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John Locke (7)

Author of Saving Rachel

For other authors named John Locke, see the disambiguation page.

33 Works 1,358 Members 45 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

John Locke's works of political and social philosophy, written in the 17th century, have strongly influenced intellectuals ever since - including the founders of the United States of America. Born in 1632 in Wrington, England, Locke studied at Christ Church, Oxford, where he earned his B.A. and show more M.A. degrees in the late 1650's. He also studied medicine and earned a medical license. His studies led to an interest in contemporary philosophers influenced by science, such as Rene Descartes. Locke read widely among them while teaching at Christ Church over the next few years. In 1667, Locke became personal physician and adviser to Anthony Ashley Cooper, who later was appointed Earl of Shaftesbury. Through Shaftesbury's patronage, Locke earned some government posts and entered London's intellectual circles, all the while writing philosophy. He was one of the best-known European thinkers of his time when he died in 1704. In An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690), Locke established the philosophy of empiricism, which holds that the mind at birth is a blank tablet. Experience, Locke believed, would engrave itself upon the tablet as one grew. He felt humans should create theories according to experience and test them with experiments. This philosophy helped establish the scientific method. Locke codified the principals of liberalism in "Two Treatises of Government" (1690). He emphasized that the state must preserve its citizens' natural rights to life, liberty and property. When the state does not, Locke argued, citizens are justified in rebelling. His view of liberalism comprised limited government, featuring elected representation and legislative checks and balances. While a Christian, Locke believed in absolute separation of church and state, and he urged toleration of those whose religious views differed from the majorities. (Bowker Author Biography) show less


Works by John Locke

Saving Rachel (2009) 171 copies, 7 reviews
Lethal People (2009) 170 copies, 7 reviews
Promise You Won't Tell? (2012) 148 copies, 7 reviews
Wish List (2010) 111 copies, 5 reviews
Lethal Experiments (2009) 96 copies, 4 reviews
Follow the Stone (2011) 93 copies, 2 reviews
A Girl Like You (2011) 72 copies, 2 reviews
Now & Then (2010) 70 copies, 1 review
Vegas Moon (2011) 61 copies, 2 reviews
The Love You Crave (2011) 49 copies, 1 review
How I Sold 1 Million eBooks in 5 Months (2011) 47 copies, 2 reviews
Bad Doctor (2012) 45 copies, 2 reviews
Don't Poke the Bear! (2011) 41 copies, 1 review


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Common Knowledge

20th Century



There's been a lot of chatter about this book since it came out. I mean, John's success is undeniable. What author wouldn't want to replicate his results? Still, I wasn't convinced that his way of doing things would work for me. But like hundreds of other writers, I purchased the book because, hey, all I had to lose was $5, right? Well, I got my money's worth, and then some. John Locke has put together a concise and easily understandable marketing plan. Although I don't agree with everything he does or suggests I do, I agree with about 80% of it. And that's huge! Because he talks in depth about things like identifying your market, finding your niche, surveying your readers and giving them what they want. He talks about blogging, emailing your core group of die-hard fans, and creating a Twitter "circle". This is all incredibly valuable information. I'm going to start working on implementing some of John's techniques.… (more)
Elizabeth_Cooper | 1 other review | Oct 27, 2023 |
This book is quirky and a quick read. The dialogues were written like a script format, which is fine by me. I know others have commented on the lack of character building but I sort of forgot about those details once the plot thickens.

I was caught up in the suspense of evidence of lack of that I forgot to ask "who exactly is Dani?" Besides the few paragraphs of what happened to her. I think somewhere in the book, there was a lesbian relationship.

Ahhh but forget that. We have to figure out how the boys found the strawberries!!! That was more interesting.

Overall. Its a fun read. The ending was fine but predictable.
… (more)
soulsin | 6 other reviews | Feb 14, 2023 |
I liked this at first, then I hated it, then I kind of liked it again. It's certainly gripping and funny in places. Worth a quick read if you don't mind horrible protagonists
whatmeworry | 1 other review | Apr 9, 2022 |
Dani is a great character, smart, sassy, and funny. The story twists and turns quite well, and it was an enjoyable read.
rendier | 6 other reviews | Dec 20, 2020 |

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