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S. A. Lelchuk

Author of Save Me from Dangerous Men

3 Works 276 Members 24 Reviews


Works by S. A. Lelchuk

Save Me from Dangerous Men (2019) 219 copies, 19 reviews
One Got Away (2021) 54 copies, 5 reviews


Common Knowledge



"I know you would," he said. "But that's not me. You know that. I'm on my train, you're on yours. And I'm really happy that I get to rattle along and look out the window see you. But we're on different tracks. We can't change that."

I wanted to love this one. It starts out with Nikki entering a bar, schooling fools out of their money and pool and then tricking a dangerous man into inviting her home. He's her mark and she's there with a purpose. I really wanted to like Nikki.

But with her first meeting with Greg Gunn, I was completely disappointed. Nikki missed so many points that felt obvious. For being so killer, she didn't make a lot of first steps any P.I. would make when taking on a new case. As she fumbled around and made additional mistakes (in between her kicking people's behinds), I was done with her. I hated being disappointed. The story was interesting, I just wish I'd like the MC and her capabilities more.… (more)
Trisha_Thomas | 18 other reviews | Nov 14, 2024 |
Thrillers (in op mysteries) are not really my thing, but this was entertaining enough. The character and central setting were intriguing and had promise, but the story she finds herself in is... a mess, implausible and ill-suited. The writing has many moments of self-published-debut-stockpiece. I appreciate the attempt to write a female lead that wasn't a one-dimensional male fantasy; it worked sometimes, but you've got some more to learn.
Kiramke | 18 other reviews | Jun 27, 2023 |
From the first page, this book hooked me! Nicki Griffin, PI is a bad@ss! She has her own way of handling men who are domestic abusers. We need more Nikki Griffin’s in this world to put a stop to domestic violence! I am so excited that this will be a series, I need more Nikki now! SA Lelchuk, masterminding the ferocious character Nikki Griffin! She is the next Lizbeth Salander.
GeauxGetLit | 18 other reviews | May 27, 2023 |
Another outstanding book about badass Nikki Griffin! She basically has my dream job, a used bookseller by day and a PI by night. She is a female advocate and takes down men who aren’t playing nice with their spouses.

In this book, she was hired by a family, to investigate someone who was blackmailing them. Sparks fly between her and the man and question, when three goons show up in his hotel room and stuff him in a suitcase. Nikki needs to find out what is there motive and a way to stop from killing him.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book as the twists and turns kept coming. If you haven’t checked out Save Me From Dangerous Men yet. I would highly recommend you read that one first for a better understanding of Nikki.
… (more)
GeauxGetLit | 4 other reviews | May 27, 2023 |



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