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Niccolò Machiavelli (1469–1527)

Author of The Prince

493+ Works 38,889 Members 361 Reviews 44 Favorited
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About the Author

Niccolo Machiavelli was born on May 3, 1469 in Florence, Italy. He was a political philosopher, statesman, and court advisor. Starting out as a clerk, he quickly rose in the ranks because he understood balance of power issues involved in many of his diplomatic missions. His political pursuits show more quickly ended after he was imprisoned by the Medici family. He is best known for The Prince, his guide to power attainment and cutthroat leadership. He also wrote poetry and plays, including a comedy named Mandragola. He died on June 21, 1527 at the age of 58. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: Santi di Tito's portrait of Niccolò Machiavelli, cropped.
Via Wikimedia Commons


Works by Niccolò Machiavelli

The Prince (1532) 24,995 copies, 261 reviews
The Discourses (1517) 2,034 copies, 10 reviews
The Prince and The Discourses (1513) — Author — 1,072 copies, 10 reviews
The Art Of War (1520) 820 copies, 5 reviews
The Mandrake Root (1518) 675 copies, 1 review
The Prince [Norton Critical Edition] (1977) 615 copies, 4 reviews
The Portable Machiavelli (1978) 587 copies, 2 reviews
The Prince and Other Writings (1513) 436 copies, 2 reviews
Britannica Great Books: Machiavelli and Hobbes (1532) — Author — 344 copies, 1 review
The Prince & The Art of War (2004) 307 copies
Selected Political Writings (1994) 224 copies, 1 review
O Principe (Comentado Por Napoleao Bonaparte) (1991) 138 copies, 2 reviews
Complete works (1921) 122 copies, 2 reviews
The Prince (Rethinking the Western Tradition) (1997) — Author — 107 copies, 1 review
The Classic Theatre Volume I: Six Italian Plays (1958) — Contributor — 92 copies, 1 review
The Prince, with related documents (2016) 78 copies, 1 review
The Life of Castruccio Castracani of Lucca (1992) 66 copies, 1 review
On Conspiracies (1970) 61 copies, 1 review
The Letters of Machiavelli : A Selection (1988) 55 copies, 1 review
Belphagor (1982) 50 copies
Clizia (1996) 47 copies
Three Renaissance Classics (1953) 41 copies, 1 review
La Mandragorla & Clizia (1995) 35 copies
Machiavelli : The Chief Works and Others, Vol. 1 (1989) — Author — 31 copies
Teatre del Renaixement (1985) 27 copies
El príncipe La mandrágora (1993) 24 copies
I classici del pensiero italiano, 1 (2006) 21 copies, 1 review
The Prince and Other Works (1964) 18 copies
The Quotable Machiavelli (2016) 15 copies, 1 review
Lettere (1984) 15 copies
Le Prince (1962) 14 copies
Machiavelli, Volume I (2007) 12 copies
Brev (2013) 8 copies
The Prince from SmarterComics (2011) 7 copies, 1 review
Machiavelli voor managers (1995) 6 copies
Maquiavelo (2011) 6 copies
ˆLe commedie 5 copies
Maquiavelo : antología (1987) 5 copies
Escritos Politicos / A Arte Da Guerra (2002) 5 copies, 1 review
Hauptwerke in einem Band (2000) 5 copies
Scritti scelti 4 copies
The Prince; Political Writings — Author — 4 copies
The Prince: (Netcomics Edition) (2015) 4 copies, 1 review
Opere II (1999) 4 copies
Politische Schriften (2000) 4 copies
Opere politiche 4 copies
Machiavelli 4 copies
Opere 3 copies
Opere III (2005) 3 copies
Erotica 3 copies
L'Asino (2012) 3 copies
Opere: 1 3 copies, 1 review
Tutto il teatro 3 copies
Escritos de gobierno (2013) 3 copies
El Príncipe El Manga (2017) 3 copies
Prens - De Principatibus (2017) 3 copies
كتاب الأمير 3 copies, 2 reviews
O Príncipe (2008) 3 copies
Machiavelli: The Prince (2000) 3 copies
Dieci lettere private (1992) 3 copies
El Príncep 2 copies
Maquiavelo. 2 copies
Knieža (2009) 2 copies
Der Fürst (2014) 2 copies
Principele 2 copies, 1 review
The discourses on Livy (2008) 2 copies
Toneel en verhalend proza (2010) 2 copies
Le prince (2012) 2 copies
Oeuvres de Machiavel (1793) 2 copies
A háború művészete (2022) 2 copies
Machiavelli művei (1978) 2 copies
Discorsi ; Om fyrster (2013) 2 copies
Breviario (1996) 2 copies
Tutte le Opere 2 copies
Έργα 1 copy
Prose Scelte 1 copy
Príncipe 1 copy
Discorsi - Vom Staate (2017) 1 copy
Mandragola 1 copy
Shasak 1 copy
Valdnieks (2024) 1 copy
6: Lettere 1 copy
Antologia (2013) 1 copy
The Prince 1 copy
Macchiavelli (1956) 1 copy
DISCOURSES ON LIVY 1 copy, 1 review
Le Prince 1 copy
Il prencipe 1 copy
Obras 1 copy
De vorst 1 copy
livro o principe (1900) 1 copy
Urban Games 1 copy
Capitoli 1 copy
Myśli cyniczne (1993) 1 copy
Break Out 1 copy
Oeuvres complètes (1993) 1 copy
Opere scelte 1 copy
Pensieri 1 copy
Diskursus 1 copy
Discorsi 1 copy, 1 review
Opere scelte 1 copy
Clícia (2000) 1 copy
Prens - Cool (2014) 1 copy
The ruler 1 copy
Lettere (2022) 1 copy
Scritti varj 1 copy
Discourses (2020) 1 copy
Komplolar Üzerine (2020) 1 copy
شهریار 1 copy
Mandrágora 1 copy
Opere scelte (1969) 1 copy

