius

Author of NASA and the Exploration of Space

53+ Works 611 Members 10 Reviews

About the Author

Roger D. Launius is Associate Director for Collections and Curatorial Affairs and a senior curator at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum, as well as former NASA chief historian. David H. DeVorkin is a senior curator at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum.
Disambiguation Notice:

Roger D. Launius writes on lunar and Planetary exploration, history of U.S. space flight, Mormonism, and baseball

Image credit: Roger D. Launius [credit: Carla Schaffer]

Works by Roger D. Launius

NASA and the Exploration of Space (1998) 56 copies, 1 review
Space Stations: Base Camps to the Stars (2003) 38 copies, 2 reviews
Smithsonian Atlas of Space Exploration (2009) 32 copies, 1 review
Differing Visions: Dissenters in Mormon History (1994) — Editor; Introduction — 22 copies
Kingdom on the Mississippi Revisited: NAUVOO IN MORMON HISTORY (1996) — Editor; Contributor — 14 copies
Reconsidering a Century of Flight (2003) — Editor — 6 copies
NASA Spaceflight A History of Innovation (2017) — Editor — 5 copies
Missouri Folk Heroes of the Nineteenth Century (1989) — Editor; Contributor — 4 copies

Associated Works

The NASA Archives. 60 Years in Space (2019) — Contributor — 58 copies
Encyclopedia of Latter-day Saint History (2000) — Contributor — 41 copies
Abandoned in Place: Preserving America's Space History (2016) — Foreword, some editions — 32 copies, 1 review
Utah History Encyclopedia (1994) — Contributor — 17 copies, 1 review
Reconsidering No Man Knows My History (1996) — Contributor — 15 copies, 1 review
Scattering Of The Saints: Schism Within Mormonism (2007) — Contributor — 10 copies
Walking to Olympus: An EVA Chronology (1997) — Foreword — 6 copies
Mormon Identities in Transition (1996) — Contributor — 4 copies
Journal of Mormon History - Vol. 32, No. 3, Fall 2006 (2006) — Contributor — 3 copies
Utah Historical Quarterly - Vol. 59, No. 4, Fall 1991 (1991) — Contributor — 2 copies
Utah Historical Quarterly, Vol. 51, No. 2 (Spring 1983) (1983) — Contributor — 2 copies
Journal of Mormon History - Vol. 17, 1991 (1991) — Contributor — 2 copies
Sunstone - Vol. 19:3, Issue 103, September 1996 (1996) — Contributor — 1 copy
Journal of Mormon History - Volume 15 (1989) (1989) — Contributor — 1 copy


Common Knowledge



A comprehensive look at the history of NASA’s Apollo program and its irrevocable impact on American society. As he considers the many perceptions of the moon landings . . . celebrated, criticized, denied . . . the author examines them in the light of key moments in the space race.

Carefully-researched, examining both the origins and the accomplishments of the Apollo program, the book highlights previously untold stories and insights of the program in the light of the Cold War as it offers a historical perspective on mankind’s steps away from planet Earth.

Highly recommended.
… (more)
jfe16 | May 21, 2019 |
I thought this would be a book about the ISS and maybe Mir, something to skim and discard. I was pleasantly surprised by its scope, beginning with an early appearance of a "brick moon" space station in mid-19th century science fiction and placing the concept of space stations firmly in the context of early rocketry and space flight. This book has earned a place with the rest of the space-related books on our shelf.

I'd be interested in reading a 15-years-later update.
muumi | 1 other review | Jan 7, 2019 |
Examining man’s continued desire to explore the next frontier in the Smithsonian’s own unique way, this book takes readers from its earliest history to the edge of tomorrow.

This comprehensive look at space exploration, accompanied by charts, illustrations, and photographs, examines the history of spaceflight, the dawning of the space age, and the race to the moon. It looks at international space exploration, shines a spotlight on both manned and unmanned missions, and offers a list for suggested further reading.

Here readers will find an in-depth history of global space discovery and exploration from the time of man’s earliest speculations to transterrestrial expectations. In these pages, readers will discover the story of the dream becoming reality even as they ponder the future waiting for mankind to bring it into existence.

Highly recommended.
… (more)
jfe16 | Dec 15, 2018 |
The history of space exploration has brought about many leaps for mankind. Here in this coffee-table-sized book, foremost experts from the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum offer readers a stunning visual narrative of our journey from the Earth to the stars.

From ancient observatories and the scientists who envisioned space, the narrative takes readers to the beginning of the space age and the gateways to space. Orbiting the Earth and reaching for moon lead readers to other terrestrial worlds, and then across the solar system.

A basic shelf of readings on the history of space exploration is included for further reading.

Highly recommended.
… (more)
jfe16 | Nov 20, 2018 |



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