Caroline Lee (disambiguation)
"Caroline Lee" is composed of at least 10 distinct authors, divided by their works.
Author Division
Caroline Lee (2)
Once Upon a Pirate: sixteen swashbuckling historical romances (2019) — Contributor — 15 copies, 1 review
Plaid to the Bone 11 copies
The Earl's Brazen Widow 6 copies
Not Half Plaid 2 copies
The Mothers of Sweet Cheyenne: A Sweet Cheyenne Short Story Collection (The Sweet Cheyenne Quartet Book 5) (2016) 2 copies
Ye Give Love A Plaid Name 2 copies
The Thief's Angel 2 copies
A Plaid Case of Loving Ye 2 copies
The Laird's Angel 1 copy
The Prince's Pea 1 copy
Plaid Attitude 1 copy
The Pirate's Angel 1 copy
Caroline Lee (3)
The history of photography as seen through the Spira collection — Photographer — 6 copies
Caroline Lee (unknown)
Running from the Orc 2 copies