Associated Works

Eight Great Comedies (1958) — Contributor — 357 copies, 2 reviews
The Prince; Utopia; Ninety-Five Theses (2004) — Contributor — 281 copies
Social and Political Philosophy: Readings From Plato to Gandhi (1963) — Contributor — 253 copies, 1 review
The Philosopher's Handbook: Essential Readings from Plato to Kant (2000) — Contributor — 217 copies, 1 review
Classics of Modern Political Theory : Machiavelli to Mill (1996) — Contributor — 51 copies
Great Italian Short Stories (2008) — Contributor — 43 copies, 2 reviews
Lapham's Quarterly - Lines of Work: Volume IV, Number 2, Spring 2011 (2011) — Contributor — 30 copies, 2 reviews
The Middle Ages to the 17th Century: Literature of the Western World (1969) — Contributor, some editions — 24 copies
Tyve mesterfortællinger — Contributor, some editions — 4 copies, 1 review
Box of Illuminations X4 Box Set (2001) — Contributor — 2 copies


16th century (395) anthology (86) classic (575) classic literature (86) classics (814) drama (107) ebook (103) essay (86) essays (97) ethics (140) fiction (355) Florence (140) government (179) history (1,111) Italian (410) Italian History (123) Italian literature (427) Italy (633) Kindle (112) Leadership (116) literature (421) Niccolo Machiavelli (516) non-fiction (1,534) own (111) philosophy (2,977) plays (79) political (144) political philosophy (537) political science (771) political theory (526) politics (2,399) power (125) read (243) Renaissance (803) strategy (149) theatre (81) to-read (1,005) translation (114) unread (148) war (103)

Common Knowledge



Machiavelli’s “The Prince” - A First Reading in Reformation Era: History and Literature (June 2024)
Folio Archives 378: The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli 2006 in Folio Society Devotees (June 2024)


pretty terrible edition with a lot of unnecessary footnotes if you actually understand the language; might replace later
mommyferina | 260 other reviews | Dec 30, 2024 |
Shorter than you would think. The "Machiavellian Prince" has not evolved since. There is significant overlap between the advice contained here, and the best performing Machiavellian princes of the modern day.
NathanRH | Nov 15, 2024 |
This translation by WK Marriott that's in the public domain felt very roundabout and stuffy, and therefore much of the more historical quips about Ancient Rome or contemporary Italian politics went over my head. A re-read in the future with a different edition will hopefully clear things up.

Nevertheless, what I got out of this was a greater understanding of why this booklet was reviled in his day, as it is an amoral and secular manual (and at times a satire) on how one maintains power, as well as a comment on the absolute chaos that was Italian politics in his day.

An important work that everyone should read, even though I found it to be indulgent and obtuse.
… (more)
ng218 | 260 other reviews | Oct 25, 2024 |
Nuk ekziston ndonjë vepër politike apo traktat politik të jetë përdorur, cituar dhe debatuar më shumë se Princi i Nikolo Makiavelit. I shkruar në shekullin XVI, me një qasje të re për kohën, përbën një nga veprat e para të filozofisë moderne, veçanërisht filozofisë politike. Princi, dhuratë jo e rastësishme për Lorenco de Mediçin, trajton temat kryesore qe preokuponin princat; të kuptuarit dhe llojet e principatave, fitimi dhe ruajtja e tyre, çfarë (nuk) duhet të bëjnë princat; çdo gjë që- një njeri që ka pushtet ose dëshiron të fitojë- duhet të ketë parasysh.

