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Le Corbusier (1887–1965)

Author of Towards a New Architecture

178+ Works 3,172 Members 19 Reviews 3 Favorited

About the Author

Le Corbusier is considered by many to be the leading architect of modern architecture. Born of Swiss parentage near Geneva, but a lifelong Parisian by choice, he started his practice in 1922. In 1923 he published his startling manifesto of what he called "the aesthetics of modern life," Vers une show more architecture (Towards a New Architecture). Le Corbusier worked first at simplifying and liberating house design through the revolutionary use of new materials---particularly, reinforced concrete---and new technical ideas for mass production, which he applied in the so-called Dom-Ino and the Citrohan House. In his widely influential book La Ville Radieuse (The Radiant City) (1935), he laid down his urban planning ideas:a city of high-rise buildings set among trees and grass. His designs for large building groups proved to be as influential as his domestic designs had been. These include the famous housing project in Marseilles (the Unite d'Habitation), his League of Nations project in Geneva (unexecuted), and, toward the end of his life, the startling designs for the capital city of Punjab, Chandigarh. He also participated---controversially---in the designs for the U.N. headquarters in New York. In his last years, Le Corbusier turned away from the geometry and pure logic of his first designs and adopted sculptural and dramatic forms, as in Chandigarh. The almost mystical complexities of Le Corbusier's Pilgrim Church of Ronchamps in the French Jura opened another chapter in the history of twentieth-century architecture. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: From Owen Barfield Website


Works by Le Corbusier

Towards a New Architecture (1923) 1,085 copies, 4 reviews
Le Modulor and Modulor 2 (1980) 107 copies, 2 reviews
Journey to the East (1987) 95 copies
Le Corbusier Talks with Students (1957) 65 copies, 1 review
Looking at city planning (1945) 51 copies
Précisions (1978) 50 copies, 1 review
The Decorative Art of Today (1980) 45 copies
A Little House (1923) 44 copies, 1 review
Modulor 2 (1955) 41 copies
Le Corbusier 1938-46: Oeuvre Complete (1976) 40 copies, 2 reviews
Le Corbusier 1929 - 34 (1966) 38 copies, 1 review
Ronchamp (1997) 37 copies
Aircraft (1987) 29 copies, 1 review
Le Corbusier (1970) 23 copies
Le Corbusier (1987) 21 copies
The Home of Man (1976) 18 copies
Le poème de l'angle droit (1989) 16 copies
Gaudi (1967) 15 copies
My work (2001) 14 copies
Concerning town planning (1948) 13 copies
New World of Space (1948) 12 copies
The Four Routes (1970) 10 copies
UN headquarters (1947) 9 copies
Le Livre de Ronchamp (1961) 6 copies
Urbanistyka (2011) 6 copies
Scritti (2003) 5 copies
Le Corbusier, 1910-60 (1960) 5 copies
Le Corbusier 5 copies
Mise au point (2008) 4 copies
Poésie sur Alger (2015) 4 copies
Städtebau (2015) 4 copies
Planejamento Urbano (2017) 3 copies
Le Corbusier Album (1997) 3 copies
Por Las Cuatro Rutas (1972) 2 copies
Le Corbusier (1988) 2 copies
Architektūros link (2019) 2 copies
Le Corbusier dessins (1968) 2 copies
Carnets (1981) 2 copies
L'urbanistica (2017) 1 copy
Le Cabanon 1 copy
Une maison, un palais (2011) 1 copy
Le Corbusier (1955) 1 copy
Entretien (1943) 1 copy

Associated Works

Architectural Theory: From the Renaissance to the Present (2003) — Contributor — 291 copies, 2 reviews
Modern artists on art; ten unabridged essays (1964) — Contributor — 179 copies
Le Corbusier 1910-65 (1967) — Autor — 64 copies
New York (1980) — Contributor — 62 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge



Architecture & Natura Quarterly Document for the occasion of the exhibition Chandigarh: Forty Years After Le Corbusier at the Philips Competence Centre in the Evoluon.

The Indian city of Chandigarh was Le Corbusier's only successful attempt to implement his controversial ideas concerning the ideal city. His masterpiece has determined the shape of the city to the present day. Designed to reflect the spirit of India's new found independence and powerful nationalist feeling, its design and subsequent development has been beset by controversy over the years. "Chandigarh: Forty Years after Le Corbusier" is the result of a major study into contemporary life in the "City Beautiful" and its relationship to Le Corbusier's architectural designs. Illustrated with specially commissioned photographs and several of Le Corbusier's drawings, some published for the first time, it provides an exploration of one of the most significant urban development projects of the 20th century.… (more)
petervanbeveren | Aug 14, 2024 |
In the years 1942 to 1948, Le Corbusier developed a system of measurements which became known as “Modulor”. Based on the Golden Section and Fibonacci numbers and also using the physical dimensions of the average human, “Modulor” is a sequence of measurements which Le Corbusier used to achieve harmony in his architectural compositions. Le Modulor was published in 1950 and after meeting with success, Le Corbusier went on to publish Modulor 2 in 1955. In many of Le Corbusier s most notable buildings, including the Chapel at Ronchamp and the Unité d habitation, evidence of his Modulor system can be seen. These two volumes form an important and integral part of Le Corbusier s theoretical writings.… (more)
petervanbeveren | 1 other review | Jul 2, 2024 |
In the years 1942 to 1948, Le Corbusier developed a system of measurements which became known as “Modulor”. Based on the Golden Section and Fibonacci numbers and also using the physical dimensions of the average human, “Modulor” is a sequence of measurements which Le Corbusier used to achieve harmony in his architectural compositions. Le Modulor was published in 1950 and after meeting with success, Le Corbusier went on to publish Modulor 2 in 1955. In many of Le Corbusier s most notable buildings, including the Chapel at Ronchamp and the Unité d habitation, evidence of his Modulor system can be seen. These two volumes form an important and integral part of Le Corbusier s theoretical writings.… (more)
petervanbeveren | 1 other review | Jun 22, 2024 |
Le Corbusier was not content designing houses; he wanted to rebuild cities. Many critics, even to this day, blame him single handedly for the urban renewal projects executed decades after he first published this classic treatise on the contemporary city. Necessary reading, if anything for recognizing how later architects and bureaucrats misinterpreted many of his ideas.
(From my blog post on Le Corbusier: rel="nofollow" _target="_top">https://archidose.blogspot.com/2013/06/so-you-want-to-learn-about-le-corbusier.h...… (more)
archidose | 2 other reviews | Feb 17, 2022 |



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