“Në shumicën e rasteve, ata duan t’i hyjnë në zemër një Princi e kanë për zakon që të ofrojnë ato gjëra që i vlerësojnë si më të dashurat për ta ose që vërejnë se i pëlqen më tepër Princit; për këtë arsye shumë herë shohim të ofrohen kuaj, armë, coha të arta, gurë të çmuar dhe stoli të tilla të denja për madhështinë e një princi. Duke dashur pra unë që t’i ofroj Madhështisë Suaj ndonjë dëshmi të dëshirës sime për t’ju shërbyer, nuk gjeta mes pasurive të mia asgjë prej gjëje që ta çmoj apo ta vlerësoj më shumë sesa dijenitë lidhur me veprat e njerëzve të mëdhenj, të mësuar nga unë falë një reflektimi të gjatë mbi ngjarjet e epokës moderne dhe një studimi të vazhdueshëm mbi ngjarjet e së shkuarës: tashmë po jua dërgoj juve , pasi që i kam shqyrtuar me shumë zell, kam medituar në lidhje me to dhe i kam përmbledhur në një vëllim të vogël.

Dhe, ndonëse e gjykoj të padenjë për t’u paraqitur para jush kjo veper, megjithatë kam besim se falë përmbajtjes së saj, ajo do të bëhet e pranueshme duke konsideruar se nga ana ime nuk mund t’ju bëhet dhuratë më e madhe, se të krijuarit për jt të mundësisë që brenda një kohe tejet të shkurtër të kuptoni gjithçka që unë, përgjatë shumë viteve dhe mes aq shumë veshtirësive dhe rreziqeve, kam njohur dhe kuptuar.
… (more)
BibliotekaFeniks | 260 other reviews | Oct 12, 2024 |


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Carlo Goldoni Contributor
Morim Kang Illustrator
Mark Musa Translator, Editor
Hadley Arkes Contributor
Carnes Lord Contributor
WB Allen Contributor
Andy McNab Introduction
Judith A Rawson Translator
Harvey C. Mansfield Translator, Introduction
David Wootton Translator, Editor
Luigi Ricci Translator
Frans van Dooren Translator
John Lotherington Introduction
W. K. Marriott Translator
Gregory Tietjen Afterword
Yordi Abreu Translator
Necdet Adaba Translator
Franco Melotti Introduction
Taru Nyström Translator
SEM Illustrator
Enzo Decaro Narrator
Paul Sonnino Translator
John Tobin Introduction
Ivars Ījabs Afterword
Rekin Teksoy Translator
Karin Hybinette Translator
Josef Hajný Translator
Pietro Nassetti Translator
Eloy Requena Translator
Rihards Delvers Illustrator
Antonio D. Tursi Translator
Yves Lévy Introduction
Jacques Gohory Translator
Gert-Jan Kramer Translator
Nelson Runger Narrator
Chris Mouwen Translator
O. A. Kallio Translator
William B. Allen Contributor
Werner Bahner Foreword
Dominic Baker-Smith Introduction
Thomas G. Bergin Translator
Quentin Fiore Illustrator
Christian Gauss Introduction
Horst Günther Afterword
Rufus Goodwin Translator
E. V. Rieu Translator
Benjamin Martinez Illustrator
Tim Parks Translator
Raymond Aron Foreword
Anthony Grafton Introduction
Arnon Grunberg Afterword
Regina Barreca Introduction
Michael Ennis Foreword
Tom Butler-Bowdon Introduction
Maurizio Viroli Introduction
Peter Bondanella Translator
Irwin Edman Foreword
Norman Stone Foreword
Bjørn Qviller Introduction
Jaya Micheli Cover artist
Piero Melograni Translator
Ugo Dotti Editor
Luigi Russo Introduction
Benjamin Beard Contributor
Erik Lönnroth Afterword
Frans Van Dooren Translator
Mario Casella Contributor
Hans Freyer Introduction
Bruce Penman Translator
Alissa Ardito Introduction
Brian Richardson Translator
Germano Facetti Cover designer
L.J. Walker Translator
Nathan Tarcov Translator
Hugo Albert Rennert Introduction, Translator
Giuliano Procacci Introduction
Max Lerner Introduction
Jenny Mastoraki Translator
Henry Paolucci Translator
Anne Paolucci Translator
Peter Smith Translator
Felix Gilbert Introduction
pippiavarardo Contributor
M Walter Dunne Translator
Kurt Kluxen Afterword
W. R. Marriott Translator
P. Whitehorne Translator
Stefano Andretta Annotation
Helena Puigdomènech Translator, Editor
Paul van Heck Translator
Andrew Brown Translator
J.G. Nichols Translator
Danuta Laskowska Illustrator
Jaume Fuster Translator
Carlo Depreytere Translator
Frans Denissen Translator
Rick Vermeulen Cover designer